
The taboo of raising cattle

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Introduction from other places: if there are cattle in the local market, they should be purchased nearby. Introduction from other places increases the transportation cost and is easy to be deceived. No vaccination: not vaccinating in order to save money is the biggest taboo. Incomplete disinfection of enclosure: incomplete disinfection is easy to cause.

Introduction from other places: if there are cattle in the local market, they should be purchased nearby. Introduction from other places increases the transportation cost and is easy to be deceived. No vaccination: not vaccinating in order to save money is the biggest taboo. Enclosure disinfection is not complete: incomplete disinfection can easily lead to a series of infectious diseases. Feed reserves are not timely: failure to store adequate crop straw will lead to higher farming costs. Blind breeding: cattle must understand the market, have a certain breeding technology can be raised.

I. introduction from other places

Breeder cattle should be purchased nearby as far as possible, and if there are breeder cattle in the local market, they can be purchased directly locally, which is not easy to be deceived, and can also save some outbound inspection and transportation costs. In addition, breeder cattle are also easy to adapt to the new environment and will not have a greater rejection reaction.

Second, no vaccination

In the process of cattle growth, there will be some diseases, such as charcoal maggot disease, septicaemia, viral diarrhea, foot-and-mouth disease scabies, bovine lung disease, and so on. In the process of raising cattle, in order to prevent the occurrence of important diseases, it is necessary to inject vaccines to avoid unnecessary economic losses. Do not vaccinate cattle in order to save such a small amount of breeding capital.

Third, the enclosure is not thoroughly disinfected.

1. One of the daily tasks that must be done in general farms is sterilization and disinfection. Do not stop disinfection because of temporary ease, thus causing a series of infectious diseases, so as to avoid unnecessary economic losses. If there is more dust in the cattle farm, it is easy to cause respiratory diseases and spread some infectious diseases.

2. Plant ash water can be selected for sterilization and disinfection in cattle farms. It is an alkaline solution with good bactericidal power. First, the fresh plant ash is mixed with water, then it is boiled for about 1 hour, and then filtered into 30% hot plant ash water. It can be used for barn disinfection and cleaning appliances, which can not only sterilize and disinfect, but also save some breeding costs.

IV. Feed reserve is not timely

The fodder of cattle is mainly roughage, which is generally composed of crop straw, including rice straw, soybean straw, corn straw, wheat straw and so on. Generally, sufficient crop straw should be collected in time during the crop harvest season. Once the harvest season is over, to buy crop straw or other forage on the market is about 1-2 times more expensive than usual, or even higher.

5. Blind breeding

Market research must be carried out before breeding, with certain technical knowledge, do not think that raising cattle to make money, it seems easy to start breeding, you can first visit and study in the nearby farm area, conditions permit, you can work in the farm for about 1-2 years, so that you can not only feel the process of raising cattle, see whether they are suitable, but also learn certain technical knowledge of raising cattle.