
What are the characteristics of how to raise Huanjiang Xiang Pig?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xiao Xiang Pig, also known as Mini Pig, is famous for its precocious body, delicious meat and so on. But Little Xiang Pig is a general name, and there are many kinds of it. The more famous Xiang pigs are Congjiang Xiang Pig, Jianbai Xiang Pig, Bama Xiang Pig and so on. Huanjiang Xiang Pig is also one of them.

Xiao Xiang Pig, also known as Mini Pig, is famous for its precocious body, delicious meat and so on. But Little Xiang Pig is a general name, and there are many kinds of it. The more famous Xiang pigs are Congjiang Xiang Pig, Jianbai Xiang Pig, Bama Xiang Pig and so on. Huanjiang Xiang Pig is also one of them. Different breeds of Xiang Pig will have some differences in breeding, so how to raise Huanjiang Xiang Pig?

How to raise Huanjiang Xiang Pig

1. Site selection and construction of pig house

Pig houses should be located near feed producing areas, with convenient transportation, leeward to the sun, good ventilation, warm in winter and cool in summer. The form of the pig house can be single-row or double-row, and it can be paved with cement or masonry to facilitate disinfection and decontamination. The fence can choose wood according to local conditions, with a sports ground, flushing pipes, drinking fountains, good ventilation and drainage, and sufficient light.

2. Feeding and management

Breeding pigs should pay attention to balanced nutrition and reasonable feed collocation. Pregnant sows should be fed with full-price compound feed plus green feed, the amount of green feed should be more in the early stage, and gradually decreased in the later stage, and the amount of protein should be about 11% in the early stage of pregnancy and 12% in the later stage. Feed 2-3 times a day, pay attention to feeding less frequently, in order to increase the appetite and promote digestion of Xiang pigs.

3. Epidemic disease prevention and control

Disease prevention and treatment should follow the principle of "giving priority to prevention, combining prevention with prevention, and prevention is more important than cure". In the process of feeding, we should achieve no disease early prevention, early treatment of disease, strictly according to the routine livestock house epidemic prevention procedures for epidemic prevention and control, and regular injection of various vaccines and repellent rodents. First, it is necessary to do a good job in the environmental hygiene of pig farms and their surrounding areas, implement a strict disinfection system, and disinfect pig farms regularly.

What are the characteristics of Huanjiang Xiang Pig

One small: short and precocious, 2-month-old weaned piglets weighing 6-8 kg can be made into roast, waxed suckling pigs or cut into white.

Second black: body black, black from head to toe, even hard hooves and thin hair tips are oil black and shiny, adaptable and disease-resistant.

Three pure: the gene is homozygous, with wild. Due to the occlusive breeding method of "inheritance from generation to generation", the introduction of foreign lineage has been put an end to, the genetic genes have been very stable, there is no variation, so that their genes are highly homozygous and recently similar to human genes, which is of great value for medical research.

Sijing: pure and pollution-free, produced in Jixiang Village, Minglun Town, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, 90,000 Dashan Mountain area, located in the high mountains, green mountains and green waters, without any industrial pollution, resistance to rough feeding, staple food on mountain vines and wild vegetables, no compound feed, fat vegetables, etc., it is absolutely pure and pollution-free green food.

Five spices: tender meat soup is clear, mellow, never tired of food, cooking without any seasoning is also fragrant to the nostrils, especially unique, suckling pigs are slaughtered at any age during the lactation period without milk, fishy fish and other peculiar smell, as high-quality raw materials for Gaodang food, gift treasures and banquet delicacies.

Liuyi: nutritious food suitable for all ages. Huanjiang fragrant pork is rich in a special substance of unsaturated fatty acids, which has a variety of pharmacology, which can increase the synthesis of anti-inflammatory substances synthesized by vascular endothelial cells, reduce thromboxane A2 in platelets, and prevent thrombosis. It has a strong activity of dilating blood vessels, has a special effect on beauty and health care, and has a unique effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. it is very suitable for making food for the elderly. It fully meets the physiological and health needs of the human body.

How long is the life span of the little Xiang pig?

The life span of young Xiang pig is 10-25 years. Small Xiang Pig is the general name of miniature Xiang Pig, there are many varieties, and most of them are short, so they are very suitable to be pet pigs. There are also many Xiang pig breeds in China, including Tibetan Xiang Pig, Huanjiang Xiang Pig, Congjiang Xiang Pig, Wuzhishan Pig, Bama Xiang Pig and so on, but only Bama Xiang Pig can be a pet pig because of its small size and beautiful color.

Breeding Prospect of Little Xiang Pig

1. Green food: in recent years, meat veterinary drug residues and clenbuterol have become a major problem in food safety. People pay more attention to the green food of meat, while scented pork has high protein, low energy and comprehensive nutrition. rich in essential amino acids and trace elements, it is very in line with the concept of modern life, so it is favored by consumers.

2. Pet rookie: through the extraction of Bama Xiang Pig, it can be bred into a family pet. It can also be trained and trained as customs animals.

3. Medicinal value: Xiang pigs without hybridization have stable genes and breeds and good disease resistance, which lays a foundation for medical use. The placenta and skin of Xiang pig were used to develop anti-aging placenta, medical cotton, facial mask and so on. It is understood that it is possible to use fragrant pig blood to produce human blood and even carry out organ transplants in the future. when these technologies are mature, the value of fragrant pigs will be increased dozens of times.

Xiang Pig is not only a new star in the breeding industry, but also very famous in the pet industry. Many people begin to regard this lovely little pig as their pet, so the breeding prospect of Little Xiang Pig is still very considerable. However, aquaculture is a risky thing, and we should think twice.