
The planting method of star anise tree

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The fruit and seed of star anise tree can be used as seasoning and medicine. It is mainly born in subtropical wet and warm valleys. Today, I will introduce the planting method of star anise tree to you. First, the planting of star anise should choose the north slope of the hilly and mountainous area with undulating terrain and shelter from the wind, and the soil

The fruit and seed of star anise tree can be used as seasoning and medicine. It is mainly born in subtropical wet and warm valleys. Today, I would like to introduce the planting method of star anise tree.

I. selection of sites

The planting of star anise should choose the north slope of hilly and mountainous area with undulating terrain and sheltered wind, and the land with deeper soil layer is more loose than fat and loose, and it is more convenient for drainage and irrigation.

II. Timely colonization

The best time for star anise tree planting is around Greater Cold. Generally, the row spacing of plants is 4 m × 5 m or 3 m × 4 m, and the planting density is 750 plants / ha. Dig a pit 30 cm deep and 40 cm wide and apply compound fertilizer. In order to improve the survival rate of afforestation, the best time for afforestation is in cloudy and rainy days.

III. Scientific fertilization

The best time for star anise fertilization is in February and June every year. Spring fertilizer can promote shoot growth, while summer fertilizer can promote star anise growth. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer for fertilization, compound fertilizer can be applied to young forests of more than three years old, and urea can be applied every year for one-to two-year-old trees.

Fourth, weeding

Weeds are easy to consume nutrients and water in the soil, so the star anise garden is ploughed and weeded at least 1-2 times a year. Weeding can be carried out artificially, and in woodlands with large occurrence area, glyphosate can be directly used for chemical weeding.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Effective prevention and control of star anise anthracnose can reduce the source of the disease. if the disease is found, the susceptible branches and leaves can be completely removed and burned, and 0.5% Bordeaux solution is sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. in order to improve the disease resistance of star anise tree, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or farm manure should be applied.

Star anise trees are distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces. Star anise is widely used in cooking. China's star anise exports account for more than 80% of the world market.