
Treatment of glandular gastritis in broilers

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Because the price and market of broilers have been booming in recent years, it has attracted many people to raise broilers. However, some people are not professional livestock farmers, so they do not know the disease prevention and control of poultry, thus causing irreparable losses.

Because the price and market of broilers have been rising in recent years, it has attracted many people to raise broilers. However, some people are not professional livestock farmers, so they do not know the disease prevention and control of poultry, thus causing irreparable losses. Therefore, it also rings a bell for those breeders who have just started their animal husbandry career.

Treatment of glandular gastritis in broilers

Treatment plan 1: add Yinhuang oral liquid to drink water, cure glandular gastritis caused by all causes, subside glandular stomach swelling in 2 days, eliminate yellow feces and red feces, increase food intake, and be cured for 3-5 days.

Treatment plan 2: for the areas with high incidence of glandular gastritis: 1-10 days of age, no signs of glandular gastritis were found within 20 days, fecal color, growth rate and food intake were completely normal.

Treatment plan 3: Beno is added throughout the breeding process, which can be used for prevention.

Immunization procedure of broilers

1-day-old: within 24 hours after hatching, 1 dose of Marek vaccine was injected subcutaneously.

4 days old: kidney-transmitted attenuated vaccine, transmission branch H120Jue 2 times the amount of drinking water or eye contact.

7 days old: 1 dose of Marek vaccine was injected subcutaneously (AA chicken, Avian, Hongbao and other fast broilers can be exempted).

8 days old: Newcastle disease Ⅱ strain 2 times or Ⅳ strain vaccine 1.5 times the amount of drinking water or eye drops.

10-day-old: Ⅳ vaccine for prevention of Newcastle disease, usage: nasal or eye drops. In Newcastle disease epidemic areas or chicken farms with serious disease, live vaccine and inactivated vaccine can be used at the same time, that is, 1 dose of live vaccine can be used intranasally, while 0.2 ml of oil-adjuvant inactivated vaccine of Newcastle disease can be injected intramuscularly.

11 days old: IBD medium virulence vaccine 1 times the amount of drip or 1.5 times the amount of water.

13 days old: chicken triple oil emulsion vaccine (Newcastle disease, bursa of Fabricius, bivalent trivalent vaccine) was injected subcutaneously with 0.3 Mel 0.5 ml per chicken.

14 days old: to prevent infectious bronchitis, 0.3 ml oil emulsion inactivated vaccine was used to prevent infectious bronchitis of respiratory type, kidney type and glandular stomach type. Usage: intramuscular injection.

17 days old: to prevent bursitis, use toxic strain bursitis vaccine (Fabril). Usage: give drinking water.

20Mel 25 days old: 0.5 ml of oil emulsion vaccine of fowl cholera was injected subcutaneously per bird (rapid chicken can be exempted).

28-day-old: prevention of Newcastle disease Ⅳ vaccine, usage: drinking water.

40 Mel 45 days old: 0.5 ml subcutaneous injection of new, accessory and branch (Newcastle disease, paramyxovirus, transmission bivalent) triple oil emulsion vaccine.

Sustainable development of broilers

Broiler is now a common dish on the dinner table. Compared with red meat such as pork, chicken as white meat has the nutritional characteristics of "high protein, low fat and low calorie". From the perspective of environmental protection and energy saving, chicken also has advantages. Compared with pigs, cattle and other livestock, broiler feed conversion rate is higher, consumption of less resources, compared with beef, mutton, pork, chicken production is more low-carbon, more conducive to sustainable development.

With the development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the meat consumption structure of the public diet is also changing, and the consumption of red meat represented by pork is decreasing year by year. The sales of chicken are increasing with the popularity of fast food such as KFC McDonald's. As long as we can gradually get rid of the negative effects of "strange chicken" and "hormone raising chicken", the development of China's chicken industry will usher in the spring.

Methods to prevent collision of broiler breeders

When broiler breeders turn around after breeding, many breeder chickens will be eliminated due to bruising and bruising, especially breeder cockerels, the selection requirements of breeder cocks are very high, and a little damage to wings and legs will be eliminated. In view of the technical requirements of the flock, summarize the following measures to prevent bruising:

① was fed 5-6 hours before switching to avoid overeating and causing greater stress during the transition. You can first withdraw all the troughs from the henhouse, continue to supply drinking water, and then withdraw the drinking fountain from the henhouse before catching the chickens.

In order to reduce the disturbance of the flock, ② had better catch the chicken in the cage when the light is dim. When catching the chicken, turn off 60% of the lights in the raising house first. You can use red or blue light to reduce the visual sensitivity of the chicken, dim the light intensity, and make the flock quiet and easy to catch.

③ can use a chicken catch net to circle some chickens to a corner of the henhouse. Do not circle too much each time, and then grasp the chicken legs with your hands. Grasp the chicken legs quickly, accurately and steadily, do not pull hard, do not grab chicken wings, head and neck, so as to avoid chicken injury.

④ chicken had better be packed in plastic cages, each cage should not be overcrowded. Catch the chicken, enter the cage, load and unload the car gently, do not throw it roughly, and drive smoothly during transportation to prevent the chicken from being injured.

Although the price and market of broilers have been good in recent years, it has to be said that meat and poultry, as a kind of poultry, basically can not avoid the diseases that poultry often suffer from. Therefore, although farmers in the process of raising broilers, can not avoid broilers absolutely will not get sick, but the basic defensive measures still have to be done.