
How to raise earthworms with rabbit dung?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the increasing demand for earthworms in the market, more and more people raise earthworms. So how to raise earthworms? Can we use animal droppings to raise earthworms? The following editor introduces you about the technology of raising earthworms in feces! How to raise earthworms in rabbit manure

With the increasing demand for earthworms in the market, more and more people raise earthworms. So how to raise earthworms? Can we use animal droppings to raise earthworms? The following editor introduces you about the technology of raising earthworms in feces!

How to raise earthworms with rabbit dung?

1. Material preparation (take cow dung as an example)

After mixing cow dung (about 70%) with a certain proportion of straw powder, mushroom residue, peanut shell powder, or rice husk and sawdust, add Nongfukang I fertilizer starter according to 0.1% of the weight of the material to be fermented (that is, one ton of fermented material per kilogram). Mix evenly.

Dilute the starter with fresh rice bran (note: "rice bran" is not "unified bran", the nutrition and air permeability of rice bran are good, and the nutrition of old rice bran or rice bran is poor). 5 ~ 10 kg rice bran is added for every 1 kg Nongfukang fermentation auxiliaries, which is beneficial to the mixing of starter and materials.

2. Water regulation

After the material is ready, it is necessary to adjust the moisture of the material, pay attention to add less in time, and slowly add it when approaching the requirement (60%-65%) to prevent excessive humidity. In case the moisture exceeds the standard, you can add dry material adjustment. The method of judging the moisture of 60% to 65% of the material: grasp the material by hand, see the watermark but not drip, and the landing can be dispersed (65% of the moisture is not too wet, please pay attention to correct judgment).

3. Build a pile and turn it over.

After the moisture is adjusted, the heap height and volume should not be too low and too small. Requirements: the heap is 1.5 meters high and 2 meters wide. The length can be adjusted freely according to the number of fermentation materials, at least not less than 2 meters. Nongfukang fertilizer starter has (consumption) oxygen fermentation, so it is appropriate to increase oxygen supply measures to mix well, turn frequently and aerate. Otherwise, it will lead to anaerobic fermentation and produce bad smell, affecting the effect.

4. Complete the fermentation.

In general, when the temperature reaches more than 65 ℃ in the first 1-2 days of fermentation, it is necessary to turn over and then continue the fermentation. When the temperature reaches 65 ℃ again, it needs to be tipped again. Generally, the fermentation can be completed within a week, the material is dark brown, and the temperature begins to drop to normal temperature, indicating that the fermentation is complete.

5. Adjust PH

After the fermentation is complete, test the PH value. The suitable PH value of earthworm feed is generally required to be 6-7.5, so the PH value of earthworm feed should be properly adjusted to make it close to neutral in order to be suitable for earthworm growth.

6. Feeding

By using the adding method and the side feeding method, the feed cover is spread on the feed that has been eaten by earthworms, once every 10 to 15 days; the side feeding method is to take out part of the finished feed and add the new feed to one side, next time add the other side

How to raise earthworms with animal manure

Choose a place with high and cool terrain, good drainage, warm ventilation, no pollution and no disturbance to make unfermented cow dung, horse manure and pig manure into a height of 15-20 cm wide and 1-1.5 m in length. Its advantage is that it is easy to operate, saves a series of working baits for stacking and fermentation, keeps nutrients from loss, and improves the growth rate of earthworms, which is easy to be popularized and applied in rural areas. This method also has its disadvantages, once the bait is hot, earthworms die, no corpses can be found in summer and even rainy days in summer and there is an escape phenomenon in the bed after heavy rain. The way to avoid it is to have new bait in each breeding bed. Earthworms can not tolerate high temperature above 35 ℃ and low temperature below 0 ℃, so it is necessary to build a shed above the culture pit in summer to shade it in winter to build a simple plastic shed to increase the pit temperature and protect earthworms safely through the winter. In addition, we should also do a good job of protection against rats, frogs, snakes and so on. The bait is made into blocks to create good bottom-up conditions for earthworms. The key to this method is to keep the water content of the bait at 60-70%, not too dry and wet, otherwise the bait will heat up and cause death.

Earthworm feeding and management

Ventilation: timely feeding, plum blossom-shaped placement, space to leave 6cm, can keep peace during the thunderstorm.

Moisturizing: the earthworm bed should be kept moist by sprinkling water frequently. Master the standard that the moisture content of the base material of the earthworm bed is between 3050% and 50% (about 40% of the water is dripping in the finger seam of the kneading earthworm dung). It is watered once every afternoon in summer, once in 3-5 days in cool period, and once in 10-20 days in low temperature period.

Reproduction: when the average temperature is 20 ℃, sexually mature earthworms can lay eggs after mating for 7 days, young worms can be hatched after 19 days, and can reproduce after 38 days. The whole growth period is about 60 days. Therefore, it is necessary to frequently add bait such as cow dung, which earthworms like to eat, encourage them to eat more, grow faster, lay more eggs, and improve the hatching rate and survival rate.

Collection: timely collection of adult worms, maintain the reasonable density of earthworms, and lay a good foundation for reproduction.

Prevention of natural enemies: in order to prevent the harm of natural enemies of earthworms, a dense net can be placed on the column around the earthworm bed. And put a packet of ant medicine "wrapped on three sides and open on one side" every 70 centimeters outside the net, so that the smell of the medicine slowly dissipates.

Investment cost and profit of raising earthworms


1. Use bait (cow dung, pig dung, chicken manure, raising mushroom feet) 100m3, 20 yuan per cubic meter, a total of 2000 yuan.

2. The self-propagated worms are 100kg, each kilogram is calculated at a cost of 20 yuan, a total of 2000 yuan.

3. The land occupation fee is 1 mu, 600 yuan per mu, 600 yuan, and 500 yuan for hydropower tools.

4. Raising one mu of earthworms requires an investment of 5100 yuan.


1. Earthworms generally produce 20.3 tons of fresh earthworms per mu per year, and as high as 5 tons. According to the lowest two tons, the current market price is more than 10000 yuan per ton, and the income can be calculated as 20000 yuan per ton according to the lowest 10000 yuan per ton.

2. Earthworm dung is 40 tons, 150 yuan per ton, 6000 yuan in total.

3. The total income of raising one mu of earthworms is 26000 yuan.

4. The profit is 26000 yuan-5100 yuan = 20900 yuan. If you hire workers to carry out large-scale breeding, you still need to pay the workers' wages.

The editor introduced more about the technology of raising earthworms here. The investment cost of raising earthworms does not need a lot, on the contrary, the vitality of earthworms is strong and not easy to die, and the utilization value is high and extensive, and the relative profit is also very considerable. Those who want to start a business or breed can try to breed earthworms.