
Breeding techniques of Yellow cattle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yellow cattle have some shortcomings, such as slow growth rate, poor hindquarters development, low milk yield of cows and so on, which directly affect their meat production performance. So what about scalpers? now the video of scalpers breeding technology is introduced as follows. Breeding techniques of yellow cattle 1. Regular and quantitative feeding:

Yellow cattle have some shortcomings, such as slow growth rate, poor hindquarters development, low milk yield of cows and so on, which directly affect their meat production performance. So what about scalpers? now the video of scalpers breeding technology is introduced as follows.

Breeding techniques of Yellow cattle

1. Regular and quantitative feeding:

The producers of pollution-free yellow cattle should understand the requirements of different types and production levels of cattle for all kinds of nutrients, and match the full-price diet reasonably according to the digestive physiological characteristics of all kinds of cattle. When matching diets, roughage should be given priority to, and concentrate should be used as the principle. Feed should have an appropriate volume, so that cattle can eat, eat full, but also meet its nutritional needs. After the ration is prepared, the daily feeding times and feeding procedure should be relatively stable, so that the cattle can be fed regularly and quantitatively, so that the cattle can form a good conditioned reflex and increase saliva secretion, which is a good activity environment for rumen microorganisms and improve the digestibility and utilization rate of feed. Yellow cattle should be fed three times in the morning, middle and evening, and cows can be fed twice a day. If you randomly disrupt the feeding time and arbitrarily change the composition of the diet to make the cattle full and hungry, the cattle will not eat well and cause "trough loss", that is, the phenomenon of ruminating will occur in the process of feeding, affecting the normal physiological rules of cattle, such as intake, ruminating and rest.

2. Conversion of grazing house feeding:

If cattle farms have grazing land, grazing should be used as far as possible to save costs. It is not too early to move from house feeding in winter to grazing in spring, because cattle have poor ability to eat low grass, which is the saying "sheep look forward to Qingming Festival and cattle look forward to summer (the Beginning of Summer)". At the beginning, the grazing time can be increased for 3 hours per day, and the grazing time will be increased gradually. It will take at least 10 days to transfer to grazing. If you graze completely at the beginning, because the grass is too low and the cattle do not have enough to eat, it causes "running green", which consumes physical strength in vain and reduces the fatness of the cattle. At the same time, due to the sudden change of hay from hay to grass, the cattle are prone to diarrhea and abdominal distension, and digestive function disorder. After starting grazing, hay or straw must be fed at night, and cattle with poor body condition, pregnant cattle and lactating cattle should also be given 0.5 kilograms of concentrate feed. Similarly, the transfer of grazing to house feeding should be carried out gradually.

3. Reasonable collocation of feed:

Cattle forage should be diversified, such as concentrate, roughage, green succulent feed, energy feed, protein feed, grasses and legumes. Forage diversity, nutrients can play a complementary role, but also can improve palatability and promote appetite. Because a variety of feeds need to be matched, it is also much easier to change the composition of the diet than a sudden change of a single feed.

4. Carefully match and feed:

Cattle like to eat fresh grass, in order not to waste forage, to ensure a strong appetite, should be added less frequently. The diet based on roughage is mostly fed by mixing materials in order to make the cattle full of grass. When mixing the material, there is less material and less water in the first few times, and there is more water in the last two times, so that the cattle can eat and drink and feed them in one breath. Coarse fodder should be short and sifted, and should not be fed with moldy and spoiled forage, and foreign bodies such as wire, nails and glass slag should be prevented from entering the forage. It is especially easy to mix iron wire into the grass and cake feed purchased near cities and towns, and it can also be treated by a magnet device before feeding the cattle.

5. Adequate drinking water is reasonable:

Cattle need an adequate amount of water to carry out normal metabolism. As the proverb goes, "grass fat and water spirit", adequate drinking water, well-muscled cattle, shiny coat, full spirit, good growth and development, and improved productivity. In the absence of automatic drinking water equipment, in addition to the water supply when feeding, the sports ground should be equipped with a sink. Drinking water should be clean, and warm water should be drunk in winter to reduce the energy consumption of scalpers.

6. Be diligent in brushing and testing the cow body:

The skin of cattle is a barrier to protect the internal organs of the bovine body. It can regulate body temperature and protect against the invasion of germs and parasites. Every day to brush the cow body, the masses said that "brush planing, equal to adding material" brush test from front to back, from left to right scraping edge brush, often comb the cow body, not only keep clean, remove parasites, but also promote blood circulation and gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby promoting digestion. At the same time, regular grooming, gentle temperament of cattle, to facilitate epidemic prevention, weighing, hoof repair and other management work evolution. Lice and body mites often invade cattle and should be cleared and treated in time. Body mites are mainly harmful to calves in winter and spring, which are very stubborn and can be treated with trichlorfon and waste engine oil.

7. Keep the barn hygienic:

In order to reduce the chance of bacterial infection, the barn should be kept hygienic, and the feed trough, bucket and tank should be brushed in time, and the grass leftover in the trough should not be allowed to eat next time. The cow shop should be cleaned and kept dry, and grass should be added in winter in case the cow lies down to rest. If the cow shop is wet, it is easy to catch a cold, rheumatism and other diseases. As the saying goes, "cows are afraid of belly water" is reasonable.

