
Three methods of weaning piglets

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The method of one-off weaning can be carried out at the age of 28-35 days after birth, the sows are driven out of the original pigsty, and the piglets are left in the original pigsty, raised separately and weaned. The method of weaning in batches: weaning the well-developed, strong appetite and heavy piglets in time, and the weak ones.

The method of one-off weaning can be carried out at the age of 28-35 days after birth, the sows are driven out of the original pigsty, and the piglets are left in the original pigsty, raised separately and weaned. The method of weaning in batches: weaning the piglets with good development, strong appetite and heavy body in time, and the weak piglets can be weaned later. Step-by-step weaning method: 4-6 days before weaning, the sows are driven to a place far away from the original circle, and the sows can be put back several times a day, and then gradually reduce the number of times.

First, the method of one-time weaning

1. Sows and piglets can be raised separately at one time at the age of 28-35 days after birth, and weaned at the same time. The specific method is to drive the sows out of the original pigsty, and then leave all the piglets to be raised in the original pigsty. This method is relatively simple and convenient, and can promote sows to be in estrus quickly after weaning.

2. the disadvantage is that after sudden weaning, sows are prone to mastitis, and piglets will also be stimulated by sudden weaning, which will affect their normal growth and development, so it is necessary to adjust the feed of sows before weaning, which is helpful to reduce milk production and take good care of piglets to adapt to the new living environment.

Second, the method of batch weaning

The piglets with good development, strong appetite and heavy body are weaned in time, while the piglets with weak body, poor appetite and small body can continue to be kept beside the sows and properly prolong the lactation period, which is beneficial to the healthy growth of weak piglets. This method can make the whole litter piglets grow normally and avoid stiff pigs, but it will prolong the weaning period and affect the estrus mating of sows.

III. Gradual weaning method

Can be weaned 4-6 days before the sow is driven to a place far away from the original circle to raise, sows can be put back to the original circle several times a day, later gradually reduce the number of breast-feeding, this method can avoid causing sow mastitis, or piglet gastrointestinal diseases, are more beneficial to sows and piglets, but it will be more labor-consuming and time-consuming.

IV. Matters needing attention in weaning and feeding

The main results are as follows: 1. Changing the feeding environment can easily lead to the decline of piglets' physique, and it is easy to be attacked by pathogenic microorganisms, so it is necessary to feed piglets in the original pigsty for 7 days, and then transfer the litter piglets to piglet breeding sheds. During this period, piglets can be re-grouped according to their physical condition to avoid fights between piglets.

2. After 7-10 days of feeding, it is necessary to transition to weaned pig feed, and the feeding amount can be increased gradually in the later stage. The daily feeding amount is about 5% of the body weight, which can be fed many times in small quantities, usually 4-5 times a day.

3. Clean and adequate drinking water should be supplied during the feeding process, and the water should be heated in winter. Piglets are sensitive to temperature. Generally, the suitable temperature of 21-day-old is 25-28 ℃, and the suitable temperature of 56-day-old is 20-22 ℃. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the pigsty warm and heat-proof, and the relative humidity of pigsty can be maintained at 65% 75%.