
How to raise crucian carp not to die

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Crucian carp are easy to raise, as long as healthy and high-quality fry are introduced, disinfect and fertilize the pond before release, put in according to reasonable density, timely monitor water quality and dissolved oxygen in the process of culture, change water, clean and disinfect regularly, persist in a small number of times.

Crucian carp are easy to raise, as long as healthy and high-quality fry are introduced, disinfect and fertilize the pond before release, according to reasonable density, timely monitor water quality and dissolved oxygen in the process of culture, change water, clean and disinfect regularly, adhere to the principle of feeding a small number of times, ensure that crucian carp obtain adequate nutrition and meet growth needs, and can also be mixed with other fish to increase income. Do a good job of disease prevention and disinfection on a daily basis.

Cultured crucian carp as long as daily attention to control water quality, crucian carp is still very easy to raise, you can regularly sprinkle 2.5% trichlorfon powder into the pond to make the water 1ppm, daily regular change of water, to maintain the oxygen content in the water.

1. Crucian carp cultured in the family

In the process of breeding, it is necessary to raise and change the water regularly to ensure that the water contains enough oxygen. As the tap water contains bleach, it is best to rest for 2 days before use.

Crucian carp are omnivorous fish, usually they can be fed some rice or rice.

Crucian carp can be put into a basin to add residual cleaning to the water for cleaning, the place covered by residual cleaning in the water will be isolated from the air, and the crucian carp in the water will breathe out of the water because of lack of oxygen. If you want to achieve a better cleaning effect, you can change the water in the basin several times, and then add residual cleaning, but the amount of residual cleaning should be appropriate, if added too much will lead to crucian carp can not breathe or even die in the water.

2. Breeding in farms

1. Preparatory work

Select a place with sunny leeward and convenient drainage and irrigation to build a pond, empty the water in the pond before releasing fish fry, sprinkle a certain proportion of quicklime into the pond after exposure for a few days, and then pour some water into the pond.

2. Fish fry release

It is best to choose the high-backed crucian carp fry with faster growth speed, in order to ensure the survival rate of the fry, disinfect the fry with a certain proportion of salt water before putting it, the water temperature had better be controlled at more than 10 ℃, and the density had better be controlled at about 2000 pieces / mu. The reasonable density is convenient for daily culture management, and it can also be sold centrally, and can be mixed with other fish when breeding to increase production.

3. Water quality management

Crucian carp contains 2-3 times higher calcium and scales than other fish. in order to meet the growth needs of crucian carp, generally sprinkle calcium phosphate and lime solution into the pond every 15 days or so in order to meet the growth needs of crucian carp. If the water quality is too thin, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer to the pond, and you can also plant some duckweed or Chlorella in the pond. When the temperature is high, we should pay close attention to the change of water quality. as long as the water quality is not good, we should immediately change the water in the pond to adjust the water quality.

4. Feed feeding

Crucian carp is omnivorous fish, they mainly eat plants, in feeding to choose crucian carp favorite feed, adhere to a small number of feeding methods, can be divided into 6-8 times a day for a small amount of feeding. Crucian carp will eat less when the temperature is lower in spring, and the times of feed feeding can also be reduced correspondingly. When the summer temperature is higher, the growth rate of crucian carp will reach a faster rate, and their food intake will increase. Therefore, the number of feed feeding and proficiency should be appropriately increased.

5. Disease prevention

In the process of breeding, attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases. They are prone to diseases such as red Gill disease, water mildew disease, hepatobiliary syndrome and so on. If crucian carp are not treated in time, a large number of fish will be infected and even die. Therefore, quicklime should be regularly sprinkled into the pond for disinfection to reduce the chance of disease.