
Soilless Culture technique of Loach Culture technique of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in Paddy Field

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is a common fish species in our life, and it is widely distributed in our country at present. The nutritional value and edible taste of Loach are very good and are very popular with people. Now a lot of people want to increase themselves by raising it.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is a common fish species in our life, and it is widely distributed in our country at present. The nutritional value and edible taste of Loach are very good and are very popular with people. Now many people want to increase their income by raising it, but before breeding, they need to have a comprehensive understanding of its various breeding techniques.

Soilless Culture technique of Loach

1. Bait selection: Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is omnivorous fish. Small animals and plants, microorganisms and organic detritus in the water are its favorite food. Artificial breeding can directly feed aquatic insects, yellow powder insects, earthworms, maggots, clams, snails, fish meal, wild miscellaneous fish meat and livestock and poultry scraps, etc., can also be fed with artificial formula feed.

2. Bait feeding: Loach bait should adhere to the four principles, properly reduce the amount of bait in rainy and muggy weather, patrol the fields for a week every day, and deal with problems in time, such as loopholes in the ridges, leaks and dead fish should be dealt with quickly, and keep the pool water tender green. Disinfect it with a disinfectant such as quicklime or bleach every 15 days. The fertilization of lotus root field should be based on multi-base fertilizer and less chemical fertilizer. Pesticides should choose products with high efficiency and low toxicity, and they are harmless to Loach. Change the water regularly, 20% of the water each time.

3. Water quality control: the water quality should be "fat, lively, tender and cool". The water color should be yellowish green and the transparency should be 20cm to 30cm. When the transparency is more than 30 cm, 20 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per mu to increase the natural bait organisms of Loach such as radial rent and cladocera in the pond. If the transparency is less than 20 cm, topdressing should be stopped or reduced. In the hot season, new water is often injected, part of the old water is replaced, and the aerator is turned on regularly.

Culture technique of Loach in Paddy Field

1. Fertilization. In the process of culture, in order to ensure the continuity of plankton, organic fertilizer must be applied timely, a small amount and evenly. Fertilize every 10-15 days, using 150 kg fertilizer per mu each time. In addition, according to the specific situation of the water color, about 1.5 kg of urea or 2.5 kg of ammonia bicarbonate is applied each time to keep the water yellowish green.

2. Bait. Because of the high density of Loach in the field, artificial feed should be fed, such as bean cake, silkworm pupa powder, fly maggot, earthworm, snail, clam, slaughterhouse scraps, rice bran, bean dregs, rapeseed cake, wheat bran and so on. The peak growing season of Loach is from July to August. The proportion of silkworm pupa powder up to 15%, meat and bone powder 10%, bean cake 25%, bait twice a day is required, and the feeding rate is 10%. From September to October, it is mainly plant feed such as wheat bran and rice bran, which is usually fed once a day in the morning and in the afternoon, and the feeding amount is 2% of the total weight of Loach. 4%. About 2% in early spring and late autumn. According to the feeding situation of Loach, it is generally appropriate to finish eating within 1-2 hours after each feeding.

3. Water level control. Water level control is extremely important. The actual water level above the field surface is generally controlled above 5 cm. Add new water at the right time, generally once every half a month, and the water level should be properly deepened in the summer high temperature season.

Stocking model of Loach

1. Stocking preparation: clean up, transform and disinfect the pond 20 days before stocking Loach seedlings. Use barbed wire at inlets and drains to prevent escape. Dig a fish sliver with a depth of 30 centimeters and 50 centimeters and cover the bottom of the pond with a layer of decaying clay. The pond was cleared with quicklime 7 days before stocking, and the pond was sprinkled with 75 kg quicklime pulp at a depth of 10 cm per mu. Five days after clearing the pond, 25 cm of water was injected and 150-250 kg of organic fertilizer per mu was applied to improve the water quality.

2. Seedling stocking: artificial cultivation or wild seedlings are selected for Loach seedlings, but they should be neat, disease-free, injury-free, agile and fully released at one time. The seedling release time is generally in April every year, the average water temperature is more than 15 ℃, and the stocking specification is 80 seedlings / kg per mu. 1100 kg, it is best to choose the sunny afternoon. The seedlings were washed and disinfected with 8: 10 mg / L bleach solution before stocking, and the washing and disinfection time was 20: 30 minutes.

Common diseases of Loach and their prevention and treatment

1. Water mildew: the disease occurs after the pathogen invades through the wound, so it should be operated carefully when fishing and transporting Loach, and try not to damage the Loach body.

Prevention and treatment: Misgurnus anguillicaudatus seedlings and eggs can be soaked in potassium permanganate solution with a concentration of 4 mg / kg for 10 minutes for 15 minutes, adult Loach and parent Loach are sick, medical iodine or 1% concentration of potassium permanganate can be used to wipe the wound.

2. Red fin disease: it is mainly caused by deterioration of pond water, improper nutrition and fish injury.

Prevention and treatment: can be sprinkled with 1 mg / kg of bleach or 0.3 mg / kg of strong chlorine in the whole field, repeated once in 24 hours, and then sprinkled every half a month can be prevented.

The skill of Loach soilless culture is actually very simple, mainly to regulate and control the water quality. When raising rice fields, it is necessary to do a good job of fertilizing in advance, and then control the water level. Feeding is also very important, generally with earthworms, insects and other food to feed, the number of feeding also need to be grasped.