
How to raise local chickens separately the construction method of chicken coop

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although everyone's living standard has been improved, a lot of food is bought on the market, and the price is not expensive, so there is no need to cultivate and grow it yourself. However, people in rural areas prefer to grow some green vegetables and poultry, among which native chickens are farmed.

Although everyone's living standard has been improved, a lot of food is bought on the market, and the price is not expensive, so there is no need to cultivate and grow it yourself. However, people in rural areas prefer to grow their own green vegetables and poultry, of which native chicken is the most widely raised. There are many ways to raise chickens, so do you know how to raise native chickens separately?

How to raise local chickens separately

1. Select land to build a chicken house to buy seedlings

First of all, we should choose a good farm, that is, the place where chickens are raised. The editor suggests that everyone had better choose to raise chickens in the garden. Of course, there are no conditions and there is no way. It is best to have a garden at home, and if you raise it in the garden, there is a natural environment, so it is very suitable. If it is the first time to raise a chicken coop, it is best to build a smaller one, and then expand the scale when you are experienced and skilled. Of course, experienced breeders can ignore it. This is just to reduce everyone's loss. If you buy seedlings, you'd better buy high-quality chicks in the first year.

2. Drinking water and diet

After the chicken coop is built, the daily diet management can be done, and the staple food can be corn kernels, rice grains or rice kernels. It can be kept outside at ordinary times. It will find food on its own and add water to the water dish on time to make its water supply adequate. It can also give it some green vegetable leaves and other food to eat, supplement the balance and comprehensiveness of nutrition, and meet the needs of its growth and development.

3. Vaccination

It is very important to vaccinate chickens. Chicken plague and chicken diseases can easily break out in farms, so every chicken should be vaccinated regularly. The cost is calculated according to the number of chickens, and the general price is 20 yuan per chicken. In addition, local chickens should be dewormed regularly to ensure the smooth growth of native chickens.

4. Daily life

Usually let the chickens live and grow naturally, let them stay more in the chicken coop in autumn and winter, let them come out as far as possible in other times, move freely in the garden or farm, how they live comfortably, disinfect and sterilize the chicken coop and farm regularly, and take some preventive measures against nearby weasels and other threats to ensure the safety of chickens.

Construction method of chicken coop for free raising native chicken

1. The height of the floor inside the chicken house should be 25mm higher than the floor outside the house, otherwise, the floor and bedding of the chicken house will be wet, leading to the occurrence of diseases of the chicken flock. In addition, Rain Water will pour the chicken house back into the chicken house in case of rainstorm.

2. The color of the plastic window of the shutter of the chicken coop, south and north, the lower part of the shutter should be dark, the upper part should be transparent, and the upper transparent part should account for no more than 1/3 of the window area. The lower part of the upper and lower shutter should be equipped with facilities to keep warm and prevent thieves from entering.

3. The roof of the henhouse should be covered with straw for heat insulation and heat preservation.

4. The door for people to enter and leave the chicken house should be firm and locked, and eaves should be made above the window to prevent Rain Water from drifting in.

5. Windows should be set up on the east and west walls of the chicken house to facilitate ventilation and cooling in summer.

6. Each small henhouse opens a floor window for chickens to enter and exit, and the adjacent floor windows should not face the same side.

7. Dig a well between the two new henhouses, which is used for drinking water and flushing the henhouses. If necessary, the two sheds are separated by a purse seine.

8. The henhouse will be built from the north to the middle, starting from 10 meters, with a width of 2.5 meters and a simple rain awning extending to the far end, with a height of 1.5 meters, for shading chickens and avoiding rainstorm, and water pipes and automatic drinking fountains will be installed in the sheds, or independent rain sheds will be built above each automatic drinking fountain, with the area of each shed determined according to the situation (according to the density of fruit trees), and the distance between each drinking fountain will be 10 Mur12 meters.

9. The land outside the henhouse should be properly leveled, and the ditch should be covered to make it convenient for chickens to get in and out and walk outside.

10. There are 30 automatic drinking fountains in the chicken house, 20 outside the chicken house, 60 large material buckets and 2 sprayers.

Breed selection of native chicken

Native chicken breeds should be selected according to market demand and production needs. General meat chicken breeds, dual-purpose chicken breeds and egg breeds and rural grass chickens can all be used as ecological broiler breeds, which can be selected according to local conditions, and the dual-purpose chicken breed is usually the best.

What are the risks of raising native chickens?

1. Disease risk: native chickens actually do not have as high disease resistance as mentioned. For example, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and many other diseases are black hands that threaten native chicken farming. If you want to make profits in native chicken farming, it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of native chicken diseases.

2, market risk: the price of native chicken has its ups and downs, and there are gains and losses for farmers, so we should learn to fight a price war. In addition, the most important thing is marketing, which is an intuitive factor restricting whether breeders can develop or not. if there is no marketing, there is no profit to talk about.

As mentioned above, chicken is an indispensable meat in our daily diet, and we often eat some nutrients that may supplement the human body, but some captive chickens may even be injected with hormones, so we prefer to eat native chickens. compared with captive chickens, free-range native chickens have a broader prospect.