
Cultivation Techniques of Artemisia Selengensis

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Artemisia is a kind of wild vegetable with a fragrant smell. The tender stems and leaves can be mixed cold or fried. In recent years, it has been welcomed by the market. Many farmers have begun to plant Artemisia selengensis. What are the planting techniques of Artemisia selengensis? 1. Seeding Artemisia argyi is generally carried out by direct seeding or

Artemisia annua is a kind of wild vegetable with fragrant smell. The tender stems and leaves can be salad and fried. In recent years, it has been welcomed by the market, and many farmers have begun to plant Artemisia annua, so what are the planting techniques of Artemisia annua?

First, sowing seeds

Artemisia annua L. is usually planted in the early and middle of March by direct seeding or strip sowing. The row spacing of strip sowing is about 30 cm, covered with soil and watered after sowing, the seedlings can generally emerge in late March, after emergence and time seedlings, uniform seedlings, seedling replanting where there is a lack of seedlings.

II. Land preparation

Before sowing, the sandy loam with good irrigation conditions and fertile soil is the best for non-Compositae crops. Before planting, ploughing should be done and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied. About 3000-4000 kg of rotten pig, cattle and manure or 150kg of rotten cake fertilizer should be applied per mu. During the growth period, topdressing was carried out from September to October with 10 kg urea per mu, sprinkled and combined with watering to promote the vegetative growth of Artemisia annua and prevent premature senescence in the later stage.

III. Field management

1. Weeding: after the emergence of Artemisia annua, the weeds on the edge of the field should be pulled out in time, so that the root system can develop better and make Artemisia annua grow more healthily.

two。 Watering: Artemisia annua has strong moisture resistance, but is not resistant to drought. In the hot and dry season, it should be watered frequently to keep the field moist and let it grow more healthily.

3. Pest control: there will be diseases and insect pests in Artemisia annua during the growing period, mainly aphids, galls, corn borer, cotton bollworm, diamondback moth and Artemisia annua belly elephant and other pests, which can be controlled by high-efficiency and low-residue pesticides such as Yitaibao, Carbazuron, pyrethroid and so on.

IV. Harvest

Artemisia annua L. can be cultivated in the open field or in facilities. Artemisia annua L. can be covered in many different ways, covered in stages and batches, and can be listed early, arranged for listing and balanced supply. Artemisia annua cultivated in greenhouse can be harvested when the plant height is 20-25 cm after 40-45 days. Artemisia annua cultivated in open field germinated by itself with the change of natural temperature. the tender stem grew rapidly when the average temperature was 12-18 ℃, and the market peak of Artemisia annua was in the first and middle of April.

The tender stems and leaves of Artemisia annua can be eaten, delicious, crisp, tender and nutritious, so it is a popular wild vegetable in the market at present.