
How to raise pigeons How to raise pigeons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Speaking of pigeons, I believe everyone is particularly familiar with understanding, is a common bird in our lives. Pigeon is not only interesting and lovely, but also a special nutritious and delicious food, so many people like to breed some pigeons for sale or eating and playing.

When it comes to pigeons, I believe everyone is very familiar with it, and it is a common bird in our life. Pigeons are not only interesting and lovely, but also a special nutritious delicacy, so many people like to raise some pigeons to sell or eat, play and so on. So what aspects should be paid attention to if it is a novice breeding pigeon?

How do beginners raise pigeons

Novice pigeons are first of all pigeon sheds, the simplest thing is an interior that can keep out the wind and rain and an exterior that can bask in the sun, the interior is the same as the outside, and the outside only needs to be surrounded by a net. Entrances and exits are located on the outside. This is relatively basic. Of course, if the conditions are insufficient, it can be a little easier. Change it at the right time. It is better to face south, or the north wind will pour directly into the pigeon house.

The second is to buy young pigeons. The reason why it is recommended to buy young pigeons is because it is fast to start a home and can cultivate home flying well. The choice of young pigeons is also required, since to raise, it is necessary to choose to fly home better. Pigeons can even have a certain genetic ability to fly at home. It is best to choose those pigeon houses that usually fly well at home to buy some young pigeons. Those pigeons flying home will not surprise you. Young pigeons had better choose those who have just got out of the nest. You can't take pigeons that have flown once or twice outside the pigeon cottage. After all, they are all nearby. If you start to change your voice, you can't take it. It's easy to fly back. And some look at the feathers are not clean, not beautiful, skinny do not buy. Of course, if you know a friend who raises pigeons, you can ask them to help you pick them out.

How to raise pigeons

1. The staple food of pigeons

Pigeon feed is mainly miscellaneous grains, more commonly used are wheat, buckwheat, sorghum, corn, peas, mung beans, pockmarked and so on. At least two kinds of feed should be mixed when feeding, such as 3 parts of wheat, corn and sorghum, 1 part of pea, 3 parts of wheat, corn and sorghum during training, 1 part of pea and 1 part of pockmarked seed.

2. Supplementary food for pigeons

In addition to miscellaneous grains, it can also supply green fodder and mineral feed such as cabbage, cabbage and wheat seedlings. The ratio of mineral feed is as follows: 3 parts of yellow mud and 3 parts of yellow sand, 2 parts of cooked lime, 1 part of salt, 0.5 part of shell powder or eggshell powder, 0.5 part of charcoal, crushed and mixed with water to dry the ball, which is broken and placed in the pigeon house when fed.

3. Feeding time

Feed twice a day, around 7 a. M. and once at 04:30 in the afternoon. The morning feed accounts for 1 / 3 of its diet, and the afternoon feed accounts for 2 / 3 of its diet. The feed amount of each adult pigeon is about 50 grams per day, which can be increased a little during training. The feed should be fed after the pigeon returns to the pigeon house, so that it can form a conditioned reflex of food to facilitate homing.

4. During the training and competition of pigeons, more corn and peas should be fed, and water should be fed first, and then feed. Glucose water can be fed first, and then brine. In summer and during the period of hatching young pigeons, an appropriate amount of salt can be added to their drinking water.

Management Technology of Pigeon

Pigeons live on plant food. Corn, rice, wheat and sorghum in cereals, peas, mung beans, broad beans and mixed beans in beans are all good fodder. The proportion of cereals and legumes in the diet was 2 to 3 and 1 to 3 respectively. The protein content in the feed can account for about 18% of the breeding pigeons during the feeding period and about 15% of the young pigeons, with appropriate combination of sand, salt, minerals and various vitamins. Using full-price mixed pellet feed to feed pigeons, the effect is better. The meat pigeon has large body size and high feed consumption, and the feed consumption of homing pigeon and ornamental pigeon is about 1. 3 less than that of meat pigeon. The daily feed consumption can be roughly calculated as 1 / 10 of their body weight. In addition, a pigeon needs to drink about 30,60ml of water a day. Artificial hatching and feeding with synthetic pigeon milk can improve the reproduction rate of breeding pigeons.

The building of the pigeon house should be well lit, keep dry, and pay attention to prevent the damage of cats, snakes and rats. The breeding pigeon house covers an area of 810 square meters and can raise 20,40 pairs. Each pair of breeding pigeons should have two nest boxes so that they can be used alternately in egg laying, hatching and brooding. 10 square meters can raise 100 pairs of 1-5-month-old young pigeons. The main equipment in the house is separated square shelving boxes, so that each can have a place to live and prevent fighting and fighting with each other. Breeding commercial squab is now mostly three-layer or four-layer overlapping cage, one-to-one cage, convenient management, can improve the breeding rate and weight gain speed of squab.

The advantages of raising pigeons

Due to the rapid development of China's meat pigeon industry in recent years, and benefiting from the continuous improvement of production technology in the meat pigeon industry, there are more and more meat pigeon farmers in China, and meat pigeons have a good development situation in both domestic and international markets. Engaged in pigeon breeding, with less investment, short cycle, less disease and high income, it is a breeding industry with great development prospects. Therefore, the demand for meat pigeons in China will show a substantial growth trend, and there is a lot of room for market expansion.

Therefore, in order to make the pigeon breeding industry show a mature development model, help the pigeon breeding industry become bigger and stronger, and build a modern pigeon breeding industry. In the future, those who join the pigeon breeding market will become more and more mature, bringing immediate benefits to pigeon farmers, but also allowing consumers to eat healthy and high-quality pigeon meat at any time.

As mentioned above, for raising pigeons, it is actually very simple, but if you are a novice, it is best not to raise too many at the beginning, it is best to raise 4-6 pigeons, wait until the pigeons breed, slowly increase the number, in this breeding process, the novice has already become an old hand!