
Scientific loach culture technology

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, I believe everyone is familiar with loach, in the rural fields often see, loach growth in the soil, hands simply can not grasp. Therefore, when we describe others as flexible, we will say that they are like loaches. Loaches can grow in the soil but also

I believe that we are no stranger to Loach, and we can often see it in the fields in rural areas. Loach grows in the soil and cannot be caught by hand. Therefore, when we describe others as flexible, we will say that he is like a Loach, which can grow not only in the soil but also in a soilless place, so it is necessary to learn more professional knowledge in order to raise the Loach well.

Scientific culture technology of Loach

Scientific Misgurnus anguillicaudatus culture technology is divided into: pond culture, rice field culture, cage culture, wooden box and tank culture, fish and Loach mixed culture. Let's talk about pond culture technology and rice field culture technology.

Culture technique of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

I. Pond conditions

There are 3 aquaculture ponds, which are rectangular in shape, with a total area of 0.67 hm2, sufficient water source, good water quality, no industrial and agricultural wastewater pollution, no source of infectious diseases, pond silt thickness of 10 ~ 20 cm, perfect influent and drainage system, and water depth of 30 ~ 50 cm. The dissolved oxygen in the pond is more than 4 mg/L, the chemical oxygen consumption is less than 2 mg/L, and the pH value is 6.8-7.5.

Second, prepare before stocking

1. Clean up the pond. Nurse and trim the ridge and slope of the pool. The inlet is about 20 cm above the water surface, and the outlet is located at the bottom of the pond. The inlets and drains are blocked with a dense net, the bottom of the pool is tilted to the outlet, and fish slips connected to the outlet are arranged, and the area is about 5% of the area of the bottom of the pool, which is less than 30 cm of the bottom of the pool.

two。 Clear the pond and disinfect it. Thoroughly clear the pond and disinfect it to put an end to the source of the disease. Before stocking, drain the water to eliminate snakehead, snakehead and other enemies.

3. Stocking of seedlings

500000 6 cm Misgurnus anguillicaudatus seedlings with lively action, strong physique, neat specifications, disease-free and injury-free were selected for stocking, and the density was 750000 seedlings / hm2. The seedlings were disinfected by soaking in 4%-5% salt water for 5-10 min before stocking.

IV. Feed feeding

Follow the "four fixed" feeding principle when feeding. Loach is gluttonous and likes to look for food at night. After domestication, it can be changed to feed during the day. Four times a day, the time is 6:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00, respectively, accounting for 30%, 20%, 15% and 35% of the daily feeding, respectively. In the later stage of culture, maggots, earthworms, small fish, livestock and poultry scraps and other animal feeds and plant feeds such as wheat bran, rice bran, bean dregs and cakes were also fed.

V. Daily management

1. Water quality management. The transparency of the pool water is 2025 cm, the pH is neutral or weakly acidic, and the dissolved oxygen is more than 4 mg/L.

two。 It's pond patrol and observation. Daily management insists on patrolling the pond every morning and evening to remove the residual feed and increase the night patrol in case of muggy weather.

VI. Disease prevention and control

Disease prevention and control work should abide by the policy of "giving priority to prevention, prevention is more important than treatment". From June to September, dibromohydantoin was used to control the disease every 15 days. The water surface with a water depth of 1 m was sprinkled with 750 × 900 g/hm2.

Culture technique of Loach in Paddy Field

First, the construction of rice fields: the area of rice fields should not be too large, generally about 1.5 mu. The rice field of raising Loach needs to build a ridge, and the inside of the ridge is buried with polyethylene mesh or plastic sheet to prevent Loach from drilling and escaping. Two blocks are built at the inlet and outlet, with polyethylene mesh on the outside and metal mesh on the inside. The fish slips of moderate size are dug in the field, and the fish slips can be square, round or irregular, or several ditches are excavated longitudinally and horizontally, with a width and depth of 30-40 cm, and the area of fish slips or ditches accounts for 5-10% of the area of paddy fields.

2. Species and stocking of Loach

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is best from the original seed farm of Loach or caught from natural waters, which requires a strong physique, disease-free and injury-free, at the age of 2 years old, female weight 15-25g, male weight more than 12g. Before irrigation in the paddy field in late February, 75-100 kg of quicklime per mu was evenly sprinkled for cleaning and disinfection.

3. Feed: after the stocking of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, the mixture of animal feed and plant feed was fed once a day, each time 3-4% of the total body weight of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus for 1 month, topdressing every 15 days, about 100 kg of fermented organic fertilizer per mu, while feeding silkworm pupa, rice bran, bean cake, rapeseed cake, animal scraps and other feed. In the later stage, it is best to apply fertilizer and bait in the fish-collecting pit, which is beneficial to centralized fishing.

