
Techniques and methods of raising and training homing pigeons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Homing pigeon belongs to a kind of pigeon, homing pigeon is also called racing pigeon. After domestication, it can not only convey information for us, but also participate in competition, enrich human life and edify people's sentiment. Widely raised all over the world, it is small and exquisite, not only good at flying but

Carrier pigeons belong to a pigeon, carrier pigeons are also known as racing pigeons, after domestication, it can not only transmit information for us human beings, but also participate in racing, enrich human life, cultivate people's sentiment. Widely bred all over the world, it is small and exquisite, not only good at flying but also agile. Carrier pigeons are pigeons that people have used to breed, domesticate and cross artificially in the long years, using the unique characteristics of primitive wild pigeons, so that they evolve into domesticated pigeons for communication and competition. Carrier pigeons are racing pigeons, racing pigeons and communication pigeons. The historical records of artificially raised carrier pigeons in the world can be traced back to more than 5000 years ago. Zhang Wanchuan's Pigeon Classic at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty introduced that domesticated carrier pigeons in China had risen about 2500 years ago. It can be seen that carrier pigeon breeding in China has a long history and a long history. The following is to talk about the breeding and training of carrier pigeons.

Carrier pigeon breeding method

Carrier pigeons mainly feed on grains, all of which are cereals (corn, sorghum, wheat, peas, buckwheat, millet seeds, hemp seeds, peanuts). They can eat the above things without fine processing. They can feed pigeons directly from those plants.

Raising carrier pigeons should be fed on time and in a fixed amount, not whenever they think of it. Give them a fixed position of the trough, let the carrier pigeon develop the habit of returning to the nest on time and eating by order. Here is a small way to introduce, that is, in order to make carrier pigeons homing after release, you can take an empty stomach release, homing after feeding more food methods to lure carrier pigeons homing. Because this can avoid carrier pigeons fly out after eating, because they are not hungry so they do not return home, delaying the return time. After conditioning the pigeon in this way, it will quickly return to its nest every time it is released or returned from a competition.

Training methods for carrier pigeons

The training of carrier pigeons should begin with initial training. Young birds who are familiar with the environment inside and outside the loft and can enter and leave the loft freely should be taken to the loft 2 to 5 kilometers away from the loft for initial release training after they can fly normally with the pigeon flock.

Young birds about three months old can use their leisure time such as weekends to train them step by step. Starting from 10 kilometers, gradually extend to the training target of about 100 kilometers. Continue to stick to the form of solo flight.

When the training distance has reached about 100km, attention should be paid to the landmark characteristics of terrain while considering the selection of release site, and repeated release exercises with fixed or unfixed points should be carried out. At this time, accurate records should also be made of the initial release time and return time.

Pigeon breeding needs attention

From a breeding point of view, much depends on the choice of young birds. For the young pigeons born, they should be selected. Such as regardless of good or bad all keep, not only wasted energy, material resources, but also will lead to the decline of the whole shed performance. On the contrary, careful selection of high-quality young pigeons is very beneficial to breeding and racing. Therefore, pigeon owners must pay attention to the choice of young pigeons.

How to choose carrier pigeons

1. Look at the wings. Wings are the main source of power for carrier pigeons to fly. Flying fast pigeons, wings in the first three main feathers of the hair stem is mostly bent inward, such as the shape of three fingers apart, such main feathers are mostly very powerful. The middle feathers are neatly arranged, and the compound feathers are slightly shorter by half an inch. When the wings are opened, the compound feathers can cover the back.

2. Look at the eyes. The pigeon eyes of famous artists look dry and old; the sand of the pigeon eyes should not be too thick, the bottom sand should be thin and bright, the eyes should be wide and narrow, and the pupils should expand and contract freely with the strength of light.

3. Look at the keel. The keel of a good carrier pigeon is slightly retracted upward at the front tip, with a smooth transition from the middle to the rear, not too fast.

Attention requirements for carrier pigeon breeding

1. The requirements of the loft.

The loft environment must be quiet. You see, this environment is suitable for carrier pigeons to breed and live. If the environment is too noisy, the carrier pigeons will not want to return to their nests after being disturbed. He would rather live under the eaves. The loft should be ventilated to the sun, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Provide adequate and reasonable nutrition. Food is the main material basis for carrier pigeons to survive. In order to maintain carrier pigeons 'healthy physique and good racing performance, it is necessary to feed them with complete nutrients such as energy and protein according to their needs for various nutrients at different growth stages.

3, timing, fixed-point, quantitative feeding, strengthen the carrier pigeon rapid homing performance. The breeder feeds the carrier pigeons regularly and quantitatively every day (three times in the morning, middle and evening, or twice), and fixes the feeding trough position to make the carrier pigeons develop the habit of homing on time and feeding at fixed points.

4, training should be persistent, irregular release training is strictly prohibited. When carrier pigeons are released for training, twice a day in the morning and evening, they must persist for 1~2 hours, and the weather will not change, so as to enhance endurance; winter and summer cannot shorten the exercise time, so as to train the carrier pigeons 'cold resistance and rain resistance ability, adapt to all kinds of bad weather flight, and cultivate "all-weather" excellent carrier pigeons, so that carrier pigeons can fly back from hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers away.

5, human pigeons "affinity", cultivate the obedience of carrier pigeons. Trainers must first carry out "affinity" with carrier pigeons, so that pigeons can be called to come and go during training. "Affinity" begins with young pigeons. Trainers should personally teach pigeons to drink water and feed, and make pigeons form conditioned reflexes to training signals; when feeding, they should give friendly calls and caresses to carrier pigeons, so that pigeons can take the initiative to approach.

6, timely pairing, to prevent loss. After the carrier pigeons mature, the temperament is active, and the males and females chase each other. At this time, the choice of mates should be given in time (the carrier pigeons that lose their mates in the middle should also be rematched). Otherwise, carrier pigeons without mates in estrus are prone to fly. Generally, pairing can be successful in 2~3 days.

7. Wash the carrier pigeons with clean water. Carrier pigeons are released every day, and bathing keeps their feathers clean and prevents parasitic ectoparasites. Bath time should be selected at noon on a sunny day, 5 to 7 times a week in summer and 1 to 2 times in winter. A small amount of iodine or 0.1% potassium permanganate can be added to bath water.

8, often check the health of pigeons. When releasing pigeons in the morning, observe the speed, number and flight of pigeons out of the cage; check whether there are abnormalities in feathers and feces in the pigeon loft; check whether there are abnormalities in feathers and feces in the pigeon loft; count the number of carrier pigeons when entering the loft at night, observe appetite and behavior, timely find carrier pigeons with sick signs, and take corresponding measures. In addition, carrier pigeons should also be vaccinated according to the situation.

Carrier pigeon is a kind of flying animal, the shape must meet the requirements of flying in the air, there are carrier pigeon breeding and training management, carrier pigeon normal reproduction, healthy growth guarantee, are the basic work of training excellent carrier pigeons.