
What pheasant eats? the feeding method of pheasant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chicken is a common kind of poultry in daily life, it has many kinds, one of the most popular species is pheasant. Pheasant and ordinary chicken are different, its meat taste and nutritional value will be higher, so it is deeply loved by consumers. Now

Chicken is a common kind of poultry in daily life, it has many kinds, one of the most popular species is pheasant. Pheasant and ordinary chicken are different, its meat taste and nutritional value will be higher, so it is deeply loved by consumers. Now many people want to raise it, but do you know all about its breeding skills?

What do pheasants eat?

Pheasants are omnivorous and the food they eat varies with region and season. Autumn mainly feeds on fruits, seeds, leaves, buds, grass seeds and some insects of various plants. In winter, it mainly feeds on buds, twigs, stems, fruits, seeds and grains of various plants. In summer, it mainly feeds on buds, berries and grass seeds of various insects and other small invertebrates as well as some plants. In spring, they peck at the newly sprouted tender grass stems and leaves, and often go to the cultivated land to eat the grain seeds and seedlings planted.

The feeding method of pheasant

1. Control density: at the initial stage of fattening (5-11 weeks old), 10-12 pheasants per square meter can be raised, and then they can be reared in groups according to male and female, strength and size, so that the density can be gradually reduced to 6-8 pheasants per square meter. At the same time, enough troughs should be set up for uniform feeding and consistent growth.

2. Setting up a perch to prevent pecking: a perch should be placed inside and outside the fattening pheasant house for the pheasant to climb and stop, which not only makes full use of the breeding space, but also helps to reduce the pecking fetish of pheasant. Pheasants found to have been pecked should apply purple potion or camphor ointment to the wound and keep it in isolation. When necessary, the pheasant flock is regulated by hanging grass or green vegetables in the house to induce pheasants to peck vegetables to distract their energy of feather pecking, as well as vitamins and cellulose. At the age of 9-11 weeks, 1% feather powder can be added to the feed. The salt in the feed should be increased to 2.5%, or salt should be added to the drinking water and the water supply should be adequate.

3. Flight prevention: keep the venue as quiet as possible and refuse to visit, so as to reduce the influence of external factors. In order to prevent collision or death, cut off the primary flying feathers on one side of the pheasant.

How to feed pheasants properly

1. Farmers who feed pheasants with raw grains can appropriately increase the proportion of energy feeds such as corn and sorghum (recommended formula: corn 40%, wheat 15%, fried peas 20%, rapeseed cake 15%, wheat bran 5%, rice bran 4%, bone meal 1%). In addition, 2.5 kg of salt and an appropriate amount of trace elements are added per ton.

2. The broilers that can be purchased and fed with domestic chicken feed can be fed with adequate drinking water, and 10%-20% green fodder can be added. Let pheasants take a sand bath at least once a week and spray 2% trichlorfon solution into the river sand to kill ectoparasites.

How to reduce the mortality of pheasants

1. Replenish drinking water in time. Pheasant long-distance transport due to lack of water or early brooding pheasant can not drink water and can not find water will cause pheasant dehydration, serious cases will cause pheasant death.

2. Reduce temperature stress. Pheasants in transportation due to season, density, ventilation and other factors will appear overcooling or overheating phenomenon, sometimes in the brooding process will also appear temperature control equipment imbalance phenomenon, resulting in cold stress or heat stress resulting in death.

3. Prevent hunger. Pheasant chicks eat too late, can not find the beginning of live feeding irregularly will make the pheasant chicks hungry, affect their growth and even cause death.

4. Control the disease. The main diseases that are easy to be infected during the brooding period of pheasants are: dysentery, infectious bursal disease, pneumonia, paratyphoid and so on. Serious cases can cause death, so it is necessary to control the disease and feed drugs properly. Careful management in order to reduce the death of pheasants, we must control the temperature, humidity, density, and keep the environment quiet.

When raising pheasants, we must pay attention to the control of density and build the henhouse well. Then reasonable feeding is also very important, when feeding to do a good job of food proportion control. If pheasants want to grow healthily, disease prevention and control work needs to be carried out in time.