
Culture method of potted lotus flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Every June to September, a large number of lotus flowers bloom in the lotus pond, which is very beautiful. The most important thing is that it can also be planted into a small potted plant to improve the environment in the house. what are the breeding methods of that pot of lotus? 1. Light and temperature require the lotus to like strong light and receive 7-8 hours of light every day.

Every June to September, a large number of lotus flowers bloom in the lotus pond, which is very beautiful. The most important thing is that it can also be planted into a small potted plant to improve the environment in the house. what are the breeding methods of that pot of lotus?

1. Light and temperature requirements

Lotus likes strong light and receives 7-8 hours of light every day, which can increase its buds and blossom continuously. Do not cultivate in the shade, lotus open-air display is appropriate, family pot lotus, must be placed on the balcony or in the courtyard. Lotus is very strict on temperature, generally 8-10 ℃ began to sprout, 14 degrees lotus root began to elongate, 25-30 degrees is the most suitable temperature for lotus growth and development, especially the rainy and sunny weather, more conducive to plant growth. At 18-21 ℃, the standing leaves began to be drawn. Flowering requires high temperature. When the new lotus root grows at 25 degrees, most cultivated species change to the stage of growing lotus root when the temperature drops before and after the Beginning of Autumn.

2. Selection of basin

The flower jar for container planting is generally 40-50 cm in height, 60-70 cm in diameter and 40-50 cm in diameter at the bottom of the cylinder. The flowerpot should be a wide-bottomed and shallow pot. The arrangement of vats and pots in the flower field should consider not only the growth needs of lotus flowers, but also convenient operation and economic land, the distance between cylinders is generally 70 cm x 70 cm, the aisle is about 100 cm, and the distance between pots is 50 cm x 50 cm, and the aisle is about 80 cm.

3. Basin soil requirements

Lotus requires fertile loam rich in humus, and pH should be 6. 5-7. 5. In the pot or pot in which the lotus is planted. First put in the silt of the lake pond of 3thumb 5, then add a small amount of water to mix into a thin mud, cut 3 sections into a section, and keep the terminal bud, waist bud and tail bud intact. Generally, it is appropriate to plant 2 kinds of lotus root in each cylinder (basin). It is not necessary to add water to the basin and jar 3-5 days after planting, and a small amount of water can only be added when the mud surface is cracked, so that the seed lotus root can be fastened in the mud to facilitate germination. With the emergence of floating leaves and the growth of vertical leaves, the water layer in the basin and tank is gradually deepened. To the basin and cylinder mouth.

4. Fertilizer requirements

Pot, tank cultivation of lotus, according to the container size fertilization generally with 200-500 grams of chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure or human manure as the base fertilizer (chicken manure is the best). 30 days after planting, the mature bean cake water or human feces and urine fertilizer were applied once, and the concentration was 10%. After the standing leaves were produced, they were topdressing for 1-2 times, and calcium superphosphate and potassium sulfate were applied every 7 days during flowering. High temperature in summer, lotus is easy to lose water, at this time cylinder planting lotus should be 1-2 days to add water; pot each plus 1-2 times, require the water temperature in the tank basin is roughly the same, and to maintain the water quality. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the lotus flower enters the dormant period, it is not necessary to add water frequently, only shallow water can be kept in the tank and basin.

5. Matters needing attention in potted lotus flowers

(1) Lotus means that it can blossom normally in a flowerpot with a diameter of less than 26 cm. At the same time, it must have the following three indicators: the average diameter of the flower does not exceed 12 cm, the average height of the standing leaf does not exceed 33 cm, and the average diameter of the standing leaf leaf does not exceed 24 cm.

(2) Lotus is cultivated with lotus root as a kind of lotus root, which goes through the process of germination, leaf expansion, flowering, fruiting, long lotus root and dormancy in a growth cycle. The period from the germination of lotus root to the period of the Beginning of Summer and Lesser Fullness of Grain is the stage of germination and unearthing. After the Spring Equinox, when the temperature rose to more than 10 ℃, the lotus root buds began to sprout. After Qingming Festival, when the temperature was above 15 ℃, they began to grow and float, and the lotus rhizome was drawn. When the temperature was above 20 ℃, the main whip produced standing leaves and had strong roots, which enhanced its ability to absorb fertilizer.

(3) the stage of exuberant growth is from the emergence of the standing leaf to the appearance of the standing leaf. In late June, enter the plum rain season, Rain Water more, high humidity, high temperature, the most suitable for the growth of lotus root, that is, enter the exuberant growth period. After that, a standing leaf grows about every 5-7 days, and one is higher than one; the main whip and lateral whip also grow quickly, while new lateral whips continue to be born and blossom. At this stage, we should strictly prevent the attack of strong winds and avoid breaking leaves and injuring roots.