
What about bronchial blockage in broilers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although the price and market of broilers are good now, broilers are also poultry and will suffer from a variety of infectious diseases like poultry, and farmers in order to save space, in fact, the density of broiler farming is still quite high, so this increases the disease.

Although the price and market of broilers are good now, broilers are also poultry and will suffer from a variety of infectious diseases like poultry, and farmers in order to save space, in fact, the density of broiler farming is still quite high, so this increases the possibility of disease outbreaks.

What about bronchial blockage in broilers?

Bronchial blockage in broilers is mainly caused by poor hygiene, which is caused by multiple causes of respiratory syndrome. It is important to pay attention to cleaning, timely removal of feces, regular disinfection, dryness in the house, and pay attention to ventilation; at the same time, it is necessary to reduce feeding density, balance nutrition, reduce stress, improve resistance, and minimize the inducement of the disease.

1. Pay attention to the ventilation of the chicken house

Through ventilation to improve air quality and reduce dust, ventilation 20 days ago should be careful, pay close attention to the coordination with the temperature, intermittent ventilation can be carried out according to the situation. If the standardized chicken house needs ventilation in the early stage, it can be pumped out through the fan, and the ordinary chicken house should avoid blowing cold air directly to the chickens when ventilating.

2. Pay attention to the air humidity in the house

The humidity of the chicken house is very important. To keep the humidity between 45% and 60% after 3 days, warm water can be sprayed with disinfectant to keep the air moist and reduce harmful substances in the air. When spraying, we should pay attention to maintain the temperature in the house to avoid the temperature drop caused by the spray.

3. Avoid strong stress reaction.

Avoid cold stress, especially at night and during ventilation. Three days before and after vaccination, multivitamins and cod liver oil were added to drinking water, and drugs against mycoplasma infection were added to drinking water after vaccination to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases.

4. Vaccine immunity

Scientific and reasonable immunization is an important measure for the prevention of viral diseases. Vaccination should be serious to avoid leakage prevention, freeze-dried vaccine inoculation methods are nose drops, eye drops (some chicken farms only carry out drinking water immunity, ignoring the immunity of nasal mucosa, resulting in insufficient immune protection).

Treatment of bronchial blockage in broilers

1. According to the specific situation of the chicken, as well as the age of the chicken to calculate the bronchial blockage medication plan, generally before the age of 10 days, the use of drugs to remove the surface and reduce phlegm to remove the blockage, spend to remove thick sputum. Generally drink water for 6-8 hours, let each chicken drink medicine, in addition, if there are respiratory problems, need to cooperate with mycoplasma drugs or doxycycline to use.

two。 After 20 days of age, according to the treatment experience, there are generally more or less viral problems, which need to be used with antiviral drugs. It will be better if it is combined with strong ingredient Archie.

3. Fever, the occurrence of bronchial blockage of the chicken will more or less have a fever problem, fever is the key!

4. Replenish your energy. Chickens have a greater need for trace elements and vitamins during the onset of the disease, and even some chickens do not eat or drink, and medication does not help. At this time, the use of glucose vc will get twice the result with half the effort.

Scientific management of broilers

Compared with the free breeding of farmers, the large-scale breeding of chicken is more convenient for scientific and systematic management, convenient for the timely introduction and application of new technology, can greatly reduce the cost and improve the production efficiency of livestock and poultry products. At the same time, large-scale aquaculture ensures product quality and food safety by establishing a perfect whole-process quality control and food safety monitoring system. China's broilers have also adopted strict process control in processing, logistics and sales. Through the control of product temperature, microorganisms, physical and chemical indexes, etc., to ensure the food safety of chicken processing process; through the establishment of logistics and distribution "cold chain" system to ensure the fresh hygiene of chicken products; and by strengthening the ability of self-inspection and self-control, ensure the food safety of chicken products "from farm to table".

Secrets of the rapid growth of broilers

1. Optimized variety

The rapid growth of broilers is mainly due to the continuous optimization and improvement of chicken breeds. many domestic and foreign breeding companies and scientific research institutions have been engaged in the research and breeding of broiler breeds for a long time, constantly cultivating new breeds with excellent characteristics, such as large size, fast growth and so on.

two。 Scientific feed formula

Different feed feeding schemes should be made at different stages. Broilers have different requirements for nutrients at different growth and development stages from chicks to fences. According to the characteristics and nutritional requirements of each growth stage of broilers, modern breeding techniques scientifically mix raw materials such as corn, soybean meal, oil, vitamins, amino acids and minerals to provide a scientific feed formula suitable for each stage. so as to provide a material basis for the healthy and rapid growth of broilers.

3. Effective measures for disease prevention and epidemic prevention

It is necessary to create a clean and pollution-free growing environment for chickens, and strict epidemic prevention and control measures. In order to avoid the invasion and interference of external viruses, most broiler breeding enterprises are located in remote villages or sparsely populated mountainous areas. In addition, from birth to out of the column, broilers are vaccinated to ensure healthy growth.

4. Standardized chicken farm facilities

The chicken house for broiler growth is a fully closed environment with automatic control of temperature and humidity, 24-hour ventilation, automatic water supply and automatic feeding, which provides a stable, comfortable and suitable environment for chicken growth.

5. Scientific feeding and management

The establishment of light, feeding, water supply, ventilation and other procedures in line with the growth law of broilers, as well as feeding in stages according to the growth law of chickens, ensured the rapid and healthy growth of broilers from chicks to fences.

Breeding cycle of broilers

A hen can reproduce about 150 offspring in a year and a half, a sow can reproduce about 20 offspring, and a cow can only reproduce one offspring in a year and a half to two years. Compared with pigs and cattle, the ratio of chicken to pig and cow in a generation selection is 150-20-1. This is enough to enable chickens to select the best breeds from more offspring in genetic breeding, which is far better than pigs and cattle in terms of genetic and breeding progress.

During the period of cultivating broilers, farmers should always pay attention to the growth of broilers. If there is something wrong with broilers, they should find the problem in time and seek the best way to solve the problem, so as to solve the problem quickly and try their best to minimize the loss.