
Culture methods and techniques of imitating wild turtle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For now, the number of wild soft-shelled turtles is declining sharply, and the main reason for this situation is that unscrupulous businessmen catch wild soft-shelled turtles for sale in order to make high profits. Therefore, the birth of the culture method of imitating wild soft-shelled turtle solved the problem of wild turtle from the root.

For now, the number of wild soft-shelled turtles is declining sharply, and the main reason for this situation is that unscrupulous businessmen catch wild soft-shelled turtles for sale in order to make high profits. Therefore, the birth of the culture method of imitating wild soft-shelled turtle has solved the problem of shortage of wild turtle species. Let's take a look at how to breed the imitation wild turtle with the editor.

Culture methods and techniques of imitating wild turtle

I. Pond conditions

Soft-shelled turtle has the characteristics of being afraid of wind, quiet and dirty, so culture ponds should choose places close to water sources, fresh water quality, rich bait sources, no pollution sources, quiet environment, matching electricity and convenient transportation.

Second, escape prevention facilities.

An escape wall is built around the pond, usually a brick wall.

III. Ecological environment

1. Set up the drying table. In the middle of the north side of the pond, an exposed beach is set up in the middle of the pond for the soft-shelled turtle to go ashore to rest and bask in the back.

2. Plant aquatic plants. In order to improve the ecological environment of the pond, the compound aquatic plants of submerged plants, standing plants and floating plants can be planted in the pond.

3. Apply fertilizer. Organic fertilizer should be applied to the pond regularly, and the amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the fatness of the pond water. Proper maintenance of pond water fertility can promote the reproduction and growth of snails, fish and shrimp, and provide high quality and palatable natural bait for soft-shelled turtles. Fertilization can also promote the growth of aquatic plants and inhibit the occurrence of moss.

4. Put in the snail shrimp. In order to ensure sufficient bait in the pond, snails and green shrimp should be put into the pond.

4. Stocking of seedlings

1. 15-20 days before stocking, clear the pond with quicklime for disinfection.

2. Seedling stocking. The source of soft-shelled turtle seedlings had better take the road of artificial cultivation of parent soft-shelled turtles and self-breeding, so as to achieve the cultivation of the same batch of seedlings in special ponds, so as to improve the breeding rate and reduce the cost of seedlings.

V. Investment and feeding management

1. Table setting 2, bait type 3, bait feeding

VI. Water quality management

1. Injection of fresh water 2, use of quicklime 3, use of biological agents 4, use of oxygen enrichment facilities.

VII. Disease prevention and control

Disease prevention and control should adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention, combination of prevention and control, prevention without disease and early treatment of disease, take the road of healthy breeding, pertinently do a good job of prevention and prevention.

1. Persist in seedling disinfection. Soft-shelled turtle seedlings need to be soaked and disinfected with 10-20 mg / L potassium permanganate solution for about 10 minutes before entering the pond, and 3%-5% salt water should be used for 5-10 minutes before entering the pond to kill pathogens and parasites.

2. Disinfect the table and utensils. Clean the table with a brush every morning and then expose it to the sun. Disinfect the table and utensils with 5 mg / L bleach or 20 mg / L potassium permanganate solution once a week.

3. Disinfection of water body. Disinfect the aquaculture water body with about 10 kg ∕ mu of quicklime regularly to prevent the occurrence of bacterial diseases.

4. Bait is given regularly. Feeding bait made of Chinese herbal medicine, vitamins and allicin once a month for 3 to 5 days at a time can enhance the immunity of soft-shelled turtle and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

5. Disease treatment. Once the soft-shelled turtle occurs, it should be diagnosed in time and prescribe the right medicine to the case. The drugs used for treatment must comply with the provisions of the national standards for the use of fishery drugs.

VIII. Daily management

Keep patrolling the pond once a day in the morning and in the evening. Check whether the escape prevention facilities are in good condition, and if damage is found, timely measures should be taken.

How to distinguish between good and bad imitation wild soft-shelled turtle

First, the back shell of greenhouse turtle is mostly black and yellow, and rough and non-glossy, touching the back shell of soft-shelled turtle will feel uneven and stinging; the back shell of mountain spring turtle is mostly cyan and glossy, the edge of skirt is thick, feel smooth and delicate with hand touch.

Second, the belly of greenhouse soft-shelled turtle will have a lot of dark color, hypertrophy, viscera will have a lot of fat; mountain spring soft-shelled turtle abdomen is a natural white through red, blood veins are clear, cut open rarely have a lot of oil.

