
How to raise an English short blue cat? are you afraid of the heat?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For those breeding enthusiasts, the health of pet babies is the most important, so the first consideration when choosing breeding objects is whether its breeding method is simple and whether it is within the scope of their own acceptance. British short blue cats have always been raised by families.

For those breeding enthusiasts, the health of pet babies is the most important, so the first consideration when choosing breeding objects is whether its breeding method is simple and whether it is within the scope of their own acceptance. The British short blue cat has always been the first choice among family breeders. What is the breeding method for this type of cat?

How to keep an English short blue cat

1. Diet

Cats' intestines and stomach are poor, we should pay attention to the hardness of the food, should not be too hard or too soft, we should be careful not to change food too suddenly, this will cause diarrhea when they do not apply the new rations. So we should reasonably replace the new cat food, let it slowly adapt, do not change it at once, so that it will not have diarrhea. Appropriate supplement of trace elements, fasting is not easy to digest food, to ensure the supply of clear water.

2. Exercise

Yingshort is extremely clingy and very close to people, and usually likes to sleep obediently on your knee or beside you. If you don't exercise for a long time, it is easy to get fat. Originally, its body shape is chubby, and then there will be problems in its physical condition. So we usually have to take some time to play games with it and let it exercise every day, so as to keep healthy.

3. Clean

We should clean them regularly, such as brushing and brushing their teeth, so as to reduce the invasion of bacteria caused by gum inflammation; eye cleaning, often using wet cotton or wet paper towels to clean the mucus and skin of the eyes; ears, regularly check the ear canal; joints, joint pain is a common disease of elderly pets, you can massage the muscles or activate collaterals and joints when they rest; take a bath, usually once or twice a month To trim your claws, you should trim your nails when they are too long, but not too long. Cut to its flesh.

4. Shedding

Shedding is a common problem in cats, especially during the changing season, Yingshort will comb her own hair, which will swallow the combed hair into the abdomen, and a hair ball will be formed in the stomach for too long, which can neither be excreted nor spit out. Being stranded in the stomach will affect appetite and even threaten life. So during the depilation or depilation period, we comb its hair several times a day.

Is the English short blue cat afraid of heat?

English short-haired cats are relatively heat-resistant. There is not much difference between foster parents. Male cats will be much bigger and look fuller. But cats that are not neutered have some characteristics. Male cats pee everywhere. The female cat has 4-5 days of love every half a month (called spring).

Cats can defecate in cat litter. Make a basin at home and put sand in it. The cat's instinct drives itself to defecate in the basin. And will take the initiative to cover it. All you have to do is clean up the sand stained with feces regularly.

Which foods should not be fed to English short blue cats?

1. Irritant food. Such as pepper, mustard, hot oil.

2. Excessive fat food.

3. Too cold and too hot food. The cat's tongue is afraid of heat and the body will reject food that is too cold and too hot.

4. Viscera. Although it contains vitamin A, too much of it is harmful to the bones of cats.

5. Onions. It can destroy red blood cells and cause anemia, which can seriously lead to death.

6. Aquatic products. Such as octopus, squid, will cause indigestion, vomiting, serious can lead to death!

7. Biscuits and sweets can easily cause tooth decay.

8, chicken bones, fish bones, not easy to digest, and even stab the stomach and intestines.

Is the English short blue cat easy to keep?

1. Diet

We know that the digestive function of the intestines and stomach of English short is weak and it is easy to produce diarrhea. Therefore, special attention should be paid when preparing food. Cold and irritating food should not be given to cats. Generally speaking, choose good cat food for Yingxiao and don't change it easily. If you want to replace new cat food, you should take a step-by-step approach and gradually complete the replacement of cat food within 7-10 days.

2. Sports

Exercise is the driving force of life, even cats. In life, parents should guide British short-haired cats to do appropriate exercises, such as walking, walking, running and so on. Parents can set aside some time every day to play games with Yingxian and strengthen its amount of exercise. Exercise can exercise the cat's body and enhance its resistance. At the same time, it can also prevent obesity and make the English short body healthier.

Anyone who has raised a cat knows that neutering is necessary because some of the phenomena that occur during estrus are unacceptable to many people. The same is true of the English short blue cat, which may have the bad habit of defecating everywhere when it is in estrus.