
The feeding method of scorpion

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Scorpion is a poisonous but valuable animal. Because of its high use value, breeding scorpions has also become a good entrepreneurial project, so how do such toxic scorpions need to be bred? Next, the editor will give you a general introduction to the ways to raise scorpions.

Scorpion is a poisonous but valuable animal. Because of its high use value, breeding scorpions has also become a good entrepreneurial project, so how do such toxic scorpions need to be bred? The following editor is going to popularize the methods of raising scorpions.

The feeding method of scorpion

1. Keep the appropriate temperature: when the temperature is below 15 ℃, the scorpion is in a hibernating state and stops or slows down its growth; when the temperature is higher than 40 ℃, the scorpion runs out desperately and even dies. Therefore, keeping the temperature at 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ is the best temperature for scorpion growth and development.

2. Control the humidity: scorpions like to be dry and afraid of moisture. The best air relative humidity is 45% to 50%. The water content of sandy soil is between 15% and 20%, so that the sandy soil is not dry or wet, and people do not feel stuffy in the scorpion room. It is important to pay special attention to the fact that the sandy soil should not be too wet, otherwise the scorpion will give birth to acariasis and cause death.

3. Adequate drinking water: the success of raising scorpion lies in drinking water. If the water supply is scarce, scorpions will kill each other if they are too dry. Therefore, you can use a sponge to absorb enough water or cold water into the scorpion pond every day. A kind of antibiotics (oxytetracycline, sulfonamide, etc.) can be added to the scorpion's drinking water every 3 to 5 days. Each tablet is about 4 kg of cold boiled water, mix it well, absorb it on the sponge and put it into the scorpion pond.

Culture techniques of Scorpion

1. The scorpion pond can be built indoors or outdoors. The common size of the pool is 0.5 meters high and 1 meter wide, and its length depends on the actual situation. A small amount of mortar can be used to block the brick cracks on the outer wall of the pool to prevent scorpions from escaping from the cracks. On the inside of the pool near the top, before the mortar is dried, glass, porcelain and other smooth materials can be inlaid to prevent the scorpion from escaping from the top. In the center of the pool, about 15 centimeters away from the four sides, many layers are built with bricks and stones. a stack with a gap of about 5 centimeters for scorpions to inhabit.

2. The box is made of wood or directly uses the waste wooden boxes and plastic boxes, and there is a circle of plastic film or glass strips around the mouth of the box to prevent scorpions from escaping. The bottom of the box is covered with 2 centimeters of sand, and some bricks and cinders are placed on the soil for scorpion activity and habitat.

3. Choose a strong, big, active scorpion as a scorpion. 3000 scorpions of 2-3 years old and 1500 scorpions of 4-5 years old were cultured per square meter. There were 800 6-year-old scorpions and 600 breeding scorpions. The adobe in the scorpion's nest should have a gap so that the scorpion can inhabit and breed.

4. Artificial feeding of earthworms is the main source of scorpion feed. Dig a pit, bury animal fertilizer, small animal carcasses and fertile soil in the pit, introduce earthworms as seeds, often water them, keep them moist in the pit, and dig them out regularly after they multiply to a certain number. First burn it to death with boiling water and put it on a plate to feed the scorpion. Do not feed too much each time. So as not to rot and deteriorate after the rest. You can also work and breed Tenebrio Molitor and Tuyuan. During the growing period of scorpions, they can be fed once every 3 days. Although scorpions are not hungry for several days at a time, they are not hungry on the same day and feed at the same time, so it is best to keep feeding every day. The amount of feed should be moderate, and it is appropriate to watch musk deer with a little surplus on the second day.

5. Artificial breeding of scorpion generally takes only 10-12 months to mature sexually. The suitable ratio of male to female of scorpion is 1:3. Scorpion is an oviparous animal. The fertilized egg completes embryonic development in about 40 days in the mother and gives birth to scorpion offspring. Because the scorpion is a variable temperature animal, it can not maintain its body temperature, so it must be heated when raising scorpion artificially. All the female scorpion babies were delivered at one time, with an average of 30 per fetus.

Introduction techniques of Scorpion

Introduction time: the introduction time of scorpion raised at room temperature should be arranged in late spring and early summer or autumn. Among them, the introduction in late spring and early summer is the best, because at this time the hibernating scorpion has been stung, passed the "spring death", and the adult female scorpion has entered the pregnancy and can give birth in the same year. Introduction can benefit from the same year.

The source of scorpion: one is to catch wild scorpion or buy back wild scorpion as scorpion. The second is to buy from artificial scorpion raising units or individuals. For beginners, it is not advisable to use wild scorpions as scorpions.

Selection of scorpions: when introducing species of scorpions, young scorpions, adult scorpions or pregnant scorpions should be selected and purchased according to their needs. Male scorpions should choose strong physique, bright body color, lively and powerful, strong sexual desire to do scorpion. The female scorpion should choose a large, body length of more than 4.8 cm, no limb disability, strong, agile movement, static hindquarters curled up, foreabdomen hypertrophy, shiny skin to do scorpion. In general, the female scorpion in spring, as long as the front abdomen is fat and full, light gray, the body length is about 5 cm, the birth rate is relatively high, and the delivery period is early. The female scorpion whose body is too short, even if it has a big belly and positive color, should not easily choose to make seeds, because its breeding period is often late and can not meet the requirements of seed production.

The collocation of male and female: it is wrong for some farmers to choose only female scorpion rather than male scorpion in order to get more baby scorpions. According to the mating law of scorpions, the proportion of female and male scorpions should be matched at 2-3:1.

Transportation of scorpion: the general introduction tools are cartons and non-toxic woven bags, and the suitable density is 500 per bag. During transportation, the scorpion is first packed into a clean, undamaged woven bag and then pierced, and then put into a cardboard box with sponges or cardboard balls at the bottom. Then put a few pieces of wet sponge in the carton to adjust the humidity in the box. In addition, there should be several vents around the upper part of the carton for ventilation. Violent vibrations should be avoided during transportation. Transport should pay attention to high temperature in summer and cold in winter.

What kind of animal is scorpion?

Scorpions are carnivores and feed on invertebrates such as spiders, crickets, centipedes, larvae of many insects and nymphs. Scorpions sleep during the day and come out at night. They are afraid of dampness in the tide and fear of strong light stimulation in the dark.

Scorpions use venom stings when hunting and defending. Most scorpions have enough toxins to kill insects, but they are not fatal to humans and only cause severe burning pain.

When raising scorpions in captivity, we need to know more about the living habits and some feeding skills of scorpions, and to be able to find a good treatment for sick scorpions. It is best to have technical support for raising scorpions, so that in artificial breeding, the risk is the least and the benefits are the greatest.

In order to raise scorpions, it is necessary to manage the breeding grounds, observe the activities of scorpions and record them scientifically, and constantly sum up experience in breeding.

Scorpions like to live in damp and dark places, so the environment in which scorpions are raised is very important. Breeding scorpions must not be raised blindly, must master the skills of breeding scorpions before they begin to invest in breeding, after all, scorpions are relatively toxic animals.