
Beauty means how much is a jin of grapes? What is the specific effect?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Meizhi grape is a hybrid grape variety cultivated by Japanese Grape Research Institute in 1984. because its shape and fingertips are very similar, it was introduced into China in 1996. It tastes sour and sweet, which can not only give birth to Jin and quench thirst but also strengthen spleen and appetizer. So this kind of

Meizhi grape is a hybrid grape variety cultivated by Japanese Grape Research Institute in 1984. because its shape and fingertips are very similar, it was introduced into China in 1996. It tastes sour and sweet, which can not only give birth to Jin and quench thirst but also strengthen spleen and appetizer. So what is the price of this grape today? What is the specific effect?

I. the price of beauty

Beauty refers to coloring in East China in early August and maturing in late August, and beginning in late August in North China and maturing in mid-late September. Some people say that this kind of grape belongs to genetically modified fruit, but it is not. Beauty refers to actually a hybrid variety, which has nothing to do with genetic modification. At present, there are no genetically modified grape varieties in China, and it is not reliable to judge whether it is genetically modified food according to its shape and color.

At present, the market price of beauty is also higher, the general price is 8-15 yuan per jin, its price varies according to its quality and region. If it is in the origin of the beauty, the price will be relatively cheap, while in the more remote areas, the price will be relatively high due to freight and labor costs. The specific price is mainly based on the local actual situation, and the price here is for your reference only.

Beauty refers to the grape fruit is very large, but the flesh is very crisp, there is no flavor, it is particularly sweet and refreshing to eat. Eating beauty refers to a lot of benefits, can tonify the liver and kidney, but also have a very good effect of tonifying qi and blood, but also a good appetizer can also produce body fluid, for urination has a very good effect.

Beauty finger contains a lot of vitamins, many people also use beauty finger as a therapeutic fruit, beauty finger can treat dizziness and palpitation, if it is cerebral anemia, you can eat some wine soaked with beauty finger every day. Drink two or three times a day. Beauty refers to the fact that it can also prevent and fight cancer, while the antioxidants in grape skins and juices can well prevent memory loss. However, if people with diabetes or constipation are not suitable to eat more beauty refers to, its sugar content is too high, is not conducive to disease control.

Let's stop here with regard to beauty. I don't know if any friends have eaten this grape. Now there are many kinds of fruits on the market. It can be said that there are different varieties all year round. If we don't pay attention to them, we may really miss out on these varieties with unique flavor. Interested friends can also give it a try.