
Planting technique of leek

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Leek is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, and many friends may not know much about it, so today the editor will introduce the planting technology of leek to you. Let's take a look at it. First, leek planting techniques need to be arranged at the right time

Leek is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, and many friends may not know much about it, so today the editor will introduce the planting technology of leek to you. Let's take a look at it.

1. Planting techniques of leek

Planting leek needs to arrange the right time, usually sowing in late spring and early summer. Keep the topsoil moist to facilitate seedling emergence. Remove the residual plants and weeds of the previous crops and level the land. Be careful when the leaves begin to grow, irrigate once and loosen the topsoil when it is dry and wet. Do a good job of weeding, watering and fertilization in mid-tillage.

II. Disease and pest control

1. The main diseases and insect pests of leek are Botrytis cinerea, rot, red spider, onion thrips and root maggots. Compared with other onion and garlic vegetables, leek has fewer diseases and insect pests and is not controlled in production. The damage of Botrytis cinerea and root maggots of leek has been aggravated in recent years. The symptoms of Botrytis cinerea of leek are similar to those of green onion and leek. In the early stage of the disease, white spots appeared in the leaves, and the leaf tip dried up. When the occurrence was serious, gray-black mold could be seen and began to rot from the leaf tip.

2. Prevention and control methods: increase ventilation and reduce humidity, especially after watering. At the initial stage of the disease, Botrytis cinerea can be fumigated with 250 grams per mu and fumigated once every 7 to 10 days, which can play a role in prevention and control. When the disease is aggravated, 50% carbendazim and 50% carbendazim spray can be used for prevention and treatment. Root maggot control can be carried out before planting and in the seedling bed. 2000 times of dichlorvos or 3000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin EC can be sprayed at seedling stage.

The related questions about leeks are summarized here by today. I hope this article will be helpful to you.