
Golden hair begins to be sensible. How to train a golden dog to be obedient?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many people like to keep some pet dogs at home, because the general pet dogs are very cute and docile. Of all the pet dogs, such as Teddy, Golden hair or husky, are more popular. What I'm going to tell you today.

Many people like to keep some pet dogs at home, because the general pet dogs are very cute and docile. Among all the pet dogs, such as Teddy, Golden hair or Husky are more popular with people. Today we are going to talk about Golden hair. Many people want to train the golden fur to be obedient when raising the golden retriever, so what are the tips to make the golden hair obedient?

Golden hair is beginning to be sensible.

1. Docile

Generally speaking, no matter how grumpy a dog is, it will be very docile in front of its owner. Because once the dog recognizes you as the owner, then you are the dog's life, so he will be very docile to you and stop barking.

2. Be obedient

Some people may think that docility and obedience are the same meaning that dogs treat people, but this is a misconception. If the dog is obedient to you, then the instructions you give will be followed, so this is also a way to judge.

Remember the location of your home

If the dog is familiar with your home and recognizes you as its owner, he will remember your home, because it is also a home he recognizes. So no matter how the dog runs out, it will come back. If your dog goes out to play and comes back by himself at night, he has already recognized you as his master.

4. I don't want you to go out

If you are recognized as the owner of the dog, you may be reluctant to go out when you leave home. Because he has recognized you as the master, and his feelings will be expressed like you.

Come to pick you up on time

If the dog thinks you are the owner, then he will have a deep dependence on you. The dog will remember when you come back from work and school, so he will be waiting for you at your door or some necessary place. If your dog picks you up like this, it shows that he recognizes you very much, please live up to his kindness.

6. Stop yelling at you

The dog's barking is generally a kind of self-protection or declaration of sovereignty, since you are recognized as the owner, then the dog will no longer think that you are an injured person. So the dog will no longer bark at you, and if your dog does, you will be recognized as the owner.

7. Love is spoiled to you

If the dog thinks you are the owner, then he likes to rub against you and hang around you. If you do something, don't think it's a trouble, because usually he won't bother you, it's just a sign that he likes you and wants to be close to you.

How can a golden dog be trained to be obedient?

1. If the golden hair is disobedient. The first thing you should do is to yell at it immediately so that the golden hair can become quiet as soon as possible. Then parents need to analyze why Golden Retriever is disobedient, probably what stimulated it. Finally, when Golden Retriever's mood becomes stable, parents should not forget to pacify it, touch it or give it some snacks as encouragement.

2. Even in clever and sensible golden hairs, there is no guarantee that they will be obedient all the time. Golden Retriever will always be stimulated by various situations. As a parent, one must not start to beat and scold Golden hair angrily as soon as it is disobedient. Use his majesty to make the golden hair quiet, and then train.

3. Of course, cultivate Golden Retriever's good character habits from an early age. Let it know how to correctly face strangers, strange environment, strange things is very important. From the beginning of the smooth weaning of Golden hair, parents can begin to train it to promote the mature and stable character of Golden hair and avoid disobedience as far as possible.

How to raise Golden Retriever?

1. Dog food choice: Golden Retriever's food intake is relatively larger than that of ordinary dogs. It is recommended to buy professional dog food directly. Dog food is more nutritionally balanced than homemade food, and it is relatively simple to feed. Just follow the recommended amount and feeding method of dog food. Generally feed according to body size, and buy dog food suitable for golden size, such as buying puppy food when you are young and feeding adult dog food when you grow up.

2. Feeding quantity: Golden Retriever was fed three to four times a day after weaning, two to three times a day in three to six months, twice from six months to one year old, and once or twice over one year old. Feeding time can match your schedule, but also consider the time to walk the dog and defecate, clean the bedpan and wash the dishes after meals. Wash the dishes immediately after meals so as not to cause pests or spoilage of leftover food. At the same time, open the bowl, so that Golden Retriever will not treat the rice bowl as a toy.

3, the right amount of exercise: Golden Retriever should often take out to exercise, improve physical quality, if not regular exercise will lead to golden hair obesity, obesity is easy to cause all kinds of harm. But in general, Golden hair should not take it out for a run before it is 12 months old, when its bones have not yet developed, which will put a lot of pressure on it.

4. Cleaning care: Golden Retriever combs her hair once or twice a day, which can not only keep the hair clean and supple, clean up the lost hair, but also prevent the hair from knotting and promote blood circulation. Golden Retriever should clean his mouth about 3 times a week and clean his ears, eyes and anal glands once a week to ensure that the dog's body is clean and away from germs. In addition, Golden Retriever should take a bath, trim his hair and trim his toenails regularly.

5. Disease prevention: Golden Retriever should pay attention to cooling and preventing heatstroke in summer to avoid Golden Retriever's heatstroke and infection. We should guard against cold and keep warm in winter to prevent Golden Retriever from catching a cold and getting sick. In addition, parents should regularly deworming Golden Retriever in vivo and in vitro, regularly go to the hospital for physical examination and vaccination, and do a good job in the prevention of infectious diseases such as canine distemper and small dogs, so as to ensure the health of golden dogs.

6. Reasonable training: Golden Retriever is a very obedient dog, but if you can train him from an early age to restrain his wrong behavior, especially if he likes to bark, he must be corrected in time. This is essential for the dog to adapt to your family life in the future.

How long is the life span of a golden retriever?

The life span of golden hair is 12 to 15 years. Golden Retriever's lifespan has a lot to do with the methods of feeding and management. in fact, the lifespan of dogs can reach 10 to 20 years. Of course, the lifespan of hard-working dogs and extremely idle dogs is very different, but no matter which kind of dog, the lifespan of more than 15 years old is the most common, as long as the breeders pay attention to the dog's physical, sports and disease health, most dogs have a longer lifespan.

In fact, whether it is raising golden hair, huskies or Teddy, people need a lot of love or patience to deal with them. After all, dogs have ideas. In fact, as long as you and the dog have established a very close relationship, the dog is generally very obedient to you.