
How to raise an egg duck?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the egg duck breeding industry in China has developed rapidly, and the scale of duck raising has been expanding, from the traditional family raising to professional villages, duck production cooperatives and leading enterprises plus duck farmers or large-scale duck raising enterprise groups. Number of ducks being raised

In recent years, the egg duck breeding industry in China has developed rapidly, and the scale of duck raising has been expanding, from the traditional family raising to professional villages, duck production cooperatives and leading enterprises plus duck farmers or large-scale duck raising enterprise groups. Today, with the continuous expansion of the number and area of raising ducks, the scientific feeding of laying ducks and the prevention and control of major diseases have become the focus of duck farmers' attention. For this reason, the successful experiences in production practice are summarized as follows:

Five main points of raising Egg Duck

1. When a duck is laying eggs, as soon as the breeder enters the duck enclosure with a feeding basin, they quickly gather around for food, indicating that they have a strong appetite and can be fed more appropriately; on the contrary, it shows that they have a poor appetite and should be fed less.

2. The shape of the duck eggs is satisfactory, which shows that the duck is well fed and well managed. If the big end of the egg is too small, it is short of breakfast; if the small end is pointed, it is short of medium food, you should supplement enough feed.

3, the eggshell is thin, trachoma, or rough, soft shell, indicating lack of calcium, it is necessary to timely supplement calcium powder, bone powder, shell powder and other mineral feed to ensure complete nutrition.

4. There is plenty of water and feed, and the eggs laid by ducks are perfect and large, usually 14 eggs are 1 kilogram; in the case of insufficient feed and water, it takes 16 eggs to have 1 kilogram. Usually, the feeding and management of ducks should be adjusted according to the weight of duck eggs.

5. Ducks lay eggs at 2: 5 in the morning, which means proper feeding; if the laying time is delayed and the production is getting smaller and smaller, it means that the production is about to stop, and concentrate feed should be replenished quickly to improve the nutritional level of laying ducks.

Select excellent varieties

The excellent egg duck breeds that produce 250,300 eggs per year are Shaoxing duck (suitable for captivity and grazing), Jiangnan No. 1 and Jiangnan No. 2 (suitable for captivity), Youxian sesame duck (suitable for grazing), Putian black duck (suitable for raising on soft and hard beaches) and Enshi sesame duck (suitable for raising in mountainous areas of 800-1200 meters above sea level).

Site selection and building

The site should be far away from villages, towns, poultry trading places, factories, soil, water sources free from disease pollution and other polluted ponds, reservoirs, slow-flowing streams and rivers and other places suitable for building houses and raising laying ducks. The soil of the site should be breathable and permeable, preferably sandy, and keep a gentle slope of about 10 degrees from the wind and the sun. The saleable area of the duck house is 6-8 feathers per square meter, and it is better to raise 9-1000 feathers per shed. The duck house is made of bamboo, wood or plastic materials, with a width of 8-10 meters, a length of less than 70 meters, a height of 2.5 meters and a height of about 3.5 meters. Hang it to the eaves with straw curtains or hollow plastic sheets on all sides, and use transparent plastic film to keep out the wind. In the house, 3 60-watt lights and 2 15-watt red bulbs are installed every 100 square meters.

The bedding materials for raising ducks in the fermentation bed are mainly composed of sawdust, rice husks, shavings, mushroom dregs, straw powder, bean dregs, peanut shells, wine dregs, rape shells and so on. Try to choose the bedding ingredients that are easy to find locally, which are composed of a variety of ingredients and better nutrition, which will promote the healthy growth of ducks more quickly. When making a duck fermentation bed, first stir 95% of the various cushions you have prepared with 5% of the sand without fertilizer and pesticide pollution, then add Chunxin bacterial liquid and cushion and stir evenly for about 5 days to make a fermentation bed of about 40 cm. Then the fermentation bed is directly covered with clean straw or straw about 20 cm thick, and the duck can be put in. In front of the house, there should be a dry, slightly oblique but flat sports ground twice as large as the duck house. The duck water sports ground should be more than three times larger than the duck house, and a purse seine or bamboo fence should be built around it.