IV. Fishing methods

Flushing fishing, near the nozzle, spread the net, release water from the inlet, because the Loach has the characteristics of water, after a certain period of time, the net will be picked up and caught. This method is suitable for Misgurnus anguillicaudatus when the water temperature is about 20 degrees.

Cage Culture technique of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

I. site selection

The breeding site should choose the lake, the shallow water near the reservoir or the living water pond, the water quality is good, and there is no industrial pollution.

II. Cage setting

The raw materials of the cage are made of polyethylene, the wire mesh type, and the cage frame is made of bamboo pole, which is directly fixed in the water. Cage culture of Loach is divided into Loach species cultivation cage and adult Loach temporary culture cage. The net size of Loach breeding cage is that the seedlings can not escape, and the box area is 1025 square meters. Adult Loach temporary cage mesh is 0.5~1cm, the box area is about 50 square meters. The height of the box depends on the aquaculture water body, which generally makes the upper part of the cage higher than the water surface 40cm. Taiwan Loach does not like strong light, so the cage should be set in the shallow water by the lake, and the bottom of the box is covered with 15~25cm thick soil.

III. Loach species stocking

The stocking amount of Loach species in the cage should be determined according to the conditions of the water body, and the amount of water, fertilizer and water can be released more, otherwise it should be released less. Generally, there are 1 200 species of Loach species 900 6cm per m ².

IV. Feeding and management

Artificial feeding is the main way to cultivate Loach in cage. A 2m ²feeding platform should be set up in the cage, which is 20-25cm away from the bottom of the pond. Artificial bait can be fed with pellet feed made of bran, silkworm pupa and earthworm or hard pellet feed. Animal protein should account for more than 50% of artificial formula feed. The daily feeding amount is 3% Murray 5% of the body weight of Loach, which is fed three times in the morning, in the middle and in the evening.

V. Daily management

Patrol every morning and evening to maintain the permeability of the water inside and outside the cage, and can make enough bait creatures into the box, at the same time, often check the net clothing, if there is a loophole immediately repair. Whether the activity of Loach is normal. In the high temperature season from July to August, the water surface covered by water peanuts accounts for 1x2 of the cage area; usually, it is necessary to remove too many water peanuts in the cage, so that it covers the cage area of about 1max.

VI. Disease prevention and control

Usually to do a good job in the prevention and control of fish diseases, bait should adhere to the "four" principle, timely removal of residual bait on the table, regularly sprinkle with quicklime or hang bags with bleach. Bleach hanging bag method: wrap modi powder around the table with two layers of gauze and hang 3 bags at a time, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus has strong disease resistance, coupled with strict control when purchasing seedlings, basically no disease will occur, but in the process of culture, it is still necessary to do a good job in pond disease prevention, treatment and medication.

Wooden box culture technique of Loach

1. The structure of the wooden box: the specification of the wooden box for raising Loach is 2-3 meters long, 1-1.5 meters wide and 0.8 meters high, which requires a smooth inner wall. A 3 cm diameter injection and drainage outlet is provided on one or both sides of the box, and barbed wire is arranged on the injection, discharge outlet and upper cover of the box.

Fertilization and stocking: pile up soil and chopped straw or compost in the box, about 3 kg each, and inject warm water at a depth of 30-50 cm over the soil layer. It is best to disinfect the fish before stocking.

Third, careful feeding: feed for bran, snails, silkworm pupa, fish viscera and so on.

Daily management: due to the high density of wooden box culture, water quality management is very important. When it rains, it is necessary to prevent the box water from overflowing, causing the Loach to escape, and to prevent the water contaminated by pesticides and chemical fertilizers from entering the box. Every day to remove the residual bait, often observe Loach eating and activities, if found Loach frequent intestinal breathing, suddenly stop eating and other abnormal phenomena, should immediately change water. If a sick Loach is found, the dead Loach should be picked up in time to prevent the spread of fish disease. In the later stage of feeding, new water should be added properly or the Loach that has reached the market specification should be taken out to reduce the density and promote growth.

Feed sources of Loach

First, manure is used to fertilize the water to increase organic matter, algae and rotifers, water fleas, water earthworms, wigglers, paramecium and so on.

The second is the animal bait suitable for Loach predation, such as small fish, shrimp, field snails, snails, earthworms, insects and snails.

The third is to collect slaughtering scraps, agricultural and sideline products and processing scraps, small fish meat, bean dregs, rice bran, soybean cake, rapeseed meal, wheat bran and young plant stems, leaves, seeds and so on.

Fourth, artificial cultivation of Loach like live bait, such as yellow powder worms, earthworms, maggots, silkworm pupae and so on.

The fifth is to prepare full-price feed for Loach.

After seeing so many kinds of Loach culture techniques, do you think Loach is actually very easy to raise? If you want to cultivate Misgurnus anguillicaudatus well, you should look at the breeding technology and believe that science is not wrong. You can choose the breeding method of Loach according to your actual situation. After all, each method has its own advantages. I wish you all success in getting rich.