
Feeding techniques of raising wild boar

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wild boar is not only very different from domestic pigs in appearance, but also grows much more slowly and weighs more than domestic pigs. Let's take a look at the feeding techniques of raising wild boars. 1. when raising and raising, we generally buy small wild boars for domestication, with a weight of 10 to 22 kilograms. In

Wild boar is not only very different from domestic pigs in appearance, but also grows much more slowly and weighs more than domestic pigs. Let's take a look at the techniques of raising wild boars.

1. Feeding

When working and raising, small wild boars are generally purchased for domestication, and their weight is between 10 and 22 kilograms. In the process of domestication, it is best to adopt the method that domestic pigs account for 20% and wild boars account for 80%. Generally follow the example of domestic pigs fed twice a day. At the beginning of domestic breeding, it should be fed with raw food. after a month, half of the raw food and the other half of the pig feed, such as corn flour, wheat bran, bean curd dregs and powder dregs, should be mixed with appropriate amount of salt. After the wild boar is basically adapted to captivity, the wild boar can be fed with domestic pig feed, but some root and leaf plants should also be fed appropriately.

2. Breeding techniques

The purebred wild boar which accords with the characteristics of wild boar, such as body length, leg height and mouth tip, is selected to be used as breeding pig.

There are generally 6-7 pairs of wild boar nipples, giving birth to 2 babies a year, usually 12-26 per fetus. The suitable mating time is 5-6 months old after birth, and the body weight is 40-60 kg. The principles of early parturition sows and late parturition sows are generally adopted. When the wild boar is in estrus, the external genitals are obviously red and swollen, and when the external genitals change from red to dark purple, from swelling to slight wrinkling, or to hold the buttocks of the sows with their hands, the sows stand still, their ears stand upright, and raising their tails upward is the best time for mating. It is best to use multiple mating, that is, mating again after an interval of 6 to 8 hours. When the female wild boar is in estrus and suitable for mating, it can also be used to drive the boar into the sow pen for 1 or 2 days, when the boar can climb and mate many times at night. After confirming the success of mating, drive out the boar. In general, the oestrus cycle of wild boar is 18 days, and if it does not return to estrus after 20 days of mating, it means that it is pregnant.

III. Disease prevention

Wild boar has the characteristics of natural and clean nature, strong disease resistance, not easy to get sick and so on. The wild boar enclosure should be disinfected regularly and keep it clean. Generally, it is disinfected every half a month, and disinfection can be carried out with disinfectants such as 10% 20% lime water, 10% potassium permanganate solution, 5% potassium permanganate solution and 10% bleach powder. Clean the pigsty at least once a day. Feed clean water in time and do a good job of heat preservation and heat prevention in winter and summer.

Piglets should be injected with swine edema vaccine within 15 days, piglet paratyphoid vaccine at 20 days old, and swine fever, swine erysipelas and porcine lung disease vaccine at 30 days old. The breeding wild boar was injected with the triple vaccine of classical swine fever, erysipelas and lung disease once every 6 months, 2 ml per pig.

Piglets are weaned

There are two common methods of weaning young wild boars: one-off weaning and excessive weaning.

One-time weaning

One-time weaning, also known as decisive weaning. When the young wild boar reaches the predetermined weaning age, the female wild boar and the piglet are categorically separated and weaned at one time.

Due to sudden changes in living environment and nutrition supply, it will often cause indigestion, mental unease, growth will be affected to a certain extent, most young wild boars have the phenomenon of weight loss. At the same time, sows suddenly lose their piglets to breast-feed, and their breasts are bloated and painful, which can easily cause mastitis.

This weaning method has great stress to female wild boar or young wild boar, but this weaning method is convenient, easy to operate, and suitable for factory breeding. In order to reduce the adverse effects on wild boars, the feed intake of wild boars should be reduced 2-3 days before weaning. In order to reduce the stress of weaning to the young wild boar, the young wild boar should not change the circle immediately after weaning, but should be kept in the original circle for 3-5 days before turning.

Transitional weaning

Excessive weaning is to gradually reduce the number of times of feeding young wild boars every day. This method of weaning must be fed in a single circle, and the young wild boar and the female wild boar must be raised separately.