Feeding and management of the four seasons

1. Spring: keep the duck house dry and ventilated, add cushions frequently, do a good job of disinfection and cleaning, and replenish light for 4-5 hours a day. In order to facilitate high and stable yield, the crude protein content in the diet should reach 18%, the metabolic energy should reach 11.3-11.7 megajoules per kilogram, and green and concentrate each account for 50%. When the female duck began to give birth, 50 kg of feed was mixed with 1 kg of honey for 3 days, and then fed for 3 days after stopping for 2 weeks. Feeding in turn can not only prevent duck plague, but also improve the laying rate. From the age of 15 weeks, laying ducks should be supplemented with calcium at a dose of 2.5% of the diet, and then gradually increase; when the laying rate is 60%, the dietary calcium content is 2.8%; when the laying rate is 65-80%, it is 3%; and when the laying rate is more than 80%, it is 3.5%. The source of calcium is shell powder or bone powder or cooked egg shell powder. The supply of vitamin D should also be guaranteed in the diet to control the ratio of calcium to phosphorus between 5 and 6.5. According to the laying rate, to ensure 14-17 hours a day, light is very important, in order to facilitate the synthesis of vitamin D and the absorption of calcium, and then improve the laying rate.

2. Summer: do a good job of preventing heat and cooling. Remove the straw curtains around the duck house or open the roof of the skylight to facilitate ventilation. Insist on releasing ducks early, close ducks late, do not drive ducks into the house in the evening, and enter the house at 23-24:00 at night. To ensure that the ducks have adequate drinking water, it is better to use well water. Young ducks avoid high protein content in diet so as not to lead to premature senility and shorten the laying period. Feed more coarse and green fodder to prevent precocious puberty. In addition, young ducks had better not be fed with granules, but should be fed with mixed powder. Because granular feed can stimulate appetite, causing ducks to grow too fat, which is not conducive to egg production. For ducks that lay more eggs in spring and do not change their feathers, adding 1-2% fried and crushed sesame or rapeseed to the diet can increase the laying rate in summer. In summer, fermentation mattresses should be turned over so that feces can be decomposed and transformed in time, and the density of ducks in the house should be reduced appropriately, and attention should be paid to the disinfection and hygiene of utensils and sites. 3. Autumn: in order to maintain a high yield, artificial supplementary light should be applied to maintain light for 16 hours a day, while properly replenishing the supply of animal protein and green materials. Ducks that have ceased production should be removed or eliminated ahead of time or forced molting. 4. Winter: do a good job in preventing cold and keeping warm, and hang the grass curtain around the duck house in time to strictly prevent the invasion of thieves. Add dry padding frequently and thicken the fermentation bed properly to facilitate heat preservation. The dietary metabolic energy level in winter should be increased to 12.1-12.5 megajoules per kilogram. The duck should be released late in the morning, close the duck early in the evening, and go into the water less at ordinary times (10 minutes each time when the temperature is high in the morning and afternoon). The duck should be kept in the house for 5-10 minutes before it is released. Around noon, properly open windows for ventilation, and supplement artificial light in winter to keep light for 16 hours a day.

Male and female collocation

The stronger the libido of a duck, the more eggs it lays. Therefore, there should be enough male ducks in the flock of laying ducks. Raising one male duck for every 100 female ducks in small groups and one male duck for every 200 female ducks in large groups can increase the laying rate by 5% to 8%. Breeding ducks for eggs are raised with one male duck for every 20,30 female ducks. Commercial ducks are quarantined during laying period, non-laying period and moulting period to avoid disturbance.

Regular epidemic prevention

We should do a good job in epidemic prevention. To prevent duck plague, duck plague attenuated vaccine can be used. Ducklings are vaccinated after 20 days of age, 0.5 ml per leg muscle, 1 ml per breast muscle, and once every 6 months. To prevent, aluminum hydroxide vaccine of avian cholera can be used. Ducklings are injected with 1 ml of each leg muscle after 20 days of age and 2 ml of chest muscle at 3 months of age. The immune period is 75 days. Oxytetracycline can also be used to mix with feed or dissolve in water with a dose of 250000 units of oxytetracycline and fed once a week.

At present, the international duck egg market is promising, and the export of duck eggs and duck egg products shows a substantial growth trend, and the annual export volume of duck eggs has reached about 50,000 tons. The domestic market demand is also very strong, the annual production of duck eggs is about 3 million tons, the average per person is less than 2.5kg, the consumption of duck eggs will continue to rise in the future. China's duck farming industry has a long history and is the largest duck egg consumption and trading country in the world. The number, breed resources and production technology of duck farming are in the forefront of the world. The development of egg duck breeding industry has great potential and broad prospects.