
Culture technology of scientific golden cicada

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the golden cicada? In fact, the golden cicada has not yet returned its shell, do not underestimate this golden cicada, golden cicada is particularly rich in nutrition, golden cicada is regarded as a famous dish in many places, and its meat is delicious. And the golden cicada also has a lot of medicinal value, so many benefits, breeding golden cicada

What is the golden cicada? In fact, the golden cicada has not yet returned its shell, do not underestimate this golden cicada, golden cicada is particularly rich in nutrition, golden cicada is regarded as a famous dish in many places, and its meat is delicious. And the golden cicada is also of great medicinal value. With so many benefits, the golden cicada breeding project has sprung up rapidly.

Culture technology of scientific golden cicada

1. Obtaining provenance

The primary provenance can be collected naturally in the field, and eggs, nymphs and adults can be collected as provenances. Various insect states can be collected from July to September; August to September is the best season to collect nymphs; September is the best time to collect branches of cicada eggs.

The artificial culture technology of golden cicada can be collected all the year round. The ideal place where there are many dense cicadas can be selected for egg collection. The 1-2-year-old thin withered strips on the tree that are killed by grasshopper cicadas are easily removed with fruit branch shears or long hooked poles at the top of the cicada. cicadas eggs are those whose one side is flat and dry and the surface is incomplete, and the subcutaneous xylem is embedded with a large number of milky long oval eggs, cutting off the superfluous withered shoots in the upper part of the spawning nest and leaving 10 centimeters and 15 centimeters of eggless branches in the lower part of the spawning nest mark. Tie about 50 pieces into a small bundle and put them in a plastic bag for use. The nymphs were captured and the naturally mature old nymphs were taken as the object. The nymphs could be captured by flashlight at the base of the tree trunk at 7: 12 in the evening; after collection, the nymphs were put into a gauze cage to feather and lay eggs. Shrubby hosts are planted in spawning cages, mainly a variety of fruit trees. There are many ways to catch cicadas on trees, such as using fire to trap them at night. In order to ensure that the adult cicada is not damaged, wheat gluten can be used. The method is to rinse the harmonious dough with water many times, remove starch, leave pure gluten, store it in broad lotus leaves and poplar leaves, stick to the top of the bamboo pole, and stick to catch adults in the early morning or during the day.

The collection of spawning branches should be taken as the main way to obtain provenance.

2. Reproductive species

The breeding objects are newly hatched nymphs and eggs close to hatching. The egg-bearing branches collected directly from the wild or in the provenance site are concentrated indoors to promote hatching. Hatching method: in the plastic box which is 70 cm long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm high, spread fine dry sand 5 cm to 10 cm thick at the bottom, put the egg branches vertically or horizontally on them, and constantly spray fog water with a small sprayer to maintain the high humidity of the air around the egg-bearing branches and make the excess water droplets adsorb in the fine sand at the bottom. In the middle, the hatching of eggs should be checked constantly, and when nymphs are found, the branches together with fine sand can be placed in the breeding site.

The ground under the host plant in the breeding place is about 1 meter away from the base of the trunk, digging regular narrow trenches with a depth of about 30 to 50 centimeters, such as ring, square, triangle, parallel or radiation, for the purpose of digging and harvesting in the future. The back cover soil of "breeding seed" is compacted, and the time, quantity, groove shape and depth of "breeding seed" are recorded.

From the egg stage to the growth and development of mature nymphs (cicadas), cicadas need to grow underground for three winters and summers (actually 2 years): the first year starts in June, the growth weight is only about 1 gram, and the whole body and eyes are milky white; in the second year, the body weight grew to about 3 grams, the whole body pigment deepened, and the eyes were pink. In the third year, the nymph (cicada turtle) matured, weighing 4.5 to 5 grams, with an average of 210 per kilogram, with brown body color and dark gray eyes. The time and age of nymph growth and development can be accurately judged according to the size of body weight, the depth of body color and the change of eye color.

The habit of golden cicada

Cicadas belong to Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadellidae. After the eggs are transformed into cicada ants, they live underground for at least 4 years, or even more than ten years before they can be unearthed into cicada pupae. When unearthed, use jagged forelimbs to dig out the ground from soil less than 30 centimeters deep, climb up tree trunks or other climbers, and by means of air drying and self-ability, the crack line from the top of the head to the center of the back is transformed into a cicada. And then suck the sap of the tree and survive for more than 70 days, that is, aging and death. Adult cicadas and larvae are selective in sucking sap, mainly poplar, paulownia, elm and fruit trees.

Cicadas live on trees for only about 3 months, so they need to mate and lay eggs as soon as possible. One male cicada will mate with 5-8 female cicadas to complete their mission. Each female cicada can lay 800 to 1000 eggs. They often choose young branches with a diameter of 4 cm to 5 cm. They first pierce the bark with the ovipositor, insert the ovipositor into the xylem of the twig, creating claw pores, and then lay their eggs in them, arranged in single or double rows or "Y" shape, and then fly to another branch to lay eggs until the eggs have been laid. The eggs were nourished in the branches for 30 to 35 days, at this time, the spawning branches dried up, and the eggs were also feathered into cicada ants, fell under the tree into the soil, sucked the sap of the roots, and began to live underground. It was not until 4 years later that they could break out of the ground and live on the ground, so that cicada pupae were unearthed every year. According to nutrition experts, cicada pupae contain protein, a variety of essential amino acids, fat, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients, which can improve human immunity after consumption.

Breeding golden cicada needs to do a good job of epidemic prevention

1. Unearthed nymphs (cicadas) and adult natural enemies after Eclosion, such as toads, snakes, rodents, hedgehogs, wild cats, sparrows and mantis all like to eat nymphs (cicadas). Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria bassiana and parasitic algae (cicadas) and other microorganisms also have parasitic harm. In addition, the pollution of floods and pesticides and chemical fertilizers do great harm to nymphs (cicadas) or cicadas, which should be paid attention to and protected when breeding.

2. The most important seasons are the egg stage on the tree, the occurrence period of "cicada ants" and the unearthed period of mature nymphs. The natural enemies of egg stage and cicada ant occurrence period in trees are mainly ants and red flower bugs. The treatment measures are to use 100x solution of strong ammonia to wash egg branches or DDVP (organophosphorus insecticides), strong chlorine essence and so on for soil treatment.

Culture management of golden cicada

After the cicada eggs are buried in the ground, attention should be paid to drainage and waterlogging in the rainy season. Water white willow, willow or apple trees on dry days. At the same time of watering, we should also apply farm manure to promote luxuriant growth, provide sufficient nutrition for cicada larvae and young cicada monkeys, make young cicada monkeys grow vigorously, increase individuals and increase yield. It is necessary to strictly guard against the trampling of human and livestock and the infringement of natural enemies such as ants and moles.

As mentioned above, golden cicada breeding still needs certain technology. Look at the relevant contents of golden cicada breeding before breeding golden cicada. If you can't see the benefits of golden cicada, you are prepared to breed golden cicada blindly, so the loss often outweighs the gain. The utilization value of golden cicada is high, and raising golden cicada is indeed a good breeding project.