
What do young rabbits eat? what about diarrhea in young rabbits?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many people like to keep small pets at home. Rabbits must be the first choice when choosing pets because of their small and lovely appearance and docile character. But in fact, it is necessary to pay attention to feeding rabbits, especially the young rabbits that have just been bought.

Many people like to keep small pets at home. Rabbits must be the first choice when choosing pets because of their small and lovely appearance and docile character. But in fact, feeding rabbits also need to pay attention, especially the newly bought baby rabbits, feeding requires special attention, because a little carelessness can easily cause diarrhea. So why do young rabbits eat well? How to solve the problem of diarrhea?

What do young rabbits eat?

Unweaned or newly weaned rabbits are not well adapted to feed and solid food. Eat not much, eat only a little at a time, sleep more time, to patiently tease the rabbit to eat a good mouth, or stick some grape powder on the food to tease the rabbit to eat food (rabbits like to eat sweet food), if the food is too hard, if the rabbit can not gnaw, you can use water to moisten and then feed.

What about diarrhea in young rabbits?

If you find sick rabbits, you should stop feeding, but water will be supplied as usual. When the physique is good, use laxatives such as artificial salt 2g, add water 40ml 50ml, or vegetable oil 1020ml. 2-3 yeast tablets or 4-6 lactase tablets were fed every 1-2 hours, 2-3 times a day.

When diarrhea is severe, antimicrobials such as dysentery, sulfonamidine and dimethazine can be used. Each rabbit is given 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day, for 2-3 days. Or use broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as gentamicin and chloramphenicol, 0.5 ml per rabbit, intramuscular injection, twice a day for 3 days. Rabbits with poor appetite can be given stomach-strengthening agents, such as garlic tincture, gentian tincture, tangerine peel tincture 2ml. Or intravenous injection of glucose saline, 5% glucose solution 30g 50ml, 20% sodium caffeine solution 1ml, vitamin C 1.0ml, once a day twice a day for 2 ~ 3 days.

Causes of diarrhea in young rabbits

1. There are many reasons for rabbit diarrhea, such as replacing plastic, often giving priority to dry roughage, suddenly feeding fresh vegetables, and abdominal distension and diarrhea caused by overeating.

2. There is also the problem of the feed itself, because there are toxic substances in the feed itself during planting and processing, which leads to rabbit poisoning.

3. Due to the weather, sudden changes in the weather, cold and other stress reactions.

4, and in the breeding environment is not very sanitary, mainly E. coli and other bacteria cause rabbit diarrhea, whether there is a jelly-like substance in the stool, if so, it may be E. coli infection, can be used against E. coli drugs.

5. if you want to have an adequate supply of water, that is, drink as much as you like, and feed pure water or cold boiled water, the rabbit will get what it needs, and there will be no problem that you feed too much.

Points for attention in raising bunnies

1. A rabbit is a bit like a cat, independent, but sometimes very clingy and afraid of being alone, so we must make time to play with it every day.

2. If there is no safe space for breeding (such as balcony), you can also keep it in a cage. The space for the cage should be large (the cage for small dogs is OK, preferably a rabbit cage for rabbits). You can't stay in a cage all the time. You have to let it out for more than one to two hours a day. Always keep it dry, ventilated and sunny, so as not to make the rabbit house wet.

3. Prepare a feed bowl and a small ball kettle in the cage, let it grind its teeth with a clean piece of wood (poplar) with a diameter of 5-10 cm, and put some dry sawdust and straw (no dry towels are fine). And standing board (unwanted mat, teacup mat and so on) to prevent rabbits from getting foot dermatitis.

4. Rabbits are omnivorous, eating more and eating less. Rabbit feed can be bought in the bird garden, and some cereal or tooth grinding feed can also be added to the feed. For balanced nutrition, not only feed, but sometimes fruits and vegetables (limited to rabbits). For example, hollow cabbage, celery, sweet potato leaves, carrots, apples and so on.

5. The rabbit you just bought must prevent coccidiosis! Feed the rabbit coccidia medicine before choosing the name! Otherwise, the rabbit will go to heaven 3-30 days after arriving home. Specific usage see coccidial medicine, there are coccidial dysentery powder, coccidial killing and so on. In addition, it is best to keep milk enzyme raw tablets to prevent rabbits from having diarrhea.

As mentioned above, many people like to raise rabbits, but raising rabbits is not as easy as imagined. After all, they are pets, and they need to be washed frequently. At the same time, they also need to find time to play with rabbits. Feeding is also more fastidious. So you must be well prepared before raising rabbits!