
Tiger shrimp culture technology what kind of feed do you feed tiger shrimp?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pond: the bottom of the pond is flat, the bottom is better with loam, and the water source is sufficient without pollution. Before stocking: 20-30 days before stocking, clear the pond for disinfection, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, plant aquatic plants, set up nets, or set up bamboo and plastic tubes to provide habitat, molting and concealment for tiger shrimp.

Pond: the bottom of the pond is flat, the bottom is better with loam, and the water source is sufficient without pollution. Before stocking: 20-30 days before stocking, clear the pond for disinfection, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, plant aquatic plants, set up nets, or set up bamboo tubes, plastic tubes, etc., to provide habitat, molting and concealment for tiger shrimp. Stocking: the stocking time is in the middle and last ten days of July, the specification of juvenile shrimp is more than 0.8cm, 30,000-40,000 per mu. Feed: the corpses of all kinds of benthic small invertebrates and aquatic animals.

Shrimp is very common in our life, and because it lives alone, it is deeply loved by the public and often appears on people's dining tables. We all know that there are many kinds of shrimp, such as lobster, prawn, tiger shrimp and so on. Among them, tiger shrimp is also known as the "fighter" of shrimp. The following editor will introduce you about its breeding methods.

Culture techniques of tiger shrimp

I. Culture facilities

The suitable area of the pond is 4-10 mu, the depth is 1-1.5m, and the slope ratio is 1 ∶ 2.5m. The bottom of the pond is flat, the bottom material is loam, the soil quality of the pond slope is hard, the water retention of the pond is good, and the water level is easy to be controlled. The water source is abundant and the water quality is pollution-free. According to the pattern of high irrigation and low discharge, the drainage canal should be built so that it can be irrigated and discharged.

Second, prepare before stocking

1. Thoroughly clear the pond to disinfect shrimp seedlings 20-30 days before stocking, drain the pond water, remove too much silt, renovate the pond ridge, use 75 kilograms of quicklime per mu or bleach powder, bleach powder and other drugs, thoroughly clear the pond for disinfection.

2. Apply enough basic fertilizer and 500-600 kg of rotten livestock and poultry manure per mu to cultivate rotifer, Cladocera and copepod plankton to provide palatable bait for shrimp seedlings.

3. Aquatic plants such as verticillium verticillata, Rabdosia malayensis, Elodea and other aquatic plants were planted in the aquatic plant ponds, accounting for 2. 3% of the shrimp pond area. At the same time, set up nets, or set up bamboo tubes, plastic tubes, etc., to provide habitat, molting and concealment for crayfish.

3. Shrimp Seedling and Shrimp breeding

In order to release the first batch of young shrimp hatched in the same year, the stocking time is in the middle and late July, and the specification of juvenile shrimp is more than 0.8 cm. Stocking 30,000 to 40,000 per mu. The specification is neat. The specification of juvenile shrimp is more than 0.8 cm, and the specification of shrimp species is about 3 cm. The specifications of shrimp seedlings raised in the same pond should be the same and should be fully released at one time.

How to use quicklime in raising tiger shrimp

1. Application of quicklime in pond cleaning.

Quicklime releases a large amount of heat in contact with water and produces calcium hydroxide, which has strong alkalinity, which makes the pH value of pool water rise sharply, and quickly kills bacteria, parasite eggs, aquatic insects, harmful fish, frog eggs, moss and some aquatic plants to achieve the purpose of eliminating diseases.

2. Dry ponds clear ponds

Generally speaking, dry pond cleaning can be used for ponds with sufficient water sources and convenient drainage and irrigation. First put the pond water dry or leave the water depth 5-10 cm, 50-75 kg of quicklime per mu (such as more silt can appropriately increase the use of quicklime), dig a pit at the bottom of the pond or use containers such as wooden buckets when cleaning the pond, put the quicklime into the water to dissolve, unequal cooling immediately sprinkle evenly to the whole pool around, rake pond mud is better.

3. Clear the pond with water

It is generally suitable for ponds where the water source is not enough and the drainage and irrigation is not very convenient. Clean the pond with water, according to the amount of water, generally use 0.2 kilograms of quicklime per cubic meter of water, usually put quicklime into a barrel or tank and sprinkle it on the edge of the pool immediately after melting in a bucket or tank. The seedlings can not be released until the drug power disappears in 7-8 days.

What kind of feed do you feed tiger shrimp?

Tiger shrimp is omnivorous, and the juvenile shrimp feeds on plankton. The main food of adult shrimp in natural waters is a variety of benthic small invertebrates, corpses of aquatic animals, fixed algae, a variety of filamentous algae, organic debris, plant fragments and so on. Artificially farmed tiger shrimp can eat a variety of commercial feed, such as lees, bean curd dregs, bean cakes, silkworm pupae, clam meat, wheat flour, fish meal, rice, snails, especially maggot bows. When there is not enough feed, they will eat each other. Negative phototaxis to light, lurking in the shadows during the day, feeding and activities at night. Therefore, most of the feed is put into the dark.

Disinfection methods of tiger shrimp culture ponds

1. Disinfection with quicklime

In the use of quicklime disinfection before leaving only 5-10 cm of stagnant water, smash quicklime evenly into the pool water to dissolve, the dosage of quicklime is generally 20-40 kg per mu, the second day of using quicklime, stir the bottom of the pool with iron rake, so that lime slurry and silt are fully mixed.

2. Bleach disinfection

Tiger shrimp culture ponds need to drain water when using bleach to disinfect, 0.5-1 kg of bleach with an effective rate of more than 30% per mu, and 1.5-2.5 kg of bleach with a water depth of more than 30% per mu in undrained ponds. When in use, bleach is first put into a wooden basin or iron bucket, diluted with water and sprinkled into the pond. Do not release the disinfected water, stay in the pool, start to enter the water the next day, and reach the required level of feeding.

This is the end of the experience of tiger shrimp culture. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Tiger shrimp culture method is not very difficult, and has a lot of culture advantages, if everyone breeds well, it can become a good agricultural culture project.