
Pot planting method of sunflower what to do if the leaves of potted sunflower turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sunflower is a more common plant in life, its flowers are very ornamental value, generally yellow is more common, the middle stamens are dark brown, where is the place of fruit. Many people like to raise sunflowers at home, but they do.

Sunflower is a more common plant in life, its flowers are very ornamental value, generally yellow is more common, the middle stamens are dark brown, where is the place of fruit. Many people like to raise sunflowers at home, but if they don't master the skills, there will be some problems.

Pot planting method of sunflower

1. Temperature, sunflower have strong adaptability to temperature, like warm environment, but can also withstand low temperature, as long as the temperature is not less than 10 ℃, they can grow healthily. The most suitable temperature for growth is 18: 30 ℃, 10: 18 ℃ at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is 8: 10 ℃, which is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves. In the suitable temperature range, the higher the temperature, the faster the plant growth; the lower the temperature, the slower the plant growth and affect the flowering. When the temperature is too high, when it is above 25 ℃, pay attention to ventilation, and heat up when it is below 13 ℃.

2. Light. Sunflowers are very sensitive to light and need plenty of light. Only when there is plenty of sunshine, the plant will grow healthily and the flowers will be bright and shiny. If you encounter continuous rainy days, the leaves droop and show yellowish green, and the size of the disk is uneven.

3. Watering. Sunflower has a well-developed root system, which is drought-tolerant but not drought-tolerant. When sowing to budding, the dry environment is beneficial to the growth and development of the root system, but with the increase of light and the acceleration of water evaporation, the plant needs nutrients to blossom and bear fruit. Especially in the flowering season, replenishing water can ensure the quality of flowers. Especially when the basin is small and big, it is necessary to replenish water in time and master the principle of "dry and wet".

4. Fertilization. Sunflowers like to be fattened and top-fertilized once in 7-10 days during the growing period. Sunflower seedlings mainly use nitrogen fertilizer to promote the health of branches and leaves. After budding, the appropriate increase of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can promote the development of flower buds and facilitate flowering. When the branches and leaves of the plant are thin and the leaves are withered and yellow, fertilizer should be added in time, otherwise ornamental sunflowers will lose their value.

What if the leaves of potted sunflowers turn yellow?

1. Water is yellow. The new leaves of sunflower plants are dark yellow and dull, the branches are small and yellow-green, and the growth is slow, but the old leaves have no obvious change, indicating that they are overwatered. At this time, watering should be controlled, the plant should be removed from the pot, put in a cool place to dry and then replanted. Be careful not to destroy the soil of the root system when taking off the basin.

2. Dry and yellow. If the plant yellowed due to lack of water, the leaf tip and the bottom of the leaf first dried up, the plant turned yellow from bottom to top, but the new leaves grew normally. It's easy to solve. Just water it. However, do not pour too much water at one time, make sure it is thoroughly watered and the soil is moist.

3. Lack of light and yellow. Many plants burn their leaves because of too much light. But the sunflower is different, it needs plenty of sunshine during its growth. If it is placed in a shady environment for a long time, the leaves will not see light, and the leaves of the whole plant will turn yellow and fall off. Put the plant in the sun, the lack of light can be properly filled with fluorescent lamps.

How to manage sunflowers

1. Seedling stage. The stage from emergence to budding is called seedling stage. In this stage, the growth of the aboveground part of the sunflower is relatively slow, and the underground root part grows faster, which is the stage of the strongest drought resistance of the sunflower. At this stage, water is watered about once a week and fertilized once a month to ensure adequate sunshine.

2. Budding stage. The budding stage is the most exuberant stage in the sunflower's life. During this period, sunflowers need the most fertilizer and water, if this stage can not meet the needs of sunflowers for water and fertilizer, it will seriously affect the yield of sunflowers.

3. Flowering period. Flowering stage means that the disk opens from ligulate flowers to tubular flowers. At this stage, the sowing date of sunflowers should be adjusted, fertilizing and watering should be selected at an appropriate time, diseases and insect pests should be controlled, and bee release or artificial pollination should be adopted to improve the seed setting rate of sunflowers.

Control methods of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower

1. Physical control: once diseased spots are found in the stems, leaves or disk of the plant, the whole plant should be pulled out to avoid the spread of fungi. The sclerotia has strong vitality and will survive in the soil for 3 years, so if there are other plants in the pot, it is recommended to change the soil and replant.

2. Chemical control: budding and full flowering: spraying 1000 times of Wakuli solution, mainly sprayed on the lower part of the plant and the back of the disk. Spraying Sukeling 500 solution at seedling stage or flowering stage, once every 5-10 days, has a good preventive effect. When the temperature reaches 18-20 ℃, it is the best time to put pesticide on the surface. At this time, 70% pentachloronitrobenzene mixed with a small amount of wet soil scattered on the soil surface can effectively inhibit sclerotia germination, and the preventive effect is up to 80%.

The pot culture method of sunflower is still very simple, there is a detailed introduction above, you can learn more about it. If sunflowers encounter the situation of yellowing leaves, you can first understand the cause of yellowing, and then treat it. Sunflowers can grow well as long as they strengthen their management in the later stage.