
Parrot fish and what kind of fish mixed culture is better parrot fish water temperature is appropriate

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fish is a kind of animal that we are very familiar with, and fish is also a delicacy with delicious taste and rich nutritional value. Many people say that raising fish at home can bring good luck, so fish farming is a very common phenomenon. But there are many kinds of fish.

Fish is a kind of animal that we are very familiar with, and fish is also a delicacy with delicious taste and rich nutritional value. Many people say that raising fish at home can bring good luck, so fish farming is a very common phenomenon. But there are many kinds of fish, and monoculture seems a bit monotonous. However, there are some requirements for mixed fish culture in many cases.

Parrot fish and what kind of fish mixed culture is better

1. Map fish

Map fish alias fish, pig larvae, tail fish, black pig fish, flower pig fish, spotted starfish, etc., is a larger kind of tropical fish, under suitable natural conditions, it can be up to 30cm long, burly, broad, oval, tall and flattened on the side, caudal fin fan-shaped, large mouth, basic body color is black, yellowish brown or cyan black, there are irregular orange patches and red stripes on the side, similar to a map.

2. Little blue shark

Small blue shark, also known as axe shark, tiger head shark, etc., strong hypoxia tolerance, wide adaptability, but weak resistance to low temperature, suitable temperature 20 ℃-34 ℃, the best growth water temperature 26 ℃-32 ℃, water temperature below 18 ℃ slow movement, slow response, water temperature below 12 ℃ began to die, but often make the water dirty, affecting the ornamental effect.

3. Dinosaur fish

Dinosaur fish is an ancient fish, and dragon fish, lungfish are living fossils of large fish, strong physique, medium-speed growth, not difficult to raise, small fish, shrimp live bait and fish insects are accepted, frozen Antarctic shrimp, fish particles food can also be eaten, basically do not pick bait.

4. Flower tiger

Flower tiger fish, also known as leopard stone fish, adults 30 centimeters long, widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters, generally living in rocks and reefs, so sometimes called rock fish, the body is huge, the body markings are more like leopards than tigers, so it is also called leopard rockfish.

What is the appropriate water temperature for parrot fish?

The water temperature of parrot fish is controlled at 26 ℃-27 ℃. Parrot fish is a kind of fish that is quite "sensitive" to temperature. the focus is not on the poor adaptability of the fish to temperature, but because in the case of low water temperature and drastic changes in water temperature, it is easy to lose its bright body color due to physiological reactions. what's more, there will be black stripes or markings. Therefore, if you want the blood parrot to show bright body color and full of vitality, the water temperature must be controlled at 26 ℃-27 ℃. If you let the blood parrot live in a low water temperature for a long time, it will not only affect its body color, but also easily lead to illness and even death.

What if the parrot fish turns white?

1, the problem of water: parrot fish itself is a hybrid fish, the gene is not very stable, water quality and water temperature are not up to standard, will cause changes in body color.

2. Environmental problems: if it is a newly bought fish, it is normal for it to fade and turn white if it does not adapt to the new environment.

3. Shock problem: parrot fish are naturally timid, and it is common for parrot fish to turn white after being scared.

4. The problem of fish: some fish are red and purple in the fish shop, but they fade soon after they are bought at home, and there are obvious black spots under the skin of the back. This kind of fish is artificially colored and is difficult to recover after fading.

5, feed problems: the main food of parrots should be red pellet feed, feeding other feed or small fish will also cause discoloration.

6, the problem of changing water: when changing water for fish, the temperature difference is large, the amount of water changing is large, or changing water too often will also affect the body color.

7. Lighting problem: parrots should be equipped with red lights. Driving two hours a day can induce color. If you use a white light, it is not fresh to make the fish white.

What if the parrot fish's eyes protrude?

1. In the initial stage of the disease, in addition to improving the water quality, salt with a concentration of about 5/1000 can be put in the water and heated to more than 30. After three days, there will be a marked improvement, and then the water will be changed gradually, and all the water will be replaced within two weeks to readjust the water quality and increase nutrition.

2. When the disease is serious, it must be treated with water-soluble antibiotics such as penicillin and chlortetracycline, with 10-20,000 units of antibiotics per liter of water. At the same time, the water temperature can be increased by 2-3 degrees, or low concentration potassium permanganate solution can be sprinkled or washed.

3. when it is so serious that the rim of the eye begins to rot, put 2 norfloxacin into the tank every day, take out the active carbon from the filter material, apply a piece of norfloxacin in your eyes in the evening, and put the fish back into the water 30 seconds later. It can be cured in about ten days.

Although parrot fish is not common in life, we all know that it is famous for its bright colors, so we must master its breeding skills when breeding. And mixed breeding this kind of thing can not be done at will, we have to choose according to its own characteristics.