
New technology of golden cicada culture how long does it take to culture golden cicada

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The golden cicada is what we often call the cicada monkey, which is a relatively common animal. In recent years, people have become more and more aware of the value of golden cicada, so more and more people have begun to raise it. But before breeding, most people must want to raise it.

The golden cicada is what we often call the cicada monkey, which is a relatively common animal. In recent years, people have become more and more aware of the value of golden cicada, so more and more people have begun to raise it. But before breeding, most people must want to have a comprehensive understanding of its breeding technology. Let's take a look at it together.

New technology of golden cicada culture

1. Feed supply. Choose healthy tree species with developed roots, luxuriant growth and more juice, such as poplar, elm, willow, paulownia or all kinds of fruit trees in the orchard. In addition, but also intercropping some rhizome plants, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams and so on.

2. Environmental conditions. The "breeding" depth of grasshopper cicada should be 30cm to 50cm. It should be sunny and frostproof, the soil should be soft, fertile and pollution-free; it should not be too dry, nor should it have too high water content or stagnant water, so as to ensure the normal growth and development, tender, developed and succulent root system of host plants. In winter, wheat straw, rice straw and corn straw should be covered in the breeding area to maintain the ground temperature.

3. Prepare for epidemic prevention. Unearthed nymphs (cicadas) and adult natural enemies after Eclosion, such as toads, snakes, rodents, hedgehogs, wild cats, sparrows and mantis all like to eat nymphs (cicadas). Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria bassiana and entomogenous algae (cicadas) are also parasitic. In addition, the pollution of floods and pesticides and chemical fertilizers do great harm to nymphs (cicadas) or cicadas, which should be paid attention to and protected when breeding. The most important seasons are the egg stage on the tree, the occurrence period of "cicada ants" and the unearthed period of mature nymphs. The natural enemies of egg stage and cicada ant occurrence period on trees are mainly ants and red flower bugs. The treatment measures are to use 100-fold solution of strong ammonia to wash egg branches or DDVP, strong chlorine and so on for soil treatment.

4. Breeding technology. The construction of adult and nymph production facilities can not only naturally collect cicada eggs, but also build a screen greenhouse to provide golden cicada adult spawning space. You can use the fruit trees in the abandoned orchard to replant the fruit tree seedlings, set up a fence around with cement columns or bamboo sticks, and set up iron wire in the middle, which can be covered with nylon window screen. Eclosion or collection of adults in which they mate and lay eggs, the number of adults can be retained as needed in the future, and there is no need to collect provenances from the wild.

How long does it take to raise golden cicadas?

It takes three years from cicada spawning to harvesting cicada pupae. Egg collection is after the golden cicada lays eggs in autumn, usually around July of the lunar calendar, about 15 days before the larvae hatch. At this time, you will see some larvae climbing up and down the branches. About 20% of the hatched larvae are buried.

Disease control of golden cicada

1. Unearthed nymphs (cicadas) and adult natural enemies after Eclosion, such as toads, snakes, mice, hedgehogs, wild cats, sparrows and mantis all like to eat nymphs (cicadas). Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria bassiana and parasitic algae (cicadas) and other microorganisms are also parasitic. In addition, the pollution of floods and pesticides and chemical fertilizers do great harm to nymphs (cicadas) or cicadas, which should be paid attention to and protected when breeding.

2. The most important seasons are the egg stage on the tree, the occurrence period of "cicada ants" and the unearthed period of mature nymphs. The natural enemies of egg stage and cicada ant occurrence period on trees are mainly ants and red flower bugs. The treatment measures are to use 100-fold solution of strong ammonia to wash egg branches or DDVP, strong chlorine and so on for soil treatment.

Harvest and processing of golden cicada

Every year, June is the best time to harvest golden cicadas, and centralized harvesting can be carried out until August, especially after rain, when some nymphs climb out of the soft soil that has just been wet. then climb some branches for a short time, because they like to do activities at night, so we can use flashlights to harvest at night.

Golden cicadas in breeding must pay attention to the environment, but also need to do a good job in the supply of feed. The disease control of golden cicada is also very important, it is necessary to make timely observation, and then timely prevention and control. Only by doing a good job can we ensure that it can grow healthily.