
How to grow garlic in the north?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic is a condiment that we often use in daily cooking, especially in the north. The use of garlic is almost everywhere. There is a proverb that is to eat noodles without garlic, and the taste is less than half. Here we will talk about garlic planting technology.

Garlic is a kind of seasoning that we often use in daily cooking, especially in the north, garlic is used almost everywhere, there is a proverb "eat noodles without garlic, taste less than half". Here we are going to talk about the planting technology of garlic.

I. planting techniques of garlic

1. Prepare the ground. The ploughing depth is generally about 20cm, which should be carefully ploughed, raked flat and raked solid.

two。 Seed selection. Artificial seed selection, remove the garlic tray and stem plate, according to the large, medium, small and garlic heart classification.

two。 Planting. Planting garlic in autumn in the north is generally carried out from late September to early October, and the harvest season is between spring and summer of the following year.

3. irrigation. The water demand of garlic is relatively large, and it generally needs to be watered 4 times during the whole growing period. They are film mulching water, seedling water, moss water and swelling water.

4. Film mulching. After pouring the film coating water, when the ground is still slightly sunken, cover the film with a film mulching machine or manual method.

5. Fertilize. The principle of fertilization for green food garlic is mainly organic fertilizer, with a small amount of chemical fertilizer as the formula, with base fertilizer as the main fertilizer and topdressing as the auxiliary.

Second, the efficacy of garlic

Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in China, also summed up in the Compendium of Materia Medica that garlic has many functions, such as warming spleen and stomach, promoting appetite, helping digestion, relieving cough and hemostasis, promoting qi accumulation, detoxifying and killing insects, and so on. Modern scientific analysis shows that garlic contains not only protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, but also volatile oil with special odor. the oil contains allicin and a variety of allyl, propyl and methyl sulfide compounds. Due to the existence of these active ingredients, garlic has a variety of medical and health care functions.

Youdao is: big fish and meat is too greasy, peel a clove of garlic to relieve greasy; too vegetarian list, smash two cloves of garlic to enhance flavor; food seems not fresh, on a clove of garlic "sterilization"; cooking found no chopped onions, cut two cloves of garlic choking pot … Hey, do friends like garlic? It is said that the consumption of garlic can be divided into the north and the south. What do you think of it?