
Wang Yang: deepening the Reform of system and Mechanism, developing and strengthening the cause of Land Reclamation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At the national teleconference on land reclamation reform and development, Wang Yang stressed deepening the reform of system and mechanism, developing and strengthening the cause of land reclamation. On December 14, the national teleconference on land reclamation reform and development was held in Beijing, and Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Record of Xinhua News Agency

Wang Yang stressed at the national teleconference on land reclamation reform and development.

Deepen the reform of system and mechanism, develop and strengthen the cause of land reclamation

汪洋:深化体制机制改革 发展壮大农垦事业

On December 14, the national teleconference on land reclamation reform and development was held in Beijing. Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jie

The national teleconference on land reclamation reform and development was held in Beijing on the 14th. Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed: it is necessary to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further promoting the reform and development of land reclamation, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, adhere to agriculture-oriented, deepen innovation in systems and mechanisms, and speed up the transformation of the mode of development. we will promote reclamation areas to take the lead in basically realizing agricultural modernization and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Wang Yang stressed that the reform and development of land reclamation plays an indispensable and irreplaceable role in promoting agricultural modernization, ensuring national food security, and improving the agricultural economic system with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to speed up the reform of collectivization of reclamation areas, promote the industrialization of production and operation of state-owned farms and the localization of social management, constantly enhance the endogenous driving force and development vitality of land reclamation, and build modern agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness. We should attach importance to the construction of large-scale agricultural production bases, develop various forms of agricultural scale operation, develop the processing and circulation of agricultural products, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and build a modern agricultural industrial system, production system, and management system. efforts should be made to build land reclamation into a national team to ensure national food security and the supply of important agricultural products and a demonstration area for modern agricultural construction. It is necessary to speed up the construction of infrastructure in reclamation areas, improve the level of public services, improve the social security mechanism, and gradually raise the income level of workers. All localities and relevant departments should strengthen organization and leadership, implement support policies, and meticulously organize and implement them, so as to ensure the smooth progress of land reclamation reform.