
How much is a ton of cotton now? How to manage the later stage of production?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cotton is an important economic crop in our country. It can not only make quilts, but also make all kinds of cotton clothes. Its application value is very high. It is planted in most areas of the north. How much is cotton per ton now? How to manage the later stage of production? How much is cotton now per ton

Cotton is an important cash crop in our country. It can not only be used as quilts, but also as various cotton clothes. Its application value is very high. Most areas in the north are planted. How much is cotton now? How to manage late production?

How much does cotton cost per ton?

1. Domestic cotton: cotton spot market adjustment last week, high-grade Xinjiang cotton resources are relatively small. As of August 25, China Cotton Price Index (CCIndex 3128B) closed at 15907 yuan/ton (+12 yuan/ton, weekly rise and fall, the same below), compared with the main force 1801 basis difference of 642 yuan/ton (-38), the basis level has reached a reasonable range.  

2. Imported cotton: As of August 25, China Cotton Import Index (FCIndexM) closed at 86.2 cents/lb (+2.9), and the discount rate was about 15609 yuan/ton (+326), which was +298 yuan/ton higher than that of real estate cotton at the same level (excluding quota price).  

II. How to manage the later stage of cotton production?

1. One season spring sowing cotton field

(1)Field management: premature senescence cotton field late easy to appear secondary growth, should be removed in time new buds. It is recommended to remove empty branches and old leaves in late crop and vigorous cotton fields to prevent field depression. For cotton fields with mild lodging, push and ridge can improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the field. At the same time, timely removal of tall weeds and dodder and other malignant weeds.

(2)Foliar fertilizer: for cotton fields affected by flooding or waterlogging and with signs of premature aging, foliar fertilizer can be used, commercial foliar fertilizer or 3% urea solution plus 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, sprayed once every 5~7 days, continuously sprayed 2~3 times. Cotton fields that need defoliation, ripening and mechanical harvesting should not be sprayed with foliar fertilizer. Foliar fertilizer spraying time should be selected cloudy or evening to prevent "burning leaves." To reduce labor, foliar fertilizer spraying can be combined with chemical pesticide spraying.

(3)Pest control: strengthen the prevention and control of cotton field pests such as Laodelphax striatellus, cotton bug, Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera exigua, do a good job of unified control, and reduce the occurrence probability of large-scale diseases and insect pests in cotton field caused by factors such as excessive growth of cotton plants or late maturity of greenery.

(4)Xinjiang Cotton Region: First, strengthen the chemical control management of fertilizer and water mainly to promote early maturity, shape reasonable yield structure and population canopy structure of cotton field through chemical control after topping, and prevent excessive growth and closure of cotton field; Second, strengthen comprehensive management of disaster prevention and reduction, focus on the prevention and control of cotton bollworm, cotton bug, red spider and boll disease, and strengthen disaster prevention work in later stage, especially extreme disastrous weather such as hail disaster and rain disaster; Third, strengthen defoliation ripening management, spray defoliation ripening agent timely according to cotton boll opening rate and climatic conditions; Fourth, strengthen harvesting management. Remove impurities, residual film and drip irrigation pipe fittings before harvesting in machine-picked cotton fields. Harvest cotton fields when defoliation rate ≥93% and boll opening rate ≥95%. Hand-picked cotton fields shall prevent "three threads" from mixing or mixing.

2. Seedling transplanting cotton field

(1)Timely chemical control: in late-onset and late-maturing cotton fields, when most bolls reach 70%~80% of the boll stage (i.e. more than 45 days) and the highest temperature is above 20℃ for 3~5 consecutive days (generally in the middle of October), ripening treatment should be carried out in time, spraying 40~50 kg/mu of water with 200ml/mu of 40% ethephon solution, so that the upper and lower leaves of cotton plants are evenly medicated.

(2)Disease and pest control: through the increase of potassium fertilizer, drainage, foliar fertilizer and other measures to prevent the occurrence of "two wilt disease"; for the disease and serious disease of cotton fields, can be used to irrigate roots, uproot sick plants and other measures. Enhance field ventilation and light transmission, drainage and water pollution reduction to prevent rotten bells. Boll rot is easily caused by boll disease during boll opening period. It can be sprayed with 200 times Bordeaux mixture or 50% zinc wettable powder 600 times solution every 10 ~15 days for 3~4 consecutive times. The control of Spodoptera litura and Bemisia tabaci should be emphasized. Sex attractants should be used to trap adults; biological pesticides such as nuclear polyhedrosis virus insecticides should be used to control larvae, and the best control period should be selected in the 2nd instar larvae that have not yet dispersed damage. Low volume spraying should be carried out. In addition to uniform spraying on plants, the ground near the rhizosphere of plants should also be sprayed thoroughly to prevent missing control of larvae falling to the ground. When the number of whitefly occurs (≥ 3/cm2), spray with 50% nitenpyram soluble granule 15000 times.

(3)Disaster reduction and recovery: pay close attention to the impact of typhoons and other meteorological disasters, and actively take technical measures for disaster prevention and reduction. After typhoon rainstorm, timely drainage, soil cultivation and root fixation of cotton plants shall be carried out in time. According to the situation of cotton plants after disaster, topdressing can be combined with root to promote recovery growth. At the same time, harvest in time, the best harvest time is about 1 week after boll shell cracking.

3. Direct seeding cotton field after wheat (oil)

(1)Nutrient supply: wheat (oil) after direct seeding cotton generally upper boll more. In case of insufficient growth, special foliar fertilizer should be sprayed in mid-September to supplement nutrition, or 2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed directly to increase cotton bolls and increase boll weight.

(2)Scientific chemical control: after wheat (oil), direct seeding cotton blossoms and bolls are concentrated. In the first ten days of October, fine and windless weather can be selected. 30~ 40g/mu of thiabenzuron powder and 200~ 300ml/mu of 40% ethephon aqueous solution are used to spray the whole field with 40~ 50kg/mu of water. Defoliation ripening agent is required to be prepared now, 8 hours after spraying, if it rains, it should be sprayed. Spray should be sprayed evenly, so that the upper and lower leaves of cotton plants evenly coated with medicine, to achieve the whole cotton plant by medicine. For cotton fields with late maturity or delayed spraying period, the dosage should be increased appropriately. After defoliation and ripening treatment, it is generally concentrated in 15~20 days, and attention should be paid to timely harvest.

(3)Disaster prevention and reduction: irrigation should be timely for dry cotton fields. In case of typhoon and rainstorm, cotton lodging should be strengthened after disaster treatment and recovery management. In the later stage, we should focus on the prevention and control of red spider, cotton bollworm and other diseases and insect pests, and insist on integrated control and biological control.