
For sheep-raising techniques that many people in rural areas do not know, following these six points can significantly improve the rate of sheep production.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In recent years, the scale of China's sheep industry is constantly expanding, and there is a high demand for mutton in the market, but there are still many sheep farmers who do not make any profits, and even some sheep farmers have been losing money, and many people complain that the market environment is not good, but

In recent years, the scale of China's sheep industry is constantly expanding, and there is a high demand for mutton in the market, but there are still many sheep farmers who do not make any profits, and even some sheep farmers have been losing money. Many people complain that the market environment is not good, but other farmers have been making money. How do they do it? In order to improve the efficiency of raising sheep, we should start from the cost of raising sheep and raising sheep scientifically, raise high-quality sheep and submit the rate of production, so that we can maintain our competitiveness in the sheep industry. Next, let's take a look at six key points of scientific sheep farming. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Select good varieties to cross.

To raise sheep, good breeds are very important. Foreign fine breeds of rams and local ewes are introduced for binary or ternary crossbreeding to produce excellent hybrid lambs. Hybrid sheep grow fast and have good meat quality, which can be sold at a good price and effectively improve economic benefits.

2. Artificial insemination

The price of good breeding ram is also very expensive. in order to reduce the cross-infection caused by mating and make the breeding ram lose the mating ability, it is necessary to adopt artificial insemination technology to help fertilize and maximize the economic benefits of the breeding ram.

3. Lambs are weaned early.

With the increase of the age of the lamb, the milk of the ewe can no longer meet the nutrition of the lamb, so it is necessary to train the lamb to eat feed in time. Normally, we should begin to induce food at the age of 7-10 days, 50g-70g feed every day at 15-30 days old, 100g feed every day at 30-60 days old, and 200g feed every day at 60-90 days old, so as to ensure the rapid growth of lambs and lay a good foundation for fattening in the later stage. It is best to start weaning lambs at the age of 100 days, no more than 4 months at the latest, in order to shorten the lambing cycle and increase the number of lambs per year.

4. Disease prevention

Disease is a major threat to raising sheep, it is necessary to do a good job of vaccination, regularly deworming the sheep, regularly disinfect the sheepfold, keep the internal environment clean and hygienic, and the newly bought sheep must be confirmed to be healthy before they can be put into the fold. Regular observation, to see whether the diet and excretion of sheep are abnormal, so that early detection and early treatment.

5. Feed processing technology

The feed fed by the traditional way of raising sheep is not processed, which is not only a waste of feed, but also the intake rate of sheep is relatively low, so the growth of sheep is relatively slow, so the feeding cycle is lengthened. If the feed is fermented to promote the decomposition of protein, it can be more suitable for young sheep. Acidic substances can also increase the digestion and absorption rate and increase the appetite of sheep, which can speed up the fattening speed and improve the benefit of raising sheep.

6. Techniques of raising sheep in shed

Because the technology of raising sheep in the house is not in place, the sheep are easy to be fat in autumn and thin in winter, so a more reasonable sheep house should be built to create a comfortable growth environment for sheep to promote their rapid growth and increase the efficiency of raising sheep.

It is not difficult for farmers to do the above six points, but many farmers ignore these small details, so their own sheep are not only more expensive than others, but also lower than others. This is why in the same market, many people keep a high benefit of raising sheep, but some people keep losing money all the time.