Taking 45-day-weaned wild boar as an example, it was reared in isolation after 35 days of age. Six times on the first and second day, five times on the third and fourth day, four times on the fifth and sixth day, three times on the seventh day, two times on the eighth day, once a day on the ninth and tenth day, and complete weaning on the eleventh day.

Although this weaning method increases the workload of breeders, the 10-day weaning period enables both sows and young wild boars to get through weaning smoothly. Reduce the stress of mother and young wild boar. It has a good effect on preventing diarrhea of young wild boar and sow mastitis.

Nursing measures

(1) after weaning, the young wild boar B must be reared in the original circle, the sow wild boar should be driven away when weaned, and the young wild boar should be kept in the original circle for another 2 weeks, and then be turned and grouped.

(2) No change of feed: maintain the original feed feeding. In the first 2 weeks after weaning, the feed formula of piglets must be the same as that of feeding, so as not to reduce feed intake due to sudden change of feed.

(3) raising the temperature: due to the decrease of feed intake and resistance to the outside world after weaning, the temperature of the original enclosure must be increased by 2-3 ℃, so that the stressed wild boar can feel comfortable and avoid diarrhea caused by physical decline.

(4) the combination of thin material and dry material: the form of nutrition supply of piglet wild boar before weaning is milk and dry material. After weaning, it is also necessary to comply with this mode of supply, simulating the mode of supply before weaning, and feeding with thin and dry materials.

The specific methods are as follows: 6 parts of thinning material and 4 parts of dry material in 2 days, 5 parts of thinning material and 5 parts of dry material in the third and fourth day, 3 parts of thinning material and 7 parts of dry material in the fifth and sixth day, and all replaced by dry material on the seventh day. Adopt the method of free feeding. [9]

Artificial domestication

Artificial domestication of wild boar is generally better from the small wild boar of 5~15kg, which has strong plasticity and is easy to be domesticated. Purebred wild boar has just been captured, timid and suspicious, high vigilance, strong temper, so the field should be kept quiet. After about half a month, some wild boars slowly adapt to the environment and become bold. when the breeders feed, they make a fixed sound in their mouth before feeding. They usually make the same sound in their mouths, and they all make the same sound in their mouths. Wild boars form a conditioned reflex, producing sense of security, which is no longer afraid of people, nor attacks people. In order to speed up its artificial domestication, the newly captured purebred wild boar can also be put into other people's pigs or special wild boar enclosures according to the heterosexual ratio at 1:1. Because wild boars and domestic pigs have strong affinity and do not bite each other, they are easy to socialize. Under the leadership of domestic pigs or special wild boars, they will soon be able to eat boldly and grow faster. At the same time, for the bold wild boar, you can gently tickle it with a bamboo pole, and then scratch it with your hands without being frightened, even if it is completely domesticated.

Build a pigsty

The breeding wild pig has strong wild nature, rough temperament and strong strength, which is very destructive to the floor and facilities of the enclosure.

Feed collocation

Wild boar meat has gradually become a substitute and a new type of green health food for domestic pigs because of its low fat, high nutritional value and rich game. Special wild boar has less food and can be fed twice a day. It likes to eat raw food, eating miscellaneous, all kinds of weeds, vegetable leaves, plant roots, crop straw and so on can be used as feed. Wild boars especially like to eat green feed, which can account for more than 50% of the diet, and a strong wild boar can be raised with a small amount of concentrate feed.

feed additive

At present, nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements are used as feed additives, as well as growth promoters such as antibiotics, enzyme preparations, growth promoters, sedatives and Chinese herbal medicine additives. According to the nutritional composition of various feeds in the diet and the nutritional needs of wild boars in different periods, a small amount or trace of the above nutrients were added to make the diet nutritionally comprehensive, which could significantly improve the feed utilization rate and conversion rate. reduce the nutritional loss of feed during storage, so as to improve the quality of wild boar. Antibiotics and Chinese herbal medicine additives can stimulate the growth of wild boar, enhance immunity and prevent some diseases. After years of research, feeding wild boar with 20 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine additives such as Lei Wan, Atractylodes macrocephala, Cassia twig, Hawthorn, Radix Astragali, Radix Astragali, Radix Scutellariae, Magnolia officinalis, etc., has the effect of invigorating spleen and kidney, digestion and stomach, heat-clearing and detoxification, and has remarkable effect on strengthening the physique of wild boar and preventing and curing diseases.