
How to raise eel?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Monopterus albus is a famous variety which develops rapidly in freshwater culture in China. Monopterus albus has been regarded as a first-class dish in southern China. So how do you raise eel? 1. Prepare the pond for standing water without soil

Ricefield eel (Monopterus Albus) is a famous and high-quality species in freshwater aquaculture in China. In southern China, Monopterus Albus has always been regarded as a first-class dish, and it enjoys the reputation of "Lesser Heat yellow eel race ginseng" in our folk. So how to raise Monopterus Albus?

1. Pond preparation

The core technology of still water soilless ecological culture of ricefield eel is to make use of the principles of biodiversity and symbiosis and mutual benefit, so as to improve the survival rate and growth rate of ricefield eel and control diseases and insect pests. In order to realize the still water soilless culture of Monopterus Albus, we must first create a quiet and comfortable home for Monopterus Albus. The area of the fish pond is generally about 18 inches, and the pond height is 40-50cm, which is easy to manage. The inlet is set in the south wall, and the discharge outlet is near the bottom of the north wall in order to discharge sewage thoroughly; in order to prevent the water from soaring in the rain pool, it is necessary to set up an overflow outlet on the north wall, with a height about 30cm from the bottom of the pool. The climbing ability of Monopterus Albus is very strong. When building the pond, we must build a wall around 10cm to prevent the Monopterus Albus from escaping victorious. Raising water plants in rice eel ponds can not only regulate and purify water quality, but also provide landlords with a nap for rice eel, shade and shelter from rain. More importantly, it can play a role in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Our experiments have confirmed that the effect of flavonoids on rice field eel diseases and insect pests is similar to that of gentamicin. When putting water plants, the area of water plants should not be too large, at least leave 1 stroke 4 space around, so that Monopterus Albus can fully enjoy their freedom.

2. Water quality management

Water quality is very important, so how to judge whether it is good or bad? One is based on the color of the water. Generally speaking, yellowish green is better, if the black, brown, gray-white, generally artificial breeding effect is not good, we can also use the naked eye to judge, generally see the bottom is better, but can not be clear, the water is clear, there is no fish. Snail is very sensitive to oxygen, if lack of oxygen, it will pile up, then it is necessary to change the water in time. The water level is usually kept at about 30 centimeters. In addition, both the north and the south should do a good job in overwintering protection. Although it is frozen and cold, Monopterus Albus can survive the winter safely as long as it has enough oxygen.

Compared with the still water and soil breeding method, it has the advantages of simple operation, fast growth, low cost, high yield, convenient starting and so on, but the necessary conditions must have continuous running water, otherwise it is easy to get sick and die.

3. Artificial feeding

Yellow powder worm is a favorite of rice field eel, so it is a good way to use it as bait to train rice field eel to eat formula feed. On the first day, Tenebrio Molitor accounted for 80%, and other formula feed accounted for 20%. After that, the amount of Tenebrio Molitor decreased by 10% per day, and the amount of formula feed increased by 10%. In artificial feeding, due to the feeding of a large amount of feed, the excrement of Monopterus Albus is easy to pollute the water quality, so it is necessary to add new water frequently to keep the water quality fresh. Change the water every 7-10 days in spring and 3-5 days in summer.

Culture cost of Monopterus Albus

1. The cost of building the pool is 200 yuan.

2. Raising 20 kilograms of wild ricefield eel costs 300 yuan per kilogram of medium size rice field eel (30-50 grams) in summer.

3. After 5-8 months of wordfeeding, the body weight of Monopterus Albus can be increased by 3-5 times. if we calculate by 3 times the weight gain, 20 kg Monopterus Albus can gain 60 kg. According to the feed cost of 1 kg of Monopterus Albus, the feed cost is 8 yuan (if the cost of earthworms and other costs can be greatly reduced), the feed cost is 480 yuan.

4. the expenditure on drugs and other expenses amounts to 100 yuan. The total cost of the above four items is 1080 yuan.

Matters needing attention in Monopterus Albus Culture

1. Buy seedlings indiscriminately.

At present, the number of artificially propagated seedlings of Monopterus Albus in China is limited. Some farmers go to Sichuan and other places to buy so-called artificially propagated high-priced seedlings of Monopterus Albus, which is as high as 120 to 160 yuan per kilogram. Some four species of Monopterus Albus sell for more than 400 yuan than gold. Can you make money by buying this kind of eel? And due to the unscientific high-density storage and repeated transport of these seedlings by vendors for a long time, most of them have suffered from fever, and the mortality rate can reach 90% to 100% when used for breeding. Therefore, remember to distinguish carefully when buying seedlings. Generally, artificial breeding of Monopterus Albus can choose to introduce excellent breeding species to semi-artificial propagation or natural propagation to obtain eel seedlings, or you can purchase high-quality eel seedlings locally for fattening and breeding.

