
Cost and profit of raising donkeys what are the risks of raising donkeys

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The donkey looks like a horse and is a kind of animal we often see, because the donkey is very strong, and the requirements for raising are not very fastidious. Donkeys are not easy to get sick and are very suitable for people to breed. The most important thing is that the cost of raising donkeys is not very high, but

The donkey looks like a horse, and it is a kind of animal we often see, because the donkey is very strong, and the requirements for raising are not very fastidious. Donkeys are not easy to get sick and are very suitable for people to breed. The most important thing is that the cost of raising donkeys is not very high, but the profit is very high, so more and more people like to raise donkeys. However, there are also some risks in raising donkeys, as long as the risks are avoided, the benefits are considerable.

Cost and profit of raising donkeys

If 100 donkeys are fattened in the short term, the cost of donkey money is 180000 yuan, and the demand for forage is about 63000 yuan (offset by labor and dung). The total is 243000 yuan. The growth situation reaches 680,750jin, which is calculated at 6 yuan per jin, totaling more than 400000 yuan. In other words, the net profit is more than 150000 yuan. It is expected that the price of donkey meat will rise during the Spring Festival. If the conditions of the breeders are suitable, they can choose this kind of breeding method to seek the market benefit of the festival. The average breeding cost per 100 donkeys is 300 yuan / day, including concentrate 200jin / day, roughage 700,800jin / day, and the fattening cost per 100 donkeys is about 63000 yuan (capital construction and equipment are not calculated). The breeding benefit in 7 months is 157000 yuan per 100head.

What are the risks of donkey farming?

1. Raising donkeys is the best way to raise donkeys in general livestock, with low cost, easy breeding, good management, excellent adaptability, strong disease resistance, and relatively simple breeding technology, so the risk of raising donkeys is small.

2. the market potential of donkey products is great and the prospect is very attractive. all localities should be market-oriented, according to their own conditions, choose the advantages and disadvantages, introduce and cultivate local excellent donkey breeds, vigorously develop the characteristic industry of raising donkeys, and form a scale. carry out industrial management to meet the demand for donkey products in domestic and foreign markets and increase farmers' income.

3. Donkey raising has the advantages of low cost, easy breeding, good management, excellent adaptability and strong disease resistance, which is very suitable for entrepreneurs. According to the advice of relevant experts, compared with raising cattle, sheep and pigs, raising donkeys has the advantages of small wind face, less investment and high efficiency. Raising a donkey can make a profit of about 3000-4000 yuan a year, which is a good project for farmers to shake off poverty and become rich.

Techniques for raising donkeys

1. Newly purchased donkeys drink only water on the first day, feed grass or hay on the second day, freely eat grass or hay on the third day, feed 0.5 kg of wheat bran, and feed 1 kg of corn from the 4th to 6th day.

2. After a 6-day transition period, you can enter the fattening period, and feed freely on cereal straw, cottonseed husk, soybean straw, corn straw, etc.; the mixed concentrate is fed 3.5 kg ~ 4 kg per day, which is composed of cottonseed cake or soybean meal, peanut cake 50%, corn flour 29%, wheat bran 20%, salt 1%, and 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate per day.

3. During fattening, exercise should be restricted, clean drinking water should be provided, donkeys should be brushed every day, and the enclosure and surrounding environment should be kept dry and hygienic. It can be slaughtered after fattening for 60 ~ 70 days.

Prevention and treatment techniques of common diseases in donkeys

1. Donkeys should drink enough clean water when leaving the ring in the trough, and it is strictly forbidden to drink contaminated water or dirty water. Do a good job in the sanitation of the stable. No overnight feces are left in the stables, and the food trough and drinking water tank should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. The stables should be built away from the village to avoid being infected by the epidemic.

2. Every time the donkey enters or leaves the ring, especially after the end of the service, let him roll happily (because rolling is the best way for one-hoofed animals to rest). And brush one by one, this is not only conducive to skin cleaning, but also promote blood circulation, strengthen physiological function, improve physical health, eliminate fatigue.

3. It should be observed frequently during feeding. Once found that the donkey has a state of discomfort, or diet performance, should immediately ask a veterinarian to deal with, do not be careless, delay the opportunity of treatment.

4. Do not mix male and female donkeys so as not to bite and collide with each other, causing accidental trauma and tetanus. Simultaneous harassment can cause miscarriage of pregnant females, so when setting up food barriers, the stronger the guardrail, the better, which is conducive to large-scale breeding.

In fact, no matter what kind of animals are raised, there will be certain risks. Nowadays, more and more people raise donkeys, which shows that raising donkeys is still a good job. After all, donkey meat nutrition is very rich, donkey skin can also make a successful special effect of donkey gelatin, the market demand is so large, the natural income is high.