
Breeding technique of Meat Dog

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Meat dog is a very lovely animal, sometimes very ferocious, many families will keep it as a pet, but meat dog is also a nutritious delicacy, which is loved by foodies and the demand of the market. Meat dog breeding has become a better start-up project.

Meat dog is a very lovely animal, sometimes very ferocious, many families will keep it as a pet, but meat dog is also a nutritious delicacy, which is loved by foodies and the demand of the market. Meat dog breeding has become a better start-up project. The following is to introduce the meat dog breeding video, more intuitively to understand the meat dog breeding method!

Technical video of meat dog breeding

1. Site selection: large groups of kennels choose high-lying, dry, flat and slightly sloping sandy land, leeward to the sun, summer shade and ventilation, and warm places all day in winter. The groundwater level of the kennel should be low to avoid low-lying dampness. Kennels should face south or southeast, and should be in the downwind of residential areas, more secluded places, sufficient water, good water quality, convenient transportation, easy power supply, and a certain distance from residential areas, traffic roads, livestock and poultry farms, sewage puddles and chemical plants.

2. Selection and introduction: the breeds of meat dogs should be of large body size, low food intake, high meat production rate and delicious meat quality. adult dogs should weigh more than 25kg, have a mild temperament, have poor sensitivity to external stimuli, less activity, not ferocious, and should be kept in captivity. Fattening dogs had better adopt hybrid puppies and keep them in captivity.

3. Construction of kennels: the construction of kennels should be sturdy and durable, and must conform to the living habits and sanitary conditions of dogs. Each kennel should have a separate sports ground, the kennel should be made of brick cement structure, and the doors and windows can be made of steel and wood. The playground should be made of cement or concrete, with a slight slope, easy to drain, and the partition wall should be surrounded by angle iron, steel pipe and barbed wire. It is also convenient for cleaning, washing and disinfection. The area shall be determined according to the use and needs of the dog, with an area of not less than 10-12 square meters and a height of not less than 2 meters, including 2-3 square meters for dogs, 3-4 square meters for breeding bitches, and no less than 6-8 square meters for young kennels.

4. Puppy breeding: no more than 30 puppies are divided into groups according to their size and strength. Porridge is fed continuously for 10-15 days. With the increase of age, porridge changes from thin to thick until it is made into dried rice or Wotou. Vegetable soup is made with meat, vegetables and vitamin additives, fed three times a day and one more meal at night. The puppy adapts to the new environment and can be dewormed after eating normally. 100 mg paracetamol is used per kilogram of body weight, once for 3 days, preferably in the morning before feeding.

5. Reasonable castration: male dogs should be castrated in time. The best time for castration is to inject 0.5 ml of castration into the testis within 1 month after the full moon.

6. Reasonable feeding: commercial meat dogs should be fed with a formula of 35% rice, 25% corn flour, 10% sorghum noodle, 10% bean cake, 10% wheat bran, 7% fish meal, 2% bone meal, or 20% rice, 25% wheat bran, 8% cooked potatoes, 20% corn flour, 10% bean cake, 1% bone meal, 10% fish meal, 5% mixed animals. 5 grams of multivitamin, 15 grams of copper sulfate and 10 grams of zinc sulfate are added to every 100 kg feed, and the feed should be made into dry rice or nest head. 1-month-old puppies should be fed with protein feed such as animal viscera in addition to the above-mentioned formula feed. 2-month-old puppies appropriately increased viscera, butter, oil dregs and other fatty feed to facilitate fattening. In addition to the above ingredients, each 3-month-old dog is supplemented with 25 grams of meat and 250 grams of green feed every day, while ensuring adequate clean drinking water. Dogs should not be fed raw food, animal feed is essential every day, according to 1 kg body weight 20-25 grams per day, dog food must be high-quality, fresh, now feed now, do not eat leftovers.

