
What do hedgehogs need to pay attention to? hedgehog breeding techniques

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Now, with the collective appearance of small hedgehogs in Douyin or volcano videos, many people also have ideas to raise small hedgehogs, but it is relatively rare for hedgehogs to be raised as pets, so many people do not know how to raise small hedgehogs.

Now with the collective appearance of small hedgehogs in Douyin or volcano videos, many people also have ideas to raise small hedgehogs, but it is relatively rare for hedgehogs to be raised as pets, so many people do not know how to raise small hedgehogs, so what do we need to pay attention to? What are the small techniques for raising little hedgehogs? then the editor will introduce them one by one for everyone.

What do you need to pay attention to when raising a hedgehog

1. The hedgehog is a sensitive animal. As long as you frighten it, the hedgehog will react immediately. With such living habits, we must arrange a quiet place for our hedgehog, which is suitable for the hedgehog's living habits. We should try to arrange the hut of the hedgehog as comfortable as possible. It is suggested that the nest of the little hedgehog should be wider and higher, and it is better to be covered with straw, because the flexibility of the straw is very suitable for the little hedgehog, so it is suggested that we can find some straw.

2. The hedgehog is a kind of sleepy animal. Generally speaking, when you can see, the little hedgehog almost likes to sleep, so I try not to disturb the little hedgehog at ordinary times. Generally, the evening is the best time to communicate with your little hedgehog. You should pay attention to this.

3. When feeding hedgehogs, we try not to choose two hedgehogs together, especially the same sex hedgehogs should not be fed together. It is suggested that we had better separate the hedgehogs, otherwise it is likely to cause the injury of the hedgehogs because of the fight between the hedgehogs. For those of us who feed hedgehogs, we should pay attention to feeding hedgehogs with special pet food. if you feed hedgehogs with our own food, it will be very disadvantageous to the health of hedgehogs, because we humans will put a lot of different seasonings and salt, which will affect the health of hedgehogs.

4. Hedgehogs are timid and sensitive to sunlight, so it is recommended that we arrange hedgehogs in places where there is no sunshine, while the surrounding environment is as quiet as possible, which is of great benefit to your little hedgehog.

5. We should not rinse the hedgehog with water, which will cause the hedgehog's physical discomfort and even death. in addition, do not give the hedgehog direct and tap water, we should give our hedgehog to drink boiled water after cooling, which has a good effect on the hedgehog's body. What we need to pay attention to is that hedgehogs must pay attention to cooling in summer, because hedgehogs are more afraid of heat, it is best to drink more water to hedgehogs, which can cool hedgehogs. In summer, hedgehogs must be put in the shade, which is good for hedgehogs!

Does the hedgehog stink?

Hedgehogs stink, hedgehogs are wild animals, in order to protect themselves put a stench on the body. The best way to deodorize a hedgehog is to bathe it with white vinegar and prepare a pair of gloves to prevent it from being stabbed or bitten by the hedgehog. Then dilute the vinegar in a small bowl with water and heat it in a microwave oven at the right temperature. Pacify the hedgehog and put it in a bucket and wet it with vinegar. Your belly must be completely drenched with vinegar. Wrap the hedgehog with a veil and stuffy with vinegar, and then the stench can be dispelled. Wash the hedgehog as much as possible after the vinegar bath, dry the hedgehog's body, and wipe the thorns clean.

Breeding technique of hedgehog

1. Feeding method

Hedgehogs eat almost everything, such as insects, mice, snakes, frogs, earthworms and the internal organs of some animals. Hedgehogs' favorite delicacies are hedgehogs' favorite foods, such as insects, mice, snakes, frogs, earthworms and the internal organs of some animals. choose chopped corn and sorghum as well as all kinds of flour and fruits to mix well, and then mix the animal and plant feed according to a certain proportion. After one-time feeding every evening, hedgehogs also have requirements for daily nutrient intake, and the daily food protein content can not be less than 30%. Wild hedgehogs are mainly fed with animal feed at the beginning. In the later stage, the animal feed is gradually reduced and the plant feed is gradually increased.

2. Points for attention

The food in the feed that hedgehogs eat every day must be washed and then made, such as some melons and fruits must be washed clean, otherwise it is easy to make hedgehogs sick, and we should pay attention to the time when hedgehogs eat, because hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and their activity during the day is not strong, so it is best when we feed them in the evening, we can feed feed and water at one time, and the feed should be diversified, not too single. Avoid the phenomenon that hedgehogs bite and refuse to eat each other.

3. Disease prevention and treatment

Because the disease resistance of hedgehogs is relatively strong, so there are fewer diseases, as long as we do a good job in the health work of the farms and strengthen the management, there will basically be no diseases. The most common diseases of hedgehogs are gastroenteritis, dermatomycosis and ascariasis, but there is nothing else. You can feed some oxytetracycline or gentamicin at ordinary times, and you can apply some ointment to treat skin tinea. Ascariasis can be fed to Ascaris lumbricoides net to kill Ascaris lumbricoides, every year to hedgehog deworming work to prevent the disease inadvertently invading.

4. Construction of garden house

The choice of the farm can be in the courtyard, or you can use bricks to code a small garden with a height of one meter, to ensure that there is no leakage, and to build it closely, and you can put some leaves in the garden house to make a nest for hedgehogs. Conditionally, you can do some rockery in the garden house to create the appearance of the natural environment, which is closer to real field life, heap some stones and bricks, and so on.

Is it good to raise hedgehogs?

Hedgehogs are easy to raise. Hedgehogs have strong adaptability, fewer diseases, no infectious diseases, will not bite people at will, and can generally survive for 4-7 years. As long as the feeding management and hygiene measures are proper, it is rare to get sick, and it can be treated with corresponding human drugs. Moreover, hedgehogs are not strict with the environment and can be raised in balconies, courtyards, abandoned houses, open spaces, etc., as long as hedgehogs build nests covered with hay, pine leaves or straw.

In the above, we have a general understanding of some of the breeding methods here. In fact, it is a little wisdom, or relatively, relatively simple. It's just that hedgehogs are not as easy to establish a close relationship with people as pet dogs and cats.