
How to train a bear puppy is better than how often a bear takes a bath.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Than the white hair of the bear dog, the round head, the furry is very lovely! Especially when girls simply see it, they can't move. Friends who have ever had a Beagle know that it is difficult to keep a Bear and is fastidious about food. Must be the little friend who keeps the dog.

Than the white hair of the bear dog, the round head, the furry is very lovely! Especially when girls simply see it, they can't move. Friends who have ever had a Beagle know that it is difficult to keep a Bear and is fastidious about food. Dog owners must want to know how often it is better to take a bath than a bear dog. What should I feed with dog food? Then come and have a look with the editor.

How to train a bear puppy

First of all, dog owners should be patient in training, otherwise they are more likely to be disgusted than bear puppies.

Unlike particularly clever dogs such as golden hairs, many training skills depend on repetitive memory, so dog owners should be patient when training puppies, never act in haste and ask too much. In particular, beating and scolding in anger is worse than the behavior of bear dogs.

2. pay attention to fasten your seat belt when training a Beagle.

When you go out or train a Beagle in public, be sure to wear a collar or leash to your dog. One is to avoid being frightened and bite others during training, and the other is to avoid being hit by other vehicles. Than the bear dog should not be too tight or too loose, too tight will affect breathing, too loose is easy to fall off, it is appropriate to have a certain degree of freedom.

3. The Beagle should keep a certain amount of time to exercise every day.

The training of the Bear Dog should be carried out for a long time. Don't be enthusiastic for two days and rest for half a month. As for Motiani, the amount of exercise varies depending on the breed, age and individual of the visual bear dog. For example, it is appropriate for small Bear dogs to exercise 3-4 km a day, while some adults can run about 4-16 km a day. There are two points to note. Dog owners should allow bears to move freely for a few minutes to defecate before going out for training. At the same time, the bear should maintain the correct walking posture during the exercise, maintain a proper distance from the owner, and correct the walking habits before or after, or left or right.

5. Don't follow only one route when training.

Don't just follow the same regular route during the daily training of the Bear. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the bear from sniffing other feces or other objects left by the bear dog along the way, and not to let the bear dog touch it. At the same time, be careful not to put the Beagle in a place where people or other dogs gather, so as to prevent the spread of certain diseases.

5. A good daily training program for Bixiong

Some activities are good for the Beagle, such as summer swimming exercise, which can make the Bear Dog grow symmetrically. Or it is also good to let the dog move quickly and fly over obstacles in the open area, which can make the structure of the dog's shoulders develop well and promote the development of the chest, especially the forechest. Bicycle rope traction is also a good exercise for Bear Dog, which can train the flexibility of the dog's whole body joints and the agility of movement.

How often does a bear take a bath?

1. Wash once every seven to ten days in summer and about two weeks in winter. It should be the most reasonable time to bathe the bear according to how dirty it is.

2. Sick dogs and puppies (2 months ago) should not be bathed. Because sick dogs and puppies have poor physical function and weak disease resistance, taking a bath at this time will not only aggravate the condition, but also easily cause colds. If a sick dog or puppy is soiled by hair, you can gently comb it with a comb or wipe it clean with a towel.

3. Even if the bear is healthy, the bathing time should be from noon to evening, and the coat of the bear should be completely cool and dry. But Bixiong, who swims on the beach or comes back from the rain, must take a bath.

How to take a bath than a bear

1. Brush all over the body before taking a bath to avoid more serious entanglement. In particular, remove the knots, mud, tar and gum dregs, and then squeeze around the anal gland (ask your doctor for the correct method). Put a collar on it before, so that you can control it when you take a bath.

2. Use cotton swabs or tampons for ears (don't use cotton balls, otherwise wash them halfway. As soon as Bixiong shook his head, the cotton ball fell off) vertically plugging the T-shaped ear canal. Use chlortetracycline, dilinomycin or KY ointment on both eyes to prevent hair washing agent and dirty water from getting into people.

Let the bear stand firmly in the special bathtub, first wet the whole body with the appropriate water temperature, and gently comb the hair on the bear, so that the bear feels comfortable and quiet and ready to take a bath.

3. Drop the shampoo, first apply the shampoo on the back, rub it from the back to the buttocks, rub the whole body into foam, and finally wash the bear's head, both ears, soles of feet, chin and anus. Care should be taken to avoid washing foam into the bear's eyes. Although the shampoo bought in the pet store is marked with the words "do not irritate the eyes", so far, there is no shampoo that Bixiong likes, so the only way is to be careful. While gently scrubbing, hold Bixiong's collar with one hand so as not to jump out or get water all over the place.

4. Start flushing. The direction of flushing is to wash the bear's head first, and then wash the bear's body. Rinse back gradually from the head, instead of scratching the bear in the face. Be sure to rinse the shampoo thoroughly after washing. Make sure you have completely washed the remaining lotion on Bixiong. It is recommended that you use conditioner every time. Acid-base balance is conducive to thorough washing of residual lotion on Bixiong. These things remain on the bear and cause itchy skin, which can easily cause inflammation and infection in the process of scratching.

5. Wipe the bear dry with a large towel that can be completely wrapped up. Remove the cotton ball from the bear's ear and wipe it clean. Wipe it with a towel first, and then dry it with a hair dryer. Be sure to dry it, otherwise you will catch cold more easily than a bear. If the bear does not have a skin disease, you can use the "warm" hairdryer to dry it and comb the bear's fur while blowing. If your bear is suffering from a skin disease, let the bear dry naturally without catching cold, as the heat of the hair dryer will further irritate the itching of the affected skin.

6. After blowing dry, please remember to comb the hair of the bear. Finally, clean the parts of the bear's eyes and ears with toilet paper.

What should you pay attention to when bathing a Beagle?

1. First of all, before bathing the bear, be sure to comb its hair, lose the hair, smooth the tangled hair, and then remove some dirt from the hair so that the bath work can be done better in the future. When combing, the hair should be gentle, the owner should hold the root of the hair with one hand, and the other hand should be combed to reduce and avoid dog pain.

2. Secondly, the water temperature for bathing the Beagle should be kept in line with the dog's body temperature. In a cold winter, it can be as high as 1-2 degrees Celsius, while in a hot summer, the water temperature can be slightly lower. It is important to note that in winter, you should choose to bathe in a warm room, avoid bathing the dog in a cold and humid environment, and avoid catching cold and sick dogs.

3. Finally, every time you give a bibear a bath, gently rub the dog's body with both hands, especially the abdomen, ears, armpits, interior and toes should be meticulously cleaned. After kneading the dough, you need to wash the dog's body with water to avoid skin diseases caused by foam on the dog's skin.

After seeing the training method of the Beagle, the little friends who raise the Beagle must know what to do! Hurry up to train your own Beagle. People who are naive and honest are more popular than bear dogs, and those who have politeness and various skills are more popular than bear dogs. Let's do it!