7. epidemic prevention and disease eradication: meat dogs generally have few patients, but group breeding should be taken as a precaution. Therefore, the kennel and dog body should be often washed with medicine, breed dogs are required to be injected with rabies vaccine, in summer kennels are easy to produce odor and odor can be used with ozone electronic meter disinfector, adequate drinking water utensils should be set up to provide adequate clean drinking water to ensure cleanliness, kennels and sports grounds should be cleaned every day, feeding utensils should be washed every day, and regular disinfection, mat grass should be changed and dried frequently. In order to prevent infectious and parasitic diseases of dogs, such as canine distemper, rabies, canine enteritis, canine hepatitis, etc., canine vaccine can be used to mix seeds, combined with intramuscular injection of immunoglobulin, with good results.

How to choose a meat dog?

(1) the choice of young dogs. Most of the dogs raised in the new farm are introduced puppies, which are generally introduced when weaning and nesting. The selection is mainly based on pedigree, traits of parents, birth date and growth status of puppies. It is required to have a clear pedigree, a good coat color of both parents, a large number of animals in the same litter (more than 6 German shepherds and 8 red Soviet Union), high survival rate and early birth (born before mid-April). Because the puppies born later are 20%, 30% non-estrus the following year, so such dogs cannot be used as breeds. In addition, the body should be symmetrical and the quilt should be smooth. Farmers are required to bring genealogies in order to understand the production performance of breed parents, grandparents and grandparents, so as to organize production when they return to the field.

(2) the choice of adult dogs.

Adult bitches must choose the same coat color, early estrus (before mid-March) and more offspring (more than 8). Those with high survival rate are used for breeding; at the same time, bitches are required to have high lactation, strong motherhood and no addiction. In addition to requiring a good coat color, male dogs must have strong breeding ability (more than ten times a year). The female dogs with high litter rate and survival rate are used for breeding. The age requirement is less than 5 years old, and those who breed dogs are too old will decrease their reproductive ability. The body type requires 12 months, the male dog weighs more than 40 kilograms and the body height is more than 75 centimeters, and the female dog weighs more than 35 kilograms and the body height is more than 65 centimeters. It is difficult to introduce a good adult dog in practice, and you will not buy a good adult breed dog unless you take out or switch to non-breeding. Most of them are eliminated bitches or old bitches.

Matters needing attention in raising dog meat

1. Aquaculture techniques: skilled fattening techniques and experience, fattening in captivity for 4.5 months, weight up to 20 kg.

2. Reasonable sales: minimize the intermediate links of sales, and sell directly to restaurants or meat dog processing plants as far as possible, if sold to dogs

3. Select breed dogs: estrus synchronization and mating techniques are adopted to ensure that bitches give birth to 2 babies a year and survive 12.

4. Artificial breeding of insects: the technology of artificial breeding passes to ensure that meat dogs get enough cheap and high-protein feed.

How to prevent and control acariasis in meat dog breeding

1. The frequency of bathing the dog should be appropriate, usually 2-3 days in hot weather, 4-5 days in warm weather, and more than once a week in cold weather. Lotion can be used for human shampoo, bath liquid, can also use dog-specific lotion, do not use soap, soap, washing powder, and detergent, etc., which is different from the report that dogs should take a bath frequently.

2. Do not contact, play or crowd with other dogs suffering from acariasis (especially in winter).

3. Keep the kennel and sports ground dry, ventilated, transparent, clean frequently, change bedding or bedding frequently, and disinfect regularly.

4. Dogs with symptoms of acariasis, such as scratching, scratching, dandruff, red spots, pustules, yellow crusts, obvious off-season hair removal, etc., should be isolated in time and treated thoroughly.

5. Often playing on the lawn is easy to catch acariasis, because there is a lot of dust and dog feces on the lawn, including parasitic eggs. In addition, there are many dogs playing on the lawn, some of which have suffered from mild acariasis and could not be detected in time, but it has scattered mite eggs and worms on the lawn.

6. When accepting new dogs, acariasis should not be ignored while paying attention to other diseases. When acariasis is found after clinical observation or microscopic examination, it is necessary to isolate and treat it and wait for a complete recovery before joining the group.

7. Drug prophylaxis can be given to dogs regularly (usually once in spring and autumn) or subcutaneously injected with avermectin tablets at a dose of half of the therapeutic dose.

Breeding meat dogs must do a good job in the prevention and control of acariasis, such meat dogs are healthy, the above is summarized by the editor of some technical guidance on breeding meat dogs, I hope it can be of some help to everyone.