
Matters needing attention in raising pigs in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The temperature of raising pigs in winter should be controlled, the temperature of pigsty should be kept at about 20 ℃, and the temperature of feeding water should be 25 ℃. Choose a fixed time for reasonable and scientific feeding, and at the same time improve the body's ability to keep out the cold. Maintain hygienic feeding in the circle every day

The temperature of raising pigs in winter should be controlled, the temperature of pigsty should be kept at about 20 ℃, and the temperature of feeding water should be 25 ℃. Choose a fixed time for reasonable and scientific feeding, and at the same time improve the body's ability to keep out the cold. Keep a hygienic feeding environment in the circle every day, and do a good job of disinfection and sterilization. Adequate sunshine is helpful to the physical development of pigs, while paying attention to avoid unnecessary disturbance.

1. Temperature

The winter climate is cold and the air is dry, which can easily cause various diseases of pigs. It is necessary not only to control the indoor temperature, but also to control the water temperature of the feed at about 25 ℃. Good maintenance in the north can be raised in the greenhouse, and the heating should be opened in the shed at the right time to ensure that the temperature can be at least above 8 ℃. If you want pigs to grow fast, the indoor temperature must be maintained at about 20 ℃, while ensuring that the walls are impervious to the cracks to avoid "passing through the wind".

2. Feeding

The feeding time in winter should be fixed, and reasonable and scientific feeding should be carried out according to different production performance and growth stages of pigs. The primary formula of food should be to enhance disease resistance and gain weight, supplemented by improving the ability to keep out the cold.

3. Hygiene

For pigs to grow healthily, a clean environment is essential. In order to ensure the healthy growth of pigs in winter, to clean up the unclean things in the pigsty every day, it is necessary to disinfect and sterilize the pigsty regularly or irregularly.

4. Lighting

When there is plenty of sunshine, open the window and let the pigs bask in the sun. Because sunlight can promote the absorption of calcium, which is helpful to the growth and development of pigs, it can not only promote the transformation of vitamin D in the body, but also enhance its body resistance and vitality.

5. Stress

Pigs become very sensitive in cold weather. Should pay attention to the changes in and around the pigsty, check whether there are rats around, regularly put rat poison around the pen, and prevent harassment by cats, dogs and other animals. During the Spring Festival, avoid setting off fireworks and firecrackers around the pigsty to avoid growth retardation caused by shock.