2. Use the reference books of the bookstore as a magic weapon.

At present, although there are more than 10 versions of eel culture technical books in China, their contents are basically copying general fish culture techniques or putting forward some empty theories to make mysteries, and there are very few real practical ideas. It is difficult to succeed by relying on these technologies alone. For those who are first involved in raising eels, it is best to visit and study at the domestic well-known eel farming enterprises or large eel farmers in order to master the feasible techniques of raising eels.

3. Mixed culture of large and small.

Mixed culture of rice field eel and small rice field eel in the same pool (cage), the small eel did not dare to compete for food and gradually weakened or even died. When the bait is insufficient, ricefield eels will eat each other. Therefore, in the mixed culture of large and small Monopterus Albus, although the growth speed of large eel is fast, but the overall yield is too low.

4. The pool is too deep.

Monopterus Albus is different from other fishes in that its main way of breathing is not on the gills but on the pharyngeal cavity, and because the structure of Monopterus Albus does not have a swim bladder, it can not float and stay in different water layers at will, so it must come out of the water to breathe air. The pool water is too deep, Monopterus Albus needs to swim to the surface frequently to breathe, which consumes a lot of physical strength, affecting the normal life and growth. The water depth of raising yellow eel in pond should be about 20-30 cm according to the body size of eel, while the water plant of raising eel in cage should fill the whole cage as far as possible, so as to provide good habitat and breathing conditions for rice eel.

5. Indiscriminate application of manure.

The water body of eel pond is small, and the application of manure fertilizer is very easy to corrupt the water quality and induce diseases.

6. Neglect the cultivation of aquatic plants.

Aquatic plants can prevent heat and cool down for rice field eel culture, purify water quality and provide an excellent hiding place for rice field eel. Eel ponds without aquatic plants can not create a good ecological environment, and it is difficult to cultivate ricefield eel successfully, and it is difficult to achieve high yield and high efficiency.

7, partial "vegetarian" lack of "meat".

Some farmers feed Monopterus Albus with plant bait such as wheat bran, vegetable cake, bean dregs, rice, green vegetables and so on. Monopterus Albus is severely hungry and will swallow a small amount when lack of bait, but its nutrition can not meet the needs of life activities of Monopterus Albus, let alone grow and gain weight. Monopterus Albus will gradually lose weight and die of disease. Monopterus Albus is a carnivorous fish, which should be fed with animal feed or full-price compound feed.

8. Frequent refueling.

There are often breeders who catch things together because of the lack of food security, and often change the types of bait to feed. Monopterus Albus has a certain fixedness in eating bait, and suddenly changes the type of bait, so it is difficult for Monopterus Albus to adapt and refuse to eat.

What are the common diseases of Monopterus Albus

1. Enteritis

1. Symptoms: redness and swelling, Gill bleeding, blackening of the head and breathing out of the water, congestion in the mouth and erythema in the abdomen. It is epidemic from April to July with strong infectivity and rapid onset. The course of disease is short and the mortality is high.

two。 Prevention and treatment: every 10-15 days during the onset of ①, bleach 1g/m3 was sprinkled with water. ② eels were fed with 5g garlic or 2g oxytetracycline per 50kg eel for 6 days.

II. Hemorrhagic disease

1. Symptoms: the body surface is dotted, massive or diffuse hyperemia, the abdomen is more obvious. Red and swollen, some have blood-like mucus in the mouth, lift the tail, and bleed in the mouth.

two。 Prevention and treatment: ① was sprinkled with 0.2mg/l~0.25mg/l oxytetracycline in the whole pool. ② every 5kg eel was fed with 1g~2g oxytetracycline mixed with clam meat.

Third, rotten tail disease

1. Symptoms: congestion and inflammation of the tail, followed by muscle necrosis and ulceration, and in severe cases, the tail rotted and the tail spine was exposed.

two。 Prevention and treatment: ① was sprinkled with oxytetracycline 0.2mg/l~0.25mg/l in the whole pool. ② was washed with 0.25 unit / ml chlortetracycline to disinfect the diseased eel.

IV. New echinococcosis

1. Symptoms: the snout of the worm firmly drilled into the intestinal mucosa of the diseased eel to absorb nutrition, resulting in congestion and inflammation of the intestinal tract of ricefield eel, obstruction of the intestine, and proliferation or hardening of some tissues.

two。 Control: ① with 90% crystal trichlorfon 0.1 mg/l whole pool sprinkle. ② was fed with 0.04g ~ 0.1g crystal trichlorfon mixed with 1kg earthworms per kilogram of ricefield eel.