
Culture techniques of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe a lot of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco like to eat, this kind of fish is rich in protein, so its nutritional value is very high, many people like to eat, whether in the supermarket or in the vegetable market can also be seen everywhere, but how on earth so many Pelteobagrus fulvidraco are cultured

I believe a lot of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco like to eat, this kind of fish is rich in protein, so its nutritional value is very high, many people like to eat, whether in the supermarket or in the vegetable market can also be seen everywhere, but how on earth is so many Pelteobagrus fulvidraco cultured? Let's learn about the culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco with the editor.

Seedling cultivation of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

1. The conditions of the cultivation pond: the area of the cultivation pond should be 1 mu, which requires sufficient water source, fresh water quality, convenient injection and drainage, remove too much silt from the bottom of the pond (keep about 10 cm) before releasing seedlings, and renovate the pond dike to prevent leakage.

2. Clearing ponds and fertilizing water: 10 to 15 days before fry stocking, 150 kg of quicklime per mu is used to dry clean the ponds to kill wild miscellaneous fish, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and other enemy organisms. Seven days before stocking, 30 cm of water was injected into the pond, and the mouth of the pipe was filtered with a 40-mesh silk mesh to prevent the entry of wild fish and enemy organisms. 4 kilograms of biological fertilizer and water king are used per mu to cultivate fish fry with palatable natural bait, and 3 kilograms of inorganic fertilizer can be applied to newly opened ponds.

3. Fish fry stocking: the suitable stocking density of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco fry is 30 ~ 50,000 fry per mu, and it is better to be reared alone, not mixed with common carp and crucian carp fry. The fry in the pond had better be the same batch of fry, such as the hatching time is different, it is easy to make the fry grow unevenly, resulting in a decline in survival rate. The pond water temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen and ammonia nitrogen should be measured before releasing the fry. The water temperature in the fry bag and the pond water temperature should not exceed 2 ℃, the pH value should be between 6.8 and 7.5, the dissolved oxygen should be more than 5 mg / L, and the ammonia nitrogen should be less than 0.06 mg / L.

4. Fish fry cultivation: for the larvae that have just hatched out of the membrane, the yolk sac has not completely disappeared and their swimming ability is weak. They like to cluster at the bottom of the water body and feed on small zooplankton such as rotifers. The adequate cultivation of natural bait at the initial stage will greatly improve the survival rate of fish fry. If insufficient bait is found, artificial feeding of rotifers, addition of organic fertilizer, cutting grass and heap composting, and sprinkling soybean milk twice in the morning and evening can be used to promote zooplankton reproduction. With the growth of fish, the activity and feeding ability of fish fry increased obviously. At this time, it is necessary to gradually raise the water level of the pond to 0.8-1.5 meters in order to increase the space for fish activities. When the length reaches 2cm to 3cm, the natural bait in the pond can no longer meet its feeding needs, so the special expanded floating feed for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco can be used for artificial introduction and domestication. The feeding amount depends on the feeding condition of the fry, and the feeding amount shall prevail after eating.

5. Daily management: keep patrolling the pond every day, pay attention to observing the water color and the food intake and activity of fish, and keep the water quality fresh, sufficient dissolved oxygen and rich food organisms by means of water injection, the use of microbial preparations, sprinkling fertilizer and turning on the aerator. Every once in a while, the pond is insecticidal and sterilized, and immune agents such as vitamin C are regularly added to the feed to improve the disease resistance of fish fry and prevent the occurrence of fish disease.

The living habits of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has very characteristic habits, it has strong adaptability in the wild, like living in groups, low temperature tolerance, hypoxia tolerance, pollution tolerance, and has a wide range of adaptation to water temperature. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is widely distributed in China, including rivers, lakes and streams. It is a small fish, generally only a few two weights, more than 1 jin of very few, but there is a "Huaihe", the largest individual can reach more than 3 kilograms.

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has the habit of benthic carnivorous fish. it likes to eat small fish, shrimp, zooplankton and insects. When you are hungry, you also eat some vegetarian foods (such as baked dried tofu), but not often. It eats bait greedily and ferociously, has a sensitive sense of smell, hearing and touch, and has the habit of drilling and eating everywhere.

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco also has the habit of being afraid of light, and most of them live at the bottom of the water or hidden places with weak light during the day. They come out in the evening, night and early morning, and are very active in cloudy and rainy days.

Culture cycle of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

The density and pattern of culture will be different in different places, and the general short cycle in Northeast China should be around May or June. If raised in the Pearl River Delta, the general culture density is 5-8 cm fish fry 250-30 000 / mu, the culture period is about 12-15 months, and the yield per mu is 3500-5000 jin (depending on culture level and death).

Matters needing attention in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco culture

First, keep the water body with high dissolved oxygen. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has higher requirements for dissolved oxygen in pond water, so mixed culture requires fresh water, sufficient dissolved oxygen, timely injection of new water in growing season, and frequent change of water in high temperature season, such as keeping micro-running water.

Second, keep reasonable stocking density and stocking specifications. According to the feed biomass of the water body, the proportion of mixed culture and the stocking specification should be determined scientifically and rationally. the general water body should be 30 ~ 60 tails, and the stocking specification is 3 cm / tail ~ 4 cm / tail. If the density is too large and the specification is too small, it will not be able to meet the listing specification at the end of the year.

Third, after mixed culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in fish ponds, it is no longer suitable for mixed culture of other carnivorous fishes, and it is not suitable for mixed culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in the culture ponds of freshwater prawns and crayfish.

4. in the process of culture, if the size of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is found to be too small, which indicates that the biomass of natural bait in the fish pond is insufficient, we can properly supplement small miscellaneous fish and shrimp, summer flowers of domestic fish or feed the specially prepared Pelteobagrus fulvidraco bait. When feeding artificial bait, the main breeds should be fed first (in shallow water), and then Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (in deep water). Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has the habit of sleeping during the day and going out at night, so the bait should be mainly at night.

The above introduced the Pelteobagrus fulvidraco culture technology, I believe we have a better understanding of the living habits of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, in fact, fish culture should also be adjusted according to its characteristics, a good way to raise high-quality fish, Xiaobian believes that as long as you pay, there will be a harvest, so we should constantly sum up experience, I believe that everyone's careful breeding must have good economic benefits!