
How to deal with burning seedlings if fertilizing too much?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the process of plant growth, fertilization is generally carried out in order to make plants grow better and faster, but improper fertilization may also cause seedling burning, so how to deal with excessive fertilization and burning seedlings? First, what is fertilization? Fertilization refers to the application of some element fertilizer

In the process of plant growth, fertilization is generally carried out in order to make plants grow better and faster, but improper fertilization may also cause seedling burning, so how to deal with excessive fertilization and burning seedlings?

First, what is fertilization?

Fertilization refers to the agricultural technical measures that apply some element fertilizers to plants or soil to provide nutrients for plant growth and to maintain and improve soil fertility.

Because the main purpose of fertilization is to increase crop yield and improve crop quality, it must be reasonable in the process of fertilization. Too much or too little will have a certain impact on crops.

The main types of fertilizers are nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer and so on, which are used most frequently.

Second, how to deal with excessive fertilization and burning seedlings?

If the foliar fertilizer is too much to burn the seedlings, you can spray water properly, shade and cool down, and then spray some brassine to make the new leaves grow faster.

If the root fertilizer is too much to burn the seedlings, the undissolved fertilizer on the soil surface can be removed, and then irrigated with clean water, the excess fertilizer can be washed away, or the soil can be changed to re-water and fertilize.

Third, how to apply fertilizer reasonably?

1. It is necessary to cooperate reasonably and promote the coordination of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer.

2. Determine the amount of fertilization according to the condition of the soil.

3. According to the fertilizer requirements of all kinds of crops, reasonable application, different crops, the types, varieties and quantities of nutrients are different.

4. apply fertilizer during the period when fertilization is needed, and grasp the opportunity of fertilization.

5. When topdressing, different amounts of fertilizer should be selected for each crop, not too much or too little. Excessive topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer can easily lead to crop growth, decrease in disease resistance and lodging resistance, and reduce yield.