
Cultivation techniques of chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chrysanthemum fresh and tender crisp, Artemisia Qingqi, chrysanthemum sweet fragrance. Carotene content is more than ordinary vegetables, cucumber, eggplant content of 1.5~30 times. All over the country are cultivated, then, what is the cultivation technology of chrysanthemum? 1. Selection and preparation of land for cultivation of chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum fresh fragrance tender crisp, have the pure air of Artemisia, sweet fragrance of chrysanthemum. The content of carotene in vegetables is 1.5-30 times higher than that in cucumbers and eggplants. It is cultivated all over our country, so what is the planting technology of Artemisia annua?

I. selection of land and land preparation

It is best to choose sandy loam to cultivate Artemisia annua, which requires convenient irrigation conditions. After selecting the land, ploughing and ploughing, and applying a small amount of dried manure as basic fertilizer, mixed evenly with the topsoil layer to make a flat bed with a width of 1.4 to 1.5 meters, ready to sow.

Second, sowing seeds

Artemisia annua planting mainly adopts sowing or strip sowing, covering soil about 1 cm after sowing, raking flat and suppressing. Spring sowing is usually from March to April, autumn from August to September, and winter from November to December. Leaflet varieties are suitable for close planting, with a large amount of seeds, 2-2.50 kg per mu, and large-leaf species with many lateral branches, a large degree of development, and a small amount of seeds, about 1 kg per mu.

III. Field management

1. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of Artemisia annua is 1720 ℃, and the sowing weather in early spring is still relatively cold, accompanied by cold in late spring, so it is necessary to cover the border with plastic film or old greenhouse film after sowing, compacted with soil around, keep cold and keep warm, wait for the weather to turn warm, and uncover the film before the seedlings are unearthed. When planting in protected areas for more than 25 ℃, the vents should be opened for ventilation.

two。 Weeding between seedlings

When the seedlings grow to about 10 cm, the leaflet species are pulled out square by plant and row spacing of 3 cm and 5 cm, while the large leaf species are pulled out by about 20 cm, and weeds are eradicated at the same time.

3. Watering and fertilizing

The seedlings should be watered after they are unearthed, and the watering time and times should be controlled flexibly to keep the soil moist as the standard. The available nitrogen fertilizer was applied once 10-15 days before each harvest, 15 kg of potassium nitrate and 8 kg of urea per mu.

The harvested chrysanthemum generally grows for 40 to 50 days and can be harvested when the plant is about 20 cm high. If you want to harvest many times, you can use a sharp knife to leave a stake of about 3 cm at the base of the main stem, and the tender stems and leaves will be tied up into small handfuls of 0.5 kg for sale. The old mackerel left behind after cutting should be fertilized and watered in time, and can be harvested again after 1 month.