Third, after the greenhouse soft-shelled turtle is processed and cooked, the soft-shelled turtle shell is broken with teeth, and the bone is very loose; the soft-shelled turtle shell of the mountain spring soft-shelled turtle is relatively hard, which is totally different from the one raised.

Breeding techniques of soft-shelled turtle

1. The production of the incubator: pine is the best wood for making the incubator. It not only has insecticidal effect, but also does not decay easily after being exposed to moisture, does not breed mold, and will not affect the air permeability and filterability of hatching sand. The specifications of the incubator are generally 80 cm long, 50 cm wide, 40 cm high at the front end and 60 cm high at the back end, with an inclined upper mouth. There are 2-3 filter holes at the bottom of the box to facilitate the residual water to be filtered out of the box when hatching. In order to observe the hatching in the box, the upper cover and front baffle of the box can be used with flat glass device, which can be used after disinfection.

2. The choice of sand for hatching: in the breeding of soft-shelled turtle, the effect of pure river sand and pure medium sand (sand diameter 1.43-1.5 mm) is the best, because of its uniform thickness and good air permeability, it can make the water content, oxygen supply and heat transfer during hatching more uniform. The selected sand can only be used after exposure, boiling or bleaching powder disinfection and sterilization. It is necessary to test its water content before use, because the humidity of sand is an important factor to determine the hatching rate. Generally, the "hand sand test" can be used to identify its humidity. That is, hold the wet sand tightly with the hand, the finger seam does not drip water, after releasing the hand, the wet sand forms a ball, drop the sand mass gently, and disperse when it falls to the ground, indicating that its water content is about 5-12% and can be hatched in the box; if you hold the wet sand tightly with your hand, the water dripping at the finger seam or the sand does not form a mass after loosening the hand, indicating that the humidity is too large or too small to be used.

3. The laying of sand and eggs: in the breeding of soft-shelled turtle, the bottom of the incubator is laid with coarse pebbles (egg diameter 0.5-1 cm), coarse sand (sand diameter 2-3 mm) and medium sand 3-5 cm respectively. Then put 2-3 layers of fertilized eggs, the white spot of the egg (animal pole) upward is better, the distance between the egg and the egg is about 1 cm, and the "product" shape is laid between the upper and lower layers. The eggs are then laid with 5 cm medium sand and 1-2 cm thick fine sand, which is mainly used to maintain humidity and prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly. Spread a layer of towels on the fine sand and spray water on the towels to keep the humidity in the box uniform.

4. Incubator storage: in the breeding of soft-shelled turtle, the incubator can be stored in a room where the temperature is relatively stable, the environment is quiet and easy to manage, such as a plastic greenhouse, if there are only 1 or 2 boxes, it can also be placed in the living room. After the eggs and sand in the box are put away, a flume should be placed on a slope between the left and right edges of the box and the sand surface, and the young soft-shelled turtles will swim in the water by themselves after giving out the shell. In order to prevent ants and other insects from harming turtle eggs, you can put a large plate at the bottom of the box, fill it with water, and seal the bottom of the box with water. Under the condition that the temperature change is not affected, ventilation and indoor lighting should be increased as far as possible.

Imitating the living habits of wild soft-shelled turtle

It can be simply summarized as "three joys and three fears", that is, Xi Jie is afraid of dirty, Xi Yang is afraid of the wind, Xi Jing is afraid of shock. In the natural environment, soft-shelled turtles like to inhabit clean rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds and other waters, and often lie on the sunny bank during the calm day to bask in the sun (commonly known as sun back), using ultraviolet rays in the sun to kill pathogenic bacteria on the body surface, promote the healing of the injured body surface, and increase body temperature by basking in the back to promote food digestion. Soft-shelled turtles are very timid and sensitive to the sound and movement of objects in their surroundings and dive to the bottom of the water as soon as the wind blows. Soft-shelled turtles are ferocious by nature, bullying and bullying among groups are common, and they eat their own kind when food is scarce. During the growth period, the soft-shelled turtle mainly breathed through the lungs. When the water temperature was below 15 ℃, the soft-shelled turtle dived into the bottom of the pond and began to hibernate and breathed by auxiliary respiratory organs such as the Gill tissue of the larynx. The Hangjiahu area is the hibernating period of the soft-shelled turtle from mid-November to mid-April of the following year.

The above editor explained the culture technology of imitation wild turtle and introduced the living habits of imitation wild turtle. I believe you will have a preliminary understanding after reading it. Today, the aquaculture industry can not only protect wild soft-shelled turtle, but also bring better quality enjoyment to our consumers, and at the same time bring considerable income to farmers.