8. Appropriate outdoor sports:

Cattle should have a certain period of outdoor sports, especially breeding cows, calves and adult cattle, breeding bulls can draw exercise or special turntable exercise, other cattle can go to a larger sports ground for free exercise or grazing exercise. At the same time of exercise, due to the exposure of sunlight, the source of vitamins is also increased, and the exercise amount of fattening cattle should be controlled. Many fattening cattle farms in our country use tethered breeding, and the amount of exercise is very small.

Breeding Prospect of Yellow cattle

Yellow cattle is a domestic breed, because the growth rate is relatively slow, so the meat quality is better, generally southerners prefer to eat yellow beef. However, due to the current social and economic development, the shortcomings of slow growth and long cycle of yellow cattle have become the main reasons restricting its development. In order to improve the growth rate and meat yield, many yellow cattle breeds have been improved through crossbreeding. Therefore, although the market prospect of yellow cattle is good, the profit is very low, and there are generally many crossbred improved yellow cattle.

The Economic value of Yellow cattle

A common breed of yellow cattle inherent in China. In China, the number of raising head ranks first among large livestock or cattle, and yellow cattle raising areas are common throughout the country. It is mainly used for service in agricultural areas, milk in semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas, and milk and meat in pastoral areas.

Disease Prevention and treatment of Yellow cattle

The cow suffering from bronchopneumonia has obvious cough in the morning and evening, clear nose, difficulty in breathing, and the body temperature is as high as 40 ℃.

Prevention and control: strengthen cold protection and warmth, careful feeding and management. 3 million ~ 6 million units of medicinal penicillin, 1.5 million ~ 2 million units of streptotoxin, 20 ~ 30 ml of amnipyrine, 30 grams of perilla, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Bupleurum, Fangfeng, Platycodon grandiflorum, Phellodendron chinense, Ephedra, ginger, 40 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 40 grams of Radix Astragali, 20 grams of licorice, decoction for internal administration, 2 ~ 3 doses.

Hypothermia is caused by a cold wave. Suffering from cow god poor food reduction, difficult to get up and lie down, ears, nose and even the whole body cold, body temperature below 36 ℃, often died of failure.

Prevention and treatment: provide high-quality and digestible feed, strengthen cold protection and keep warm, while intravenous injection of 5 ‰ ~ 20 ‰ glucose solution 1500 ml ~ 2000 ml, intramuscular injection of 10% camphor sulfonic acid 10 ml ~ 20 ml, combined with 60 grams of cooked aconite, 40 grams of dried ginger and roasted licorice, each 40 grams of dried ginger and grilled licorice.

The dried louver suffers from dispirited bovine spirit, the nose is dry and cracked, the feces are like millet, abdominal pain, and ruminating stops.

Prevention and treatment: strengthen feeding and management, match with green feed, provide sufficient drinking water, and strengthen exercise. Take 500 grams of medicinal sodium sulfate, 500 milliliters of water, once orally, or 250 grams of sugar and honey, 500 milliliters of water, once orally, and inject 400 milliliters of 30% sodium sulfate solution into the valve stomach at the same time.

Rheumatic cattle suffer from straight hindquarters, difficulty in getting up and lying down, and reduced food. The treatment can be treated by hot compress: take 15 kg of black beans, 0.5 kg of vinegar and 1 piece of flour bag; stir-fry the beans and mix well with vinegar, put them on the affected cow waist for 1 hour while it is hot, apply it twice a day for 3 days. Take fennel powder internally at the same time, the effect is better.

Relaxation of the forestomach affects the appetite of cattle from time to time, and regurgitation weakens or stops. During treatment, sick cattle were injected with 10% sodium chloride 300 ml ~ 500 ml, vitamin B 130 ml ~ 50 ml, 10% an sodium coffee 10 ml ~ 20 ml, once a day; at the same time, Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, Poria, wood incense 30 grams each, malt, Hawthorn, Shenqu 60 grams, coconut 20 grams, frying water.

Acute rumen distension is caused by rapid fermentation caused by excessive intake of cabbage leaves and vetch. The part of the sick cow is dilated and percussion is like a drum.

Treatment: smash 10 garlic heads, add 500ml vinegar, take orally; sesame oil 250ml ~ 500ml, cut tobacco 50g, garlic 7 smashed mixed oral administration; 0.4% lime water 2000 ml oral administration.

Cow flu suffers from fever, cough, runny nose, tears, dry nose, unstable limbs and claudication. The patients were treated with 20 ml ~ 40 ml Baierding, 2 million ~ 4 million units of penicillin intramuscular injection, 40 grams of Bupleurum, Scutellaria, Anemarrhena anemarrhena, Platycodon grandiflorum, Pueraria lobata, peppermint, chrysanthemum, Shengdi, Su Root, Radix scrophulariae, 30 grams each of Shuanhua, Forsythia, Cortex moutan and licorice.