
How much is the price of 2019 corn per jin? What is the rising and falling trend of corn?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Corn is the second largest grain variety in China, and it is planted in more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. China is not only a big corn growing country, but also the largest corn consumer in the world. Although corn plays a very prominent role in crops in China.

Corn is the second largest grain variety in China, and it is planted in more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. China is not only a big corn growing country, but also the largest corn consumer in the world. Although corn plays a very prominent role in China's crops, the price of corn is actually not high. Let's take a look at the price and rising and falling trend of corn in 2019.

I. the price of corn

September has come to the season of corn sale. at present, the purchase price of corn is about 0.93 yuan per catty. If you bring down the feed factory, the better corn can be sold for 0.95 yuan per jin. The price of corn varies from region to region, and the price of corn with good quality may be higher. In recent years, the price of corn is not particularly ideal, on the whole, it belongs to a downward trend. Especially due to the influence of African classical swine fever this year, the role of corn as feed has been tightened, which has led to a decline in corn prices. For growers who have a certain amount of storage, it is advisable to ship the goods as soon as possible.

Second, the use of corn

The main role of corn in our country is as animal feed, and most of the corn in our country is consumed as feed. Although the State Council has issued a number of policies to encourage pig farming, it will take at least more than 10 months to ease the tight supply of pigs. So the price of corn will not rise much until at least next year, but it can be predicted that the demand for corn will enter the peak period in June.

In addition, the sales of deep processing enterprises are slow, and there is still a large amount of inventory for corn. since the temporary storage corn auction this year, the trading quota has been in the doldrums, traders are not willing to participate in the auction, and deep processing enterprises are unwilling to do inventory. Under the influence of selling down but not selling up, the double auction of one week has undoubtedly exerted greater pressure on the market at this stage. For farmers, planting corn is still a relatively lossmaking thing.

The above are some analyses and predictions about corn prices this year. Friends who grow corn in a large area need not be discouraged. The prices of agricultural products always fluctuate. If you are not in a hurry to sell, you can store the corn first and sell it when the price is high next year.