
How much is Sanyeqing per jin? What are the specific effects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Three-leaf green, also known as gold thread hanging gourd, snake aconite and so on, is generally used as a root or whole grass in traditional Chinese medicine. It can be picked, dried or used freshly throughout the year. In many folk prescriptions, Sanye Qing has the effect of anti-cancer. So how much is Sanyeqing per jin? Where exactly?

Three-leaf green, also known as gold thread hanging gourd, snake aconite and so on, is generally used as a root or whole grass in traditional Chinese medicine. It can be picked, dried or used freshly throughout the year. In many folk prescriptions, Sanye Qing has the effect of anti-cancer. So how much is Sanyeqing per jin? What are the specific effects?

1. How much is Sanyeqing per jin?

Three-leaf green medicine is powerful, its price is extremely high, but the region and quality are different, its price is also slightly different, there are hundreds of expensive, cheap dozens. Now the overall price of goods in the market is between 90 and 100 yuan, while the price of selected goods is between 110 and 140 yuan. The price here is for your reference only, and the specific price is mainly based on the market price at that time. There are also many unscrupulous merchants in the market who are inferior or sell counterfeit products, so they must make a comparison when buying.

Due to people's extensive picking and predatory development, the wild clover on the market is constantly decreasing, and the artificial planting of clover is being carried out continuously, but due to the limitation of growth environment and planting technology, its growers and planting area are still small. many areas can only be planted on a large scale through government support.

Second, the efficacy of Trifolium repens

The medicinal site of three-leaf green is the root, fruit or whole grass of three-leaf green. Its effective ingredients are alkaloids, compounds, reducing sugars, amino acids, quercetin, kaempferol and flavonoids. Verified by the modern hospital, it has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and dispersing knots, eliminating inflammation and relieving pain, dispelling wind and resolving phlegm, regulating qi and invigorating the spleen and so on. It is suitable for patients with snakebite, tonsillitis, lymph node tuberculosis, fall injury, febrile convulsion and other diseases.

In the folk folk prescription, Sanyeqing has anti-cancer effect, it is certain that Sanyeqing contains a variety of substances that inhibit the proliferation of various cancer cells and promote the apoptosis of cancer cells, among which ethyl acetate extract is the most significant. In addition, Sanyeqing itself is non-toxic, long-term use will not cause harm. Many other drugs will damage people's appetite, but Sanyeqing has the effect of appetizing and invigorating the spleen.

This is some knowledge about Sanye Qing. Although modern toxicological studies have proved that Sanye Qing is safe and non-toxic, it is recommended to take it under the guidance of a doctor.