
Millet Spicy Planting Technology

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Millet chili is a heavy spicy variety, small in size, but spicy than ordinary pepper to be much higher, love to eat spicy friends for pepper love is more obvious. So, what is millet pepper planting technology? 1. Selection of land preparation, selection of good drainage and irrigation prescription

Millet chili is a heavy spicy variety, small in size, but spicy than ordinary pepper to be much higher, love to eat spicy friends for pepper love is more obvious. So, what is millet pepper planting technology?

1. Land selection and preparation

Choose land with good drainage and convenient irrigation, and deeply plow and make beds. The width of the beds is generally 1.3-1.7 meters (with furrows), planting 2-3 rows. At the same time, 50-80 loads of decomposed manure, 15 kg of calcium superphosphate and 25 kg of plant ash are applied per mu as base fertilizer.

2. Sowing seedlings

Before sowing, the bed soil should be fully wetted and smoothed. The seedbed width is generally 1.5-1.7 meters. Early-maturing seeds are generally sown in January, late-maturing seeds are generally sown in February-March, and 75-120 grams are required for planting one mu. After sowing, cover the seeds with fine soil mixed with old chaff ash or coal ash, the thickness is about 2 cm, and the seeds are covered.

3. Planting

The soil temperature above 15℃ is suitable for pepper planting. Early maturing varieties row spacing 40 - 50 cm, plant spacing 26-33 cm, 1 - 2 plants per hole, late maturing varieties row spacing 66-73 cm, plant spacing 50-60 cm, 1 plant per hole. Choose sunny afternoons for planting.

4. Field management

After planting survival, shallow cultivation once in time. After planting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer on sunny days, and the amount should not be too much or too thick each time. When the first and second layers of fruit are set, more fertilizer should be applied, and attention should be paid to watering during the growth period to keep the soil moist all the time.

5, pest control

The main diseases of pepper are: bacterial wilt, powdery mildew, timely inspection, found that the diseased plants immediately uprooted, burned, and symptomatic treatment to prevent transmission and spread.

The method of planting millet pepper is the same as that of ordinary pepper, but when purchasing seeds, pay attention to selecting excellent millet pepper varieties.