
What about the drug damage in corn field?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Corn is a common crop, there will be some insect pests or diseases in the growth process of corn, so it is necessary to spray some pesticides in time. If there is an overdose, there will be drug damage. What about the drug damage in the corn field? 1. Common drug damage 1. Nicosulfuron: nicosulfuron

Corn is a common crop, there will be some insect pests or diseases in the growth process of corn, so it is necessary to spray some pesticides in time. If there is an overdose, there will be drug damage. What about the drug damage in the corn field?

1. Common drug damage

1. Nicosulfuron: nicosulfuron is most prone to drug damage in heavy use or heavy spray core leaves plus high temperature and drought weather. After the damage, the heart leaves of corn first turn yellow, and then extend to the whole leaves and other leaves; the growth of corn will be inhibited, the plant will be dwarfed, and some clumps and secondary stems may be produced, which can be recovered in a week, while the serious ones can seriously inhibit the growth and it is difficult to recover.

two。 Atrazine: atrazine is easy to cause drug damage when it is used too much or in high temperature weather. Leaf tip chlorosis, yellowing or light green phenomenon, slow growth, general drug damage is not serious, 7-10 days can be recovered.

3. Nitrofenone: because of its high safety and slightly better control effect on weeds in the field, it is loved by some farmers because it is safe and can be sprayed all over the field, which also reduces everyone's awareness of herbicide safety. however, the use of large doses and high temperature will still cause drug damage. The main performance is that maize leaf albinism (discoloration but not dry in the early stage, which is different from paraquat) affects photosynthesis and has obvious inhibitory effect on the growth of maize, and the greater the dosage, the more serious the damage.

4. Dimethyltetrachloride: dimethyltetrachloride has a good control effect on sedge and large broad-leaved weeds in corn field, and it is often used with nicosulfuron, which has a certain sales volume in the market. these herbicides are hormone-type herbicides, which mainly induce crop deformities, and obvious deformation of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and ears.

When spraying or using too much in hot days, the leaves of corn curl, the leaves are thick green, the heart leaves are vervain or onion, the stem becomes flat and fragile, it is easy to break, the aboveground produces short and thick malformed supporting root, the main root is short, and the growth is restrained; it is easy to lodge in overcast, rainy and humid weather, which mainly affects the developing aerial root in the later stage, shrinks the root system, affects the absorption of normal nutrition of corn, and also has a certain effect on corn ear.

Second, how to prevent and cure it?

1. If the drug damage has occurred, it should be rescued in time, and the excessive amount of herbicides should be used to spray in time to remove the residual liquid on the leaves of corn, reduce the concentration of herbicides in corn and reduce the drug damage.

two。 When the drug damage is mild, for the corn whose leaves are yellow and dry, but the heart leaves are normal, we can spray some foliar fertilizer or regulators to alleviate the drug damage, such as brassinolide, strengthen the management of corn fertilizer and water in the later stage, and remedy water and fertilizer in time, so as not to cause large area loss.

3. You can choose herbicides with high safety, such as the popular safe nicotinic acid, or add a safety spray.

Corn in the use of medicine, do not increase the use of medicine at will, should be used in accordance with the requirements of the instructions.