
How to raise leeches well

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is necessary to build a pool with a width of 3m, a depth of 1m and an unlimited length for breeding leeches, and a small amount of stones can be put at the bottom as a habitat for leeches, and high-quality species with strong, harmless and large wide body can be selected as leeches, and field snails, insects and earthworms can be fed during culture.

Breeding leeches needs to build a pool with a width of 3m, a depth of 1m and unlimited length, and a small amount of stone can be put at the bottom as a habitat for leeches, and high-quality species with strong, harmless and large wide body can be selected as leeches, and field snails, insects, earthworms, as well as solidified cow blood, sheep blood and pig blood can be fed during culture period, the suitable growth water temperature is 15-30 ℃, and the pool water can be discharged before winter. Then covered with grass to keep warm, it can be caught and sold from September to October.

Construction of aquaculture ponds

The leech culture pond can be built in front of the house or behind the house, digging a pond with a width of 3m, a depth of 1m and an unlimited length, or making use of ponds, ditches, low-yield fields, etc., to dig ditches and ridges into a culture pond with a ditch width of 3m, a width of 40cm and a height of 80cm, and a suitable water depth of 60cm, respectively, and a small amount of stones or branches are laid at the bottom of the pond as a habitat for leeches.

2. Capture and selection of leeches

1. Bamboo tube capture method

Cut the bamboo tube in half with a knife, cut off the scar joint in the middle, smear the animal blood in the bamboo, tie it up according to the original shape, insert it into the corner of the paddy field, let it be submerged by water, and then stir the water with branches to let the fishy smell of blood spread gradually. after smelling the fishy smell, the leeches will suck blood in the bamboo tube, and then take out the bamboo tube in the morning and catch the leeches.

2. The capture method of bamboo screen

Put viscera or animal blood wrapped in gauze inside the bamboo screen, tie the bamboo screen to the end of the bamboo pole, pick up the other end of the bamboo pole with your hand, and push the bamboo screen to move slowly in the paddy field. When the leeches smell the fishy smell, they will enter the bamboo screen, and then lift the bamboo screen to catch the leeches.

3. Select leeches

Large wide-bodied leeches with about 120-150 leeches per kilogram were selected as leeches.

4. Harvest time

The leeches are hermaphrodites, each of which can reproduce. The leeches lay eggs in the soil, and there are about 1-4 hatching cocoons each time. There are about 15-35 young leeches in each hatching cocoon, which generally begin to hatch in July, can grow to more than 2cm in 30 days, and can be captured and processed in September-October.

III. Culture management

The main results are as follows: 1. Leeches mainly eat snails. Field snails and longevity snails about 25kg can be raised in each mu of culture pond as bait for leeches, and insects and earthworms can also be fed. Animal blood needs to be fed every 7 days or so, and the solidified cow blood, sheep blood and pig blood can be divided into small pieces.

2. During the period of culture, it is necessary to keep the water clear and not be polluted, especially from July to August, when the temperature is relatively high, the water should be changed frequently. The suitable water temperature is between 15-30 ℃, below 10 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃, which will affect the robust growth of leeches. When the temperature is relatively low, leeches will stop feeding.

3. Before winter comes, the pool water can be discharged and covered with grass, which is helpful to keep the soil moist, let the leeches survive the winter safely in the soil, and deepen the water in the pool to avoid freezing.

4. The stocking density per mu of water pond should be about 20kg in early spring, and the fresh products can be harvested in autumn.

Third, capture and process leeches

1. Drown the captured leeches with lime water and remove the blood from the body to dry or dry.

2. Insert the leech's tail with a thin-pointed bamboo stick, then turn the head to the tail, turn the head around, wash the blood, dry it to 80% dry, pull out the bamboo stick and then dry it. The dried leech is susceptible to dampness. If it cannot be sold temporarily, it can be wrapped in a cloth bag or paper bag and stored in a dry place.