
Planting technique of bottle gourd in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sweet bottle gourd is rich in nutrition, light fruit taste, tender quality, can be fried or simmered soup, is a favorite vegetable in summer. So, what is the planting technology of bottle gourd in greenhouse? 1. Disease resistance, strong stress resistance, good commodity characters, high quality and yield should be selected for variety selection.

Sweet bottle gourd is rich in nutrition, light fruit taste, tender quality, can be fried or simmered soup, is a favorite vegetable in summer. So, what is the planting technology of bottle gourd in greenhouse?

I. Variety selection

Early-maturing varieties with disease resistance, strong stress resistance, good commercial characters, high quality and high yield should be selected. Such as Hangzhou Changgua, Zhe Za No. 5, Xiaogan bottle and so on.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

The seeds were sown in a nutrition bowl in the middle and last ten days of January, and the seeds were treated before sowing. The covering method of plastic film, small arch shed and greenhouse can be used to keep heat. When the temperature is too low, grass curtain is added on the small arch shed to prevent frozen seedlings, and electric hotbed is used to raise seedlings if necessary. Strengthen the management of seedling stage. Cultivate robust and pest-free seedlings with short and thick internodes, thick green leaves and well-developed roots.

III. Soil preparation and fertilization

The root system of bottle gourd is shallow and can not tolerate barren, so it is appropriate to choose the soil with strong water retention and rich organic matter, and the previous crop should be non-cucurbit crops. The base fertilizer is mainly high-quality organic fertilizer, commonly used chemical fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Generally, rotten livestock and poultry manure 750~1000kg and calcium superphosphate 20~30kg are used as base fertilizer per mu, and other fertilizers are applied appropriately according to the specific conditions. Make the bed according to 1.5m (bag trench), spread the plastic film and dig the hole according to 2 rows (row spacing 80cm, plant spacing 60cm).

IV. Post-planting management

1. Plant adjustment

Build a herringbone frame at the beginning of the vine, and set up a horizontal frame 2-3 with a small bamboo pole or rough grass rope on the herringbone frame to facilitate side vine climbing. Artificial layered binding of vines is needed with the growth of the plant. The bottle gourd bears fruit on the side vine, and carries out the first pick when the main vine has six true leaves; when the vine bears fruit, it picks the heart for the second time, which promotes the extraction of the grandvine, and then allows it to grow naturally.

two。 Fertilizer and water management

Irrigate enough fixed root water when planting, and water again after slowing down the seedling. Before flowering and fruiting period, manure, organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied every 5 days or so; in fruiting period, manure or compound fertilizer should be applied every 10-15 days, and at the same time, the concentration of water and fertilizer should be controlled to prevent melons; watering should be done in time after fruiting period, and should be watered in the morning or evening. Foliar spraying with 0.5% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every 10 days. After each melon harvest, topdressing should be done once. Topdressing should be applied thin and diligently. Fertilizer was applied once after planting survival and coring, and during the fruit expansion period. After the beginning of harvest, topdressing 1 and 2 times by stages to promote the growth of melons in the later stage. Bottle bottle needs a lot of water, so it should be watered in time. As a result, during the drought, it can be watered once every two days, and when Rain Water is too much, it should be drained and waterlogged in time.

3. Auxiliary pollination

Every morning, the male flowers in full bloom are picked and painted with the stigma of female flowers. Generally, a male flower can be painted with 2 or 3 female flowers. Pollinated female flowers should be marked to avoid repeated pollination.

4. Pest control

The occurrence of diseases and insect pests of bottle gourd in greenhouse is generally mild. The main insect pests are aphids and Huangshou melons, which can be controlled by aphids, cypermethrin and so on.

When growing bottle gourd in greenhouse, it is necessary to harvest tender fruit in time, otherwise it will affect the taste. It is suitable to harvest tender fruit 10 > ~ 15 days after anthesis. The temperature of early ripening cultivation is low, and the fruit set in the early stage develops slowly and can not be harvested until 15-20 days after